Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 588 crashing the demon god

You can search for the latest chapter in Baidu, "Sign in Douro Sign in to the World Skyllirts ("

Prior to this, the lightning release of the demon god is like the big net, and Lin Xiaozhu is inundating.

However, at this time, all lightning in the sky aggregate to one place, and it is the most powerful current impact.

In the huge sound, the impact out is like a Wangyang sea, the dam is down, and the moment is flooded between the heavens and the earth, and the crazy pounce toward Lin Xiaozhu.

"Boom, Boom, Boom ····" The roar is endless, the torrent of the general lightning seems to be destroyed in front of it.

When the lightning is shocked, a tall peak is annihilated in this moment.

So horrible scene is like the end of the world, even in terms of thousands of miles, seeing this scene will be scared to be frightened and cannot get up.

"Hey!" The collapse sounded, and the shock of the lightning flood, the whole land was divided into four-fold five, in the violent current, began to fall.

In the face of so powerful, so horrible lightning floods, Bibi is very worried about Lin Xiaozhu can't resist this hit, but even so, she can't help any busy, I can only look at it.

The demon god knows that the strength of Lin Xiaozhu is too far away, and if this war does not have to lose, it has launched his most powerful lightning attack.

When the "" sounded, when this danger was hung in the first line, the six soul rings rose from Lin Xiaozhu.

That Dao Soul ring and the huge body of the huge body at this time, as if a colorful mountain rose, this scene is both spectacular.

The fourth soul is glitting, and the black rays seem to be like the dark star in the universe, so that the world is eclipsed, and the fourth soul technology is launched.

The formation of the gold scaff shield and the past.

It turned into a day of heaven from the sky, turned into a giant screen, instantly blocked in front of Lin Xiaozhu.

Jin Guang falls from the sky, and the scene is extremely spectacular.

When the golden light dropped from the sky is on the ground, it seems to have a life, and countless photometers are jumped on the ground, like some of the elf with life.

"Boom -" sounds, and the golden light dropped from the sky blocks the mad lightning.

When the lightning hit on the golden giant scene, the light curtain should be broken, and the flash of lightning will disappear.

It was originally thought that it would be an earth-shattering collision, but it is over here, and it doesn't seem to have happened.

Of course, there is a flashing light ball in addition to Lin Xiaozhu.

The sight of the sight is revealed, and the huge light ball whose shining is in his palm.

Light ball is getting brighter, the moment, the light turning, is like a 10,000 sun exploded in the hands of the wheeze, and the whole world has changed, except for the light.

"Boom", the light ball is like a rainstorm, which is generally descending from the sky, crazy to the Magical Dragon swept.

This is the first time Lin Xiaoshu opened eight unspeakable arms.

The gold scales and before, the difference is great, and the power is too bad.

Boom - Boom - Boom -

A series of skewers of the earth-shaped sound, the light ball is bombarded.

Light ball is like a huge waves, terrible power smashes the dark clouds of the sky, dispersing everything in the world.

It is shrouded between the heavens and the earth, and the whole world seems to be in the ocean of light, the ray is like a long time from everyone, he will not dissipate it for a long time.

There are even many soul beasts to stay at this moment, in all the time they remain, they see such a light, except for this.


After a huge explosion, the white light gradually disappeared.

There is a big pit in the ground, this big pit is big to seek into a ocean.

A burst of wind rolls, there have been a huge dragon volume, swept in the distance.

Just a defensive master, attacking the auxiliary scenario can cause such a horrible situation, and have to be very shocking.

When attacking broke out, it was a defense of the soul than the East, and he flew to the distance. Finally, the waves flew in the sky, fell to the ground, spit blood.

The light is to be affected, there is a feeling of robbery, and it is more no need to say that it is in the explosion center.

Its body is blown away, lying there, looks desperate look.

But since Lin Xiaoshu did not hear the system prompt, it proved that the demon god was still alive.

However, it is alive.

Seeing that tens of thousands of hunters, weak appearances, the black smoke they attached, know that it has not continued to fight.

Even if it is more than the East, it can also kill it.

The Bi East climbed up, and the big mouth was shocked by the scene in front of him, and he could not close a long time.

Lin Xiaoshu's attack is too terrible. She feels that even God is, it can't confront such a violent soul.

The ratio is moved from Lin Xiaozhu.

Zhen Zhen standing there, the heiliness of the bodies, he seems to fight for the fight, everything stands in front of him, will be defeated by him without exception.


The pair of

And his opponent can't stand it, there is no way to get it.

The demon god is looking to the sky, until it is now there is no way to believe that he has lost it all.


In the state of the eight armor, Lin Xiaozhu did not complete all.

He has 10,000 ways to kill the Tianguo Dragon, but it has not been done.

The most evil thing is that Lin Xiaoshu actually said that such a strong he is in front of some existence.

So what are you?

The chest of the demon god is very stuffy, and it is unpredictable to feel the pain. Its breathing is very urgent, the brain is chaotic.

Gradually, his eyes were actually wet.

If you are seen by other soul beasts, it will be shocked. This is not always, the immorincinal demon god is tears.

Lin Xiaozhu took the mouth, and the number was noted: "How come it still cry?"

When the Magical Dragon did not answer, after the other party's words, it was instantly laughing, and he kept smashing.

Originally, I was invincible to the world, and I thought of the demon god of the conquest, it felt that I was very weak for the first time.

Don't say the terrible existence in the Xiaoshukou, the light is in front of Lin Xiaozhu, it has no courage to fight with the other party.

The ratio came back from the horror in the East, and the wings were flying over. She hoped to take a shower with the eyes of Lin Xiaozhu.

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