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When he heard the owner, the prostitute was unborn, she couldn't believe a teenager who was still in the realm of the soul, and she could kill the Nairo, and even scare the realm has reached the dream of half God.

If you are not from the mouth of the owner, she will be with nasal, disdain, but at this time, it is said that the heart is not afraid of autonomous.

Although her strength has to be strong, it has reached the level of the god, and it may not be able to achieve the gain, and she has even seen the highly inconsistent realm.

There is no sound in the Tiankeng, because even the owner feels some untrue, a soul of the emperor will fight the world, no matter how it is too exaggerated.

When Lin Xiaozhu enters the sky, it is very realistic to feel a threat, this feeling is very true, like the level of the owner, almost no such illusion.

Since you can detect the danger of each other, then only one may - the other side is very strong!

At least you can threaten yourself.

The owner has not produced this kind of feeling in the back of the year, and the existence of the lady is not able to make it feels half-danger, but this feeling is in the moment of Lin Xiaozhu into Tiandu City. It is like a nightmare, like a nightmare, I can't stand it for a long time.


This day, the temporary buildings of Tiangou entered a beautiful girl, the light footsteps, swaying, let her look like a beautiful fox.

When I saw her, I showed her feelings when I saw her, and they didn't block the girl, but I couldn't help but cast her body.

Of course, this is not because Hu Lenna has made soul skills, but she comes from the charm of her own.

She did not suffer any obstacles, and it was easily entered the Huangcheng, bypassing a few promenade, came to the palace under the eyelids of many high-level souls, and did not stop the saints of this Wushu Temple.

Although the temporary palace is far from being so huge, luxurious, the big hall is also enough to install hundreds of people, the snow night emperor is sitting on the throne at this time, quietly looking forward to Hu Lena, even The old man in this conclusion, can't help but look bright when I saw Holna, as if I returned to the years when I was in an instant.

She went to the throne, she took a deep bow, "see the Snow Night Emperor."

Snow night nodded, "Don't have a lot of gift, you can enter the topic directly."

I heard the emperor so simply, Hulanna was slightly worried. She thought that the other party had to ask for a moment, I was difficult to say, after all, the Wushu Temple is a huge force that threatens the Tiangou Empire. Before the shooting store appeared, the two empire were forced Union, work together.

Her master is more than the east, and even earlier, she has built a war that overwhelmed two empire, but because of the lack of perfect, it is necessary to wait for a few years.

When the Wushu Temple will become the Wuhun Empire, send all the terrible troops consisting of the soul to launch an attack to the two empire.

Even if these don't happen, the rulers of the empire must also pay attention to the ambition of the Wushu Temple.

However, at this time, the performance of the Snow Night is very mild, as if I forget the past and the martial art hall, which makes Hulina have never, and the beautiful eyes have been revealed.

The Snow Night Emperor has this performance, but it is absolutely not because Hu Lena's fascinating thing. His sense of the emperor has been very far. It is very much a very people. When I see Hu Lena, it is only just In front of you, you will return to the normal instant.

This reaction is just because of the goodness of the sophisticated snow.

Before the shooting store appeared, although the Wushu Temple threatened the rule of the Empire in the day, it maintained a relatively balance between each other, although the two kept stopped in the dark, but they were in secret, even a big There have never happened in the scale.

Since the auction hall, I immediately broke out a battle of the earth and destroyed the land, so that the historic Tiandu City was destroyed once, the people were dead, and finally, the Snow, the Snow, the Snow, was missing after the battle. .

Of course, snowy night is not clear that there is no snow to clear the river, but it is easy to accomplish.

In the auction field, I didn't have this article later, but I didn't have it after returning to the Wushu Hall, which made the rumor became a headless suspension.

The empty mouth, the rumor does not give the fascinating snow night emperor, plus the martial art hall, confused in the dark, gradually let him be more and more and sick for the shooting store.

The enemy's enemy is a friend. This is the unchanging truth. If it is not strong enough to crush everything, it will try to find the way to the cage allies.

Nowadays, the venue in the hinterland of the Tiangou Imperial land has become the enemy that threatens the empire.

Similarly, the auction field has a strong soul than a thousand way, this is also a great threat to the Wushu Temple.

In the high-end weaken in Tainan, the auction site at this time is undoubtedly weakened than the past, and now it is when this forces are destroyed.

Whether there is this after this, how is the dispute between the Wushu Temple and the Tiangou Empire, there is already a decision between the sellers.

After you have become a big energy than in the east, she believes that Lin Xiaozhu is now in the need, I have the strength of defeating the owner of the owner.

She sent people to see the Snow Night Emperor, showing the Wushu Temple, and the Tiangou Imperial Alliance, jointly dealing with the store.

After a short thinking, Snow night promised the proposal than the East.

The alliance under this situation is usually unstable. After avoiding the auction field, send people to the night, the snowy night, and the eastern dark, ready to grasp the time to launch a general attack on the auction site, and destroy the shooting.

Hurland is just a messenger to disclose this.

Because both parties have explicitly clear the common purpose, the secret talks are very smooth, and the two parties are very good after three days, they all sent the most powerful war.

The elders of the Wushu Temple are out, including thousands of streams than the Bisong and large.

As for the Tiangou Empire, all the garrison of all Tianou City will send all the battlefields, and launch a general attack on the auction site.

After Hu Lanna left the Tiangou Huangcheng, the Wuhun Temple and the Safety Soldier began to move. They first surrounded the auction field, and then the surrounding circle was narrowed, and the seat was close to the tower.

In these three days, the Tiangou City has become more quiet, giving people a feeling like a hot summer, and it is necessary to drop a heavy rain.

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