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Flanders quickly guess the reason why Liu Dynasty is out of order, must go to the Sunset Forest to continue to find Lin Xiaozhu.

But he did not stop, because Fland has already met Liu Dilong for decades, he knew that there would be no matter what you decided, no matter what you stop, there would be no effect.

The most important thing is that Flander knows that there is a subtle relationship between Liu Dilong and Lin Xiaozhu. With this relationship, Liu Dilong will not give up looking for.

Front proposed that several three times, to accompany her to the sun, and they can be refused by Liu Dilong.

Because the Shrake Institute has just experienced such a change, if there is anything in this period, you will not happen, it will inevitably happen, and it will be more unfavorable to the development of the college.

On the one hand, several consensus have been rejected by the other party. On the other hand, Fland is really very worried that the college that is worried and operates will be lost before the disaster before, and finally can only be thousands of people. Let her must Double care.

After that, Liu Dilong went to the road alone, and continued to search for the clues where Lin Xiaozhu is located.

At first she found all the places around dozens of miles around the ice fire, but they did nothing, which made her be more worried.

After ten days of searching, Liu Dilong finally found the clue.

She found Lin Xiaozhu and the death of the gods, the golden mine battle.

Although Lin Xiaozhu has long been left early, the body of the monster began to decay, but the corpse of the 100,000 years is still a strong breath.

They also have some traces of Lin Xiaozhu skills attack.

Liu Dilong knows that Lin Xiaozhu is very strong, far exceeds his soul level, but he can kill two million years of soul beast alone, Liu Dilong is not believed.

But the body of these two terrible souls is now lying here. Lin Xiaoshu is not known, Liu Dilong left thinks right, or I can't think of what happened here.

However, I didn't find the body of Lin Xiaozhu in the forest, which means that he is very likely to be alive, this is undoubtedly the best results for Liu Dilong.

After this, she searched for a few days in the forest, plus the search for the college organization, almost searched every corner of the sunset forest, and still did not find Lin Xiaozhu's trace.

That is, in the day before Lin Xiaozhu, Liu Dilong just returned to here, before I was in the dining hall, I also talk to Fland to see that she saw two deaths in the forest. The 100,000-year soul beast. .

Fland immediately said before Liu Dilong, in the starry big forest, Lin Xiaozhu once killed the soul of the soul of more than ten thousand years, the two died in the sunset forest, the soul beast is very It may be that Lin Xiaozhu kills.

Liu Erlong did not believe in Flandy, in her opinion, a teenage teenager can kill the soul of 100,000 years, it is simply a heaven.

But Frand but biting, it is seen by his own eyes, Lin Xiaoshu has a strange ability. After breaking, the strength is far more than 10,000 years of cultivation.

Liu Dilong looked at Flend, and she couldn't confuse this old friend. I can say such a ridiculous word. A four-ring soul is more powerful than 100,000 years of soul beast.

This is equivalent to saying an ant to a lion, this is not a fable story, but the strength gap, the ultra-off.

It is in the two people to argue, Liu Erlong, Frand must be crazy, Lin Xiaozhu suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

When Liu Dilong suddenly stunned, in this moment, her breathing was stagnant.

During this time, she thought about night, even sleeping in Lin Xiaoshu.

When she was very regretted in the last time two, she was so indifferent to Lin Xiaozhu's attitude. If I knew the meeting, I may be forever, Liu Duo will never make that performance.

Although she is looking forward to Lin Xiaozhu safe, it can be fact that the other party disappears for nearly one month, and what happened to something else.

Liu Dilong even done the worst plan. If Lin Xiaoshu really encountered an irresponsible, no matter who the murderer, she has to revenge. After that, she will go with him.

If Lin Xiaoshu is safe, Liu Dilong decided to never be like it before, it is not cold.

When Lin Xiaoshu is in the past, when she appeared in front of her, the decision to do before Liu Dilong forgot to have two nets.

She is staying there, and her tears rolled down, and they didn't say it for a long time.

Think about the people in front of you, she even imagined the little dance, and the Liu Dilong didn't do this.

Because the little dance on the side of Lin Xiaozhu is more, the little dance is red and swollen, which is clearly crying for a long time.

At this time, how can she be a teenage teenager?

Liu Dilong's heart is very contradictory. She opened his mouth, but did not say anything, just standing there, Looking at Lin Xiaozhu, but from her eyes, Lin Xiaozhu still felt the blazing love.

The two sights crossed the middle of Fland, and the words in Flanders seem to have become meaningless notes. Lin Xiaoshu can't hear what he is saying, just mechanical response, All payments are placed on the opposite Liu Dragon.

During this time, Liu Erlong has a large circle. In the past, the kind of penetration disappeared, and it is a weakness, as if a wind blown is blown, especially the slightly white, and sadness The look, but also to let Lin Xiaozhu's heart can't bear it.

"Small bamboo?" At this time, a rude man came, and the sound was surprised.

Dai Mu Bai and Tang three two people came over from the dining hall, and he saw the figure of Lin Xiaoshu four people.

Oscar and chubby Ma Hongjun were chasing after the two came out, soon he saw Lin Xiaozhu, like them, the fat man and Xiaogao immediately showed the color.

They all have hung bamboo, almost do dozens of times almost every day. If it is not because of the strength, even if you want to turn over the entire sun, you have to find this good friend.

The three people have brought the Lin Xiaozhu, and I will touch this. I will touch it for a while, I will ask the little dance that I originally cooked in Lin Xiaozhu.

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