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Lin Xiaozhu directly turned into the Zhen Zhen, and opened eight gates again to seven. He didn't want the Northern King's resentment. status.

Immediately, Zhu Yugu is coming out from his back.

At the same time, the reddish soul ring slowly fell on his body.

The red light released by the soul ring is like a horrible big mouth, which is exposed to Lin Xiaozhu.

When the soul ring touched his body, he suddenly made a giant sound of "bang".

Lin Xiaoshu's body was directly in the air by a giant force, an invisible force hang him, as if it was solidified in half air.

He only felt that there was an unprecedented chill into his own five internal organs, do not say the control energy to resist.

At this moment, he could not even make any counterfeit response, only felt that his spiritual world fried, and it was a blank in your mind.

In the eyes of Daming and Two, Lin Xiaozhu at this time, the body turned into blue and white, so it was very straightforward.

A close chilly is frozen in an instant, solidifying Lin Xiaoshu's five organs, as if the three thousand pores are blocked by the blem of the bones, and a suffocating chill will wrap him, even the trachea They are blocked by the ice and cannot breathe free.

too frightening!

The resentment of the Northern Soul Ring is mixed in the energy, and he will be frozen throughout him.

Lin Xiaozhu is desperately swinging the limbs, but the body is banned by the cold ice, it is difficult to move.

He struggled very anxious, but it was difficult to move.

The blood of the body is solidified in this moment, as if it turns into an ice man.


Already ready, still there!

Lin Xiaozhu is dark.

In desperation, he will only urge soul, and the seven soul ring rises from the foot.

In the next moment, the seventh soul of the golden brilliance was emitted to glory.

Lin Xiaozhu released the martial arts, and Zhu Ruy was placed on the original snow-white hair.

His huge body is a lot of a lot of people, which is almost a large size, and a blood red.

At this time, the cucumber, and the burglast, and the moment between the moment, the whole body included the head, the limbs burned, spread to every place of Lin Xiaoshu body.

The fire was burned from the head of the head. When the entire head was burned, it began to spread to the body.

Soon the flames all overcome the body of Lin Xiaoshu, but it is not finished, the burning flame continues to be burned, the more burning, and there is a kind of touching.

Although the fire is extremely blazing, there is no damage to his body, but only floating in the body surface, it is impossible to cause any injury.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoshu had a vain, a sharp zoom, is a bone of bones that are burned, and the vivid shadow of the humanoid organism that is burning a purple flame.

A volcanic eruption is a general burning surface.

The heat wave destroyed, and the surrounding lake is instantly evaporated. The lake is directly exposed to his eyes. It starts to crack down under the baking of the waves. It is like a dry for decades. crack.

Not far from Daming and Si Ming feel the heat waves, they quickly arrived in the distance, and they were not baked by this burning breath.

It was originally attached to the ice of Lin Xiaoshu's body. After the flame appeared, it began to slowly melt.

This process is very strange, the power of the ice and fire is against his body, and Lin Xiaoshu's body is completely out of control at this moment, and the two powers are killed.

A sound of "helium, sizzling ····" came out from his body, which was the sound of the flame of the flame.

In the confrontation, the two power is close to the respective party. After a while, it has formed two completely different fields in the body of Lin Xiaozhu.

His left half of his body is fire, and this red is advancing to the right half.

And his left hand, the left arm is very cold, full of strength to the chills of the bones, filled with the chill of the killing.

At this moment, Lin Xiaozhu's body became the battlefield, a small scale explosion happened in his body.

If he is not far from him, he will hear the ", , · ····" coming into the body, continuous explosion.

His throat continues to come out of a blanks, and even start some nervousness.

When Lin Xiaoshu's heart began some fear, the energy of the soul rings drilled the empty, launched a very violent impact on him.

The huge soul is shocked, as a flood is general, the momentum is very arrogant, almost let his body burst on the spot.

Dramatic pain makes Lin Xiaozhu have to spray a blood.

As before, the powerful recovery of blood martial arts is like magnets, and it is not waiting for blood to fall.

Although it can't make him, the damage of Lin Xiaozhu is minimized as if he does not vomit blood.

Originally he felt that the seventy-eight thousand years of soul rings and 78 million years were only 80,000 years. There was not much separate separately, just need to prepare, concentrate in advance, and absorb it just time.

But I have forgotten the ice glazed and Chuanquan, which is the exact opposite of the two properties, and their soul rings also restrain each other.

Because Lin Xiaozhu has just absorbed the soul of the south of the south, it began to absorb the soul ring of Northern King, and the ice hiped by the contrary, the cold, and therefore almost collapsed.

This absorption of the soul ring did not develop as much as he expected, before preparing to do without saying, it was no longer to let the bullish chill.

This cold and hot, the cold and hot taste is never good.

Compared to the two-pole temperatures that were previously felt before Icefire, I was soaked in spring water in spring water, and Lin Xiaozhu's body was used to this temperature.

If this is not this, how will it be unknown at this time.

Although the flames gradually control the ice, Lin Xiaozhu's body is still damaged by these two power character.

He is dark in his heart, and the breath is sudden and hot, and it is cold, and suddenly hegemony and suddenly cold blood, with different emotions.

In constant transformations, not only the pain on the body, even Lin Xiaoshu's soul seems to be divided into several pieces.

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