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However, Lin Xiaozhu is accomplished into the underground, which is full of uncertainty.

Bi East stared at it, she didn't believe that Lin Xiaozhu would be so easy to kill.

At this moment, only the demon will understand that Lin Xiaoshu not only didn't die, but also broke the power of the world.

"Boom, Boom, Boom" is in the past, it is too strong, and it is increasingly strong.

At this moment, I stepped on the earth's magic dragon, I saw that there was a huge power in the bottom of the mountain to shake it.

The huge body of the demon god seems to be adjacent to dozens of mountains, but it is also contest.

Bisong immediately understood that this is the underground Lin Xiaozhu launched an attack.

He not only didn't die, but also burst more fierce power.

If you don't see it, you will not believe that under the terrorist attack of the Tiandu Dragon, Lin Xiaozhu is not only surviving, but also launches the vast attack.

It is simply incredible!

" -" lightning sound.

At this time, the Magic Dragon's full body lightning is moving, the current is like the sky.

At the moment, the demon system is extremely huge arc, as if it is a round of super moon, bloom in the air, and shuts it on the extreme body.

The power of the Maguo Dragon is full of outbreak!

Only listening to the "bang", its giant claw instantly took the power of the mountain in the mountains, and the earth was deeply collapsed again.

This kind of force is destroyed, even if there are dozens, hundreds of sealed Douro will also be under this claw into meat, it is impossible to stop such a terrible attack.

However, even the demon god has no effort to make a whole moment.

The vibration of "Boom, Boom, Boom ····" came from underground, and there was a crack on the earth.

These terrible cracks spread from all sides, it seems to be extended to the end of the day.

Red energy fluctuations with high ignition, like flames, and the whole land seems to be in this moment.

Boom - Boom - Boom -

Under the powerful power, the entire continent follows the giant.

At this moment, regardless of how the current is poured, no matter how the power of the demon god is crazy, it cannot be suppressed.

In this burst of roar, I saw that the boulder of the Tiandu Dragon was suppressed on the ground.

Obviously, it is slowly stroked by a huge force.

Seeing a scene in front of you, there is a deep shock in the beauty of the eastern.

A fire red giant is on the paw of the Tiandou Dragon, and the huge palm is even changing with the giant claws of the demon.

"Catch, click ····" sounded, although the earth has collapsed a deep giant pit, it can be collapsed in a large area under the distance.

This deep pit is cracking. Countless muds, it is like a mountain to fall from the air, and the horrible moment is like the end of the world.

Finally, the giant claws of the Maguo Dragon were lifted high.

At this time, under the boulder of the Magical Dragon, there is red energy fluctuations like flames.

The body of the hate has gradually stood up from the bottom. At this time, he became a lot of times, and there were hundreds of meters high, and the huge body was like a mountain.

Eight-door armor!

Lin Xiaozhu used to see the color of the domineering, and I want to defeat the , only the eighth door can be opened.

Since he has seen the result, he will not hesitate.

Today, his strong recovery ability has long been in the past, even if the "dead door" is not false, you need to recover for a long time.

After the eighth door is open, Lin Xiaoshu's war has soared hundreds of times.

The seventh door is opened in the state of havery, his strength is already equivalent to a half-god, and now opens the last, and the war has soared to the constant people.

The violent energy is like a blazing flame. It is generally burned, even the demon will feel a strong sense of compression.

It is completely shocked!

In the demon eyes, the state before Lin Xiaoshu is strong, but it is fully acknowledging, but when the other party has opened the eighth door, it actually clear the strength of this guy before.

Strong, such as the Tiangu Dynasty, the heart is not rising from a sense of destruction.

too strong!

This kind of compression makes the demon suffocation, even the legs are soft, I want to fell to the ground.

The same shock than the heart of the East, she looked at the scene of amazing in front of him.

If it is not absorbed by 300,000 soul rings, the strength has increased, and it is afraid that there will be violent energy from Lin Xiaozhu's body, and it is heavy.

When the giant claws of the Tiangtian Dragon were slowly lifted, it was clear that the firing of the trend is as similar to the world. This fire sea is to burn everything in the world as ashes.

In fact, this is not a flame, but the energy fluctuations produced by sweating evaporation after the eight-door armor.

It is more awesome than usual flames, and the impact is instantly bombing a mountain. It is not ordinary flame energy.

With the huge body of the havere, the violent energy fluctuations is really like the vast fire, as if to swallow this world.

He is also tied to a lightning lock chain, and the lightning of the demon release is crazy, like he swallowed him.

However, Lin Xiaozhu did not think of it. Now he is from ignore this level of attack. When the sharp spikes are hit by him, there is no point, and even sweat is not hurt. .

Lin Xiaoshu at this time, like a sleeping, still closed his eyes.

Seeing his look, no matter whoever, it feels that this is a big thing sleeping.

In the sleep, just put together the giant claws of the Tiandian Dragon with one hand.

Even how the power of demon god broke out, no matter how it hangs, you can't press Lin Xiaozhu.

Slowly, the huge body of the Maguo Dragon was raised by Zhu.

Although it looks like a sleeping dream, it is very easy to make a very easy thing. It seems that his palm is just a lightweight.

Seeing Lin Xiaozhu lifted the demon god in this state, and suddenly made a stupid eye than the East.

It was still fully suppressed by the other party, and the strength between the eyes increased to this point, and even the most powerful existence of the beast soul.

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