Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 614 I don't know

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I saw that Luoha God suddenly evacuated, and the owner was handed over to the teenager who had just arrived. All the souls present were very shocked. They didn't understand why this powerful Wushu Hall will have this.

Hu Llen in the crowd is more concerned about Lin Xiaozhu.

He knows that this teenager is terrible, and even defeats the soul level far more opponent.

However, the owner in front of him, but the presence of the Pope, even if Lin Xiaoshu at this time, the soul of the soul is already high, but she can't believe that Lin Xiaozhu can defeat the mysterious and terrible owner.

It is not a matter of difference between the two soul levels, than the East is now God, and with her dignified look, even if the master's strength is weaker than her, it will not weaken, even more than her. Powerful is entirely possible.

A epicollength battle, a god level, which is impossible to happen.

All people's faces have been exposed, and they don't understand what is better than the East and the owner, Lin Xiaoshu is doing.

However, the fight below has happened in the moment of transferring the battlefield than the East.

There is a god to join, and those beasts immediately showed the fault, and those who feel keen souls quickly discovered this.

The madness of the rain-like attack is pressed, even these very fierce beasts can not resist, and they will be mass saved by the soul.

Even if there are some huge beasts drilled out underground, they are also harvested by these souls.

The battle of the group has developed towards a situation, and Lin Xiaoshu and the owner still stand there, there is no action.

The owner's eyes are still the kind of ice cold. The general soul of the soul will be swept away by his eyes, and if it is seen, even the blood of the body will condense, the whole body is ice Seal.

And Lin Xiaoshu's face is completely another look.

Give people a feeling, he is lazy, as if there is a strong opponent in front of it, just a person who is not coherent.

He will take a look at the battle below, and look at the dim and dark stars in Heaven, it seems that the interests of the surrounding are far from the owner.

Although it continues to fight, after Lin Xiaoshu appeared, there are still many people to invest in the eyes, they are very curious about the identity of the teenagers in front of them.

"What kind of wind waves can you toss?" Jinzang can't help but say doubt.

After all, Lin Xiaozhu is now facing ordinary soul. Even if he can fight, it is no longer the role that the title Can be compatible.

Lin Xiaoshu's face is the mysterious, powerful master, a strong super-peak, and even far more than the strong world, he faced the strong with Rakhasa. By.

In the face of such strength, don't be said to be a syntact, even if the top of the Dulan continent, there is no one can be enemies with him.

Between the moment, those who have been drilled out from the ground is completely suppressed by the soul of the Si Dong, even if there is one from the ground, and will be killed by a crazy attack.

And the Lin Xiaozhu and the owner in the half-air are still confrontation, and there is no meaning to do.

The owner's eyes seem to be able to condense ice, but Lin Xiaozhu is still the boring look, and it seems that it doesn't place the owner at the eyes.

Nowadays, it has been completely tangled, and the soul of the soul of the following falls on Lin Xiaozhu.

"You don't belong to here?" The owner did not open his mouth, but the sound was abrupt, and this sentence had a slight call.

Lin Xiaozhu did not respond, in the eyes of the owner, it is equivalent to the default.

"We all come from other places, really do you have to do it?" The owner will try again.

Next, Lin Xiaozhu's performance is more eye-catching.

He is lazy to sweep the master, say: "Although the time is not long, but I think I have always lived here, a good place is so dark, I am, who is you, or where, as long as you are I have to pay at the place. "

The master is cold, "I have seen myself, but I have never seen you so arrogant, I am not these idiots here, just let you feel ignite."

Lin Xiaozhu smiled and smiled. "Don't say nonsense, now I have come, if you move your hands, you may not say it."

"If you don't go?" The owner looked at him with interested. "How many people will be said?"

Although because of the previous things, the owner is sone of Lin Xiaozhu, but this does not make him fear each other.

He believes that his strength is no longer afraid of anyone, at least in this space, he is still at a high existence.

Even if Lin Xiaozhu can make the owner's heart created a dangerous feeling, it is the kind of feeling that is born in the sky. There is no practical evidence to prove that Lin Xiaozhu is really dangerous, not to say that you can threaten your life.

The owner even repeatedly told himself that the previous feeling must be an illusion. If you really do it, you may solve this paradox in front of you.

Lin Xiaozhu wipes the bar, sinking for a moment, laughing: "Then only kill you, but I am a heartless person, if there is something else, I don't want to make such a cruel thing."

This kind of words say from a teenager's mouth, letting the souls below feel that Lin Xiaoshu is really unknowing.

So taking it to say that you want to kill an existence that is resistant to Rakhasaki, and you will be your own!

In their eyes, the identity of Lin Xiaoshu is simply a self-cultivation.

However, when he said this sentence, it made a sharp jump than the end of the East.

Although this sentence is slightly fluttering in other people's ear, there is no component, but Bisong believes that Lin Xiaoshu may really have this kind of strength, and the owner is destroyed.

"Hahaha ·····" The owner can't help but laugh. "

It feels like I heard what day the joke is general, laughing, it is almost breathing.

"Don't kill me?" He laughed and said: "I have already remembered that many teenagers have not listened, but the people who have said this may have been corrupted by the years.

Speaking of this, the owner's eyes are proud of the proud color, and the energy of a rabbing is out.

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