Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 596 absorbs 700,000 years of soul ring

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Bi Ji saw this look like Zi Ji, and the long sigh.

At this time, she already understands that it is more than the character of Zi Ji, most of them will leave yourself right away.

She went to Ziji, attached to the ear: "Do you think so big, the beast god will not know?"

I heard this, the pupil of the Zi Ji shrinks.

The previous wars, the weather that Zhu Ruyu sent, even if they feel, the beast gods can't feel, even including the legendary existence, will inevitably feel this breath.

The reason has not yet appeared, must be because of fear of bailout branches, so that for many years is destroyed once.

But I really want to irritate him, and what happens at all.

Zi Ji knows that Lin Xiaoshu is strong, and even strongly of the beast God.

However, Lin Xiaozhu is still in a weak state, if the two are really a happening, when it is handed over, and the winning is not known.

What's more, the underground area of ​​the lake in life is still always in the terrible existence. ····

Thinking of this, Zi Ji bites his teeth and turned to Bi Ji, said: "Let's go."

If you don't have to say goodbye to Lin Xiaozhu, directly into a purple man, and go to the distance.

Bi Ji is slightly smuggled, then flying behind her.

I saw that the two were so rushed away, Lin Xiaoshu stood up, and some of them looked at them, Zhang Zhang said, no words.

In the case of he spotted the reason why Zi Ji was doing this to protect himself.

After this, Lin Xiaoshu did not stay in the place, but immediately let Daming and Two Ming bring himself to the place where they usually live, he wants to let the soul of the soul for a while, and return to Safety City after absorbing the soul ring.

At that time, his strength would be more powerful, and there is also a full grasp to the mysterious owner in the tower.

After coming to the periphery of the lake of life, Lin Xiaozhu quietly recovered.

Because there is a soul skill "Soul", his soul is restored after a day, although the muscles have some pain, Lin Xiaozhu did not continue to wait, because the demon dreams and the line of Line returned to the store He guess how long it can't be used, and the owner will send people again.

Even if it is more than the East promised the Wushu Temple, it will delay them for a while, but Lin Xiaoshu does not know what is strong to the existence of the minaret.

If the strength of the Wushu Temple is not enough to resist, that is very fast, the store will find his head again.

At that time, I only had a battle.

Therefore, Lin Xiaozhu should make yourself strong as much as possible.

After he detected that his soul has been restored, he took out the black tea kettle, and the huge bodies of the Chifun God were released.

At this time, the sound of flying cigarettes came from this time: "Let me go out, let me go out!"

When she was just imprisoned to the tea, she also took a few reluctant and reluctant to Lin Xiaozhu down.

She feels that the shooting store will definitely send people to rescue themselves.

It can be gradually, the past day, the flying smoke finds not only no one to save himself, even if there is no one, it seems to be left in this dark place.

Later, there were some powerful but filled the energy fluctuation of death at the tea, which didn't feel anything.

This almost allowed her to collapse. At this time, he heard the sound of the outside, and immediately began to plead.

If this is not called, Lin Xiaoshu even has forgotten the existence of this woman.

He has a little helpless, said: "You will stick to you again, let you go out when I leave here."

Nowadays, the flying cigarette will not threaten him, so he doesn't want to start with it.

Lin Xiaozhu said that he did not listen to what the other party said, and directly put the tea in the item column.

He made Daming, and the two will help himself, and then the end is sitting down and starting the process of absorption.

The dark red radiance is surging, and it has poured into Lin Xiaozhu in almost a moment.

When Lin Xiaozhu really started to absorb the soul of the Kaisia, he understood how terrible energy contained in the Soul Soul ring of the Soume of the Beast Soul.

However, since it starts to absorb, there is no more chance to repent, and the horrible seventy-thousand years of soul rings are directly into the body of Lin Xiaozhu with extremely overbearing atmosphere.

The outbreak of that moment, if it is not his body, it is probably to be destroyed directly.

Even if he forced him, he was also impacted, the whole body trembled.

You must know that the Chifun God is one of the most powerful existence of the beast. It was killed by the people who did not value in its eyes. The soul contained in the soul rings hatred to Lin Xiaozhu. And know, it can be said that with a thousand points of resentment.

In this case, Lin Xiaozhu absorbs its soul ring, and how can it be unreasonable.

Just started to absorb, he found that the energy contained in the soul ring of the Chicun God is too overbearing.

When I was absorbed by the soul ring of the Help giant, I brought him a huge pressure, and I had a collapse, but I didn't know how much I didn't know how much I was weak than the soul rings at this time.

All the resentment of the Chifun God broke out, after a few breathing, Lin Xiaozhu's chest has a feeling of suffocation.

He first turned into a long-awaited, and opened the first seven doors of eight-door armor, and there was no count of numerous times in an instant.

Then release the field of war, and a rabbing battle suddenly sprayed, which sharply weakened the resentment of his spiritual world.

At this time, Lin Xiaozhu is in the past, not only the strength has increased many times, but also in the process of absorbing the soul ring before, it has been understood that the so-called resentment is actually a special energy form.

Just know how the attack is made, you can find a way you have.

Since the resentment is a spiritual attack, there is nothing more than the best way to resist it.

After the discharge of the resentment, Lin Xiaoshu's body was surrounded by Jin Guangsheng, and the strong Jin Guang was covered, and his body was shrouded, and a domineering breath suddenly came, and the stock Resentment is once again.

He counters the spiritual power in the field of war with the field of war with the spirit of the soul ring.

The red flames of the Chuanlan, which is also extremely overbearing, like a fire, and suddenly converges a lot.

The violent gas began to tend to shrink in front of the two energy, just like ice and snow.

The violent gas of Nan Tianwang was suppressed, and Lin Xiaozhu was tone, and quickly adjusted the soul and its counter.

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