You can search for "Starting from Douluo to sign in Zhutian World Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Lu Jiu had already named the child, if it was a girl, it would be Ann, if it was a boy, it would be Ace.

The reason why she left this child at the beginning was because she had the idea of ​​keeping Roger's blood, but gradually, this idea was banned by the great maternal love.

At this time, Lu Jiu's heart only had the little life in her belly.

By the sea, in the woods.

The two navies were knocked to the ground and their military uniforms were gone.

Before turning into Zhu Wei, because of his huge size, he broke his clothes. Lin Xiaozhu rummaged through the material ship and found that the clothes of the men of the Charlotte family were all strange outfits.

When he was in the trees, he saw the buildings on the island. It was not so prosperous, but it was definitely not backward. The previous medieval dress and walking on the street would probably be regarded as performance art.

It happened that two navies came to interrogate them, but before they could finish their words, they were knocked out by him.

Walking into the residential area of ​​the island, he felt like a small town, with two or three navy soldiers looking around in every street, dealing with boring work.

It has been here for a month. The soldiers saw ordinary islanders who could no longer be ordinary. They really couldn't understand the meaning of their superiors arranging them to stay here.

At this time, a quarrel sounded.

"Where are you taking these poor women and children?"

"This is my wife and I am pregnant with my child. What does it have to do with One Piece?"


Lin Xiaozhu looked at the noisy sound, and immediately saw a group of pregnant women slowly coming towards him with the navy, several women still holding crying babies.

The husband and the old man who followed were angrily protesting and screaming, but it didn't help.


A warrant officer fired a shot into the sky.

He shouted angrily at the civilians: "This is an order from the world government. If it is confirmed that there is no suspicion, it will be sent back to you immediately, but if anyone dares to make trouble here, I will blow his head!"

An old man who was over sixty years old cried: "My daughter is going to give birth. His husband used to be a navy soldier. He died while fighting the pirates. The same is also the navy. How can you bear this Time to take his wife away?"

Many people in the navy bowed their heads involuntarily, and even a young navy recruit secretly wiped his tears. They had just received an order to kill these women and children by the sea.

Lin Xiaozhu saw the abnormality in their expressions. In the original work, he had seen the world government issue orders to kill suspicious mothers and children, but he did not expect to do so.

The resistance had no effect. These navies would be expelled if they did not follow the orders of their superiors, or even killed as Roger's accomplices.

The world’s high-level governments have never been soft on enemies who might threaten rule. They can destroy an island or even a country because of this. How can they be soft on a dozen pregnant women and children?

The angry civilians and the navy pushed them up, the women screamed loudly, and the children howled and crying. The scene was very chaotic. The old man over sixty years old picked up a crutches and beat the warrant officer on the head.

"Damn, you are not dead!" The warrant officer pointed the gun at the old man's forehead.

"Bang!" With a gunshot, the messy shouts stopped abruptly, and even the baby in the woman's arms stopped crying.I love Soudu

"Ah!" The screams sounded, and people looked in the direction of the sound.

Everyone immediately discovered that it was the warrant officer who screamed.

A white-haired monkey more than three meters high appeared in front of the warrant officer. The barrel of the revolver was broken into an arc in his hand. The bullet burst into the barrel, and the flying fragments hurt his eyes.

Lin Xiaozhu waved his hand sharply, and the warrant officer flew out, hitting his head on the wall more than ten meters away, and the red and white liquid spilled all over the wall.

There were screams of exclamation. The warrant officer who was killed was the strongest person in the navy, and he couldn't even take a blow from this behemoth, let alone other people.

Including the navy, the crowd scattered and fled. Only the old man and his daughter who had been rescued by him stood there, looking at the behemoth in front of them in fear.

In fact, against a warrant officer, Lin Xiaozhu had no need to become Zhu Wei's form.

Suddenly, he felt that if the evil navy was killed in human form, then these civilians would be implicated immediately, but if the murderer was a mad beast, this matter would be another matter.

Lin Xiaozhu: "Old man, do you know Lu Jiu?"

Hearing that the big monkey actually said human words, the old man's legs trembled with fright.

Lin Xiaozhu scratched his head helplessly. He wanted to change back into a human form but was afraid of being spied on. On the contrary, it would make the Navy more suspicious of the old man's family.

After a while, the old man returned to normal and thanked Lin Xiaozhu with his daughter.

He thought about Lin Xiaozhu's words, and shook his head: "I have lived in Batirila for more than 60 years, and I have never heard this name."

"Well, find a place to hide. I think the navy will not let your daughter go so easily." Lin Xiaozhu finished speaking and continued to walk deep into the alley.

"Please...Please wait...I've heard the name Lu Jiu" the woman said suddenly.

Lin Xiaozhu turned around in surprise.

"I remember that a distant relative came to Uncle Buff’s house before. She was a young and beautiful girl. She seemed to be pregnant. Her name was Lu Jiu. But when I went to his house to deliver fishing nets half a month ago, Uncle Said she has gone home"

The woman sighed, "She is lucky to be able to walk away before this happens."

Lin Xiaozhu: "Where is Uncle Buff's home?"

"Go east from here and pass a T-shaped intersection. In the second small road on the right hand side, there are four very tall coconut trees in front of his house, which can be recognized at a glance."

Lin Xiaozhu transformed back into a human form behind a big tree, put on a navy uniform, and ran in the direction the woman pointed.

Inside the warship on the coast, Sha Mu, sitting on the deck, received the news that a monster had killed the warrant officer.

Sha Mu: "Huh, a three-meter-high white-haired red-footed monkey, there is such a creature in Batirila Island?"

Colonel Ritter shook his head: "I haven't heard of it, let alone this small island, that is, the entire South China Sea has never heard of it. It is not difficult to see a three-meter-high gorilla in the jungle, but what the hell is the white-haired and red-footed monkey? It's so strange."

"Don't you think it's too deliberate for an animal to choose to kill suddenly at this time?"

"Is this monster a demon fruit capable person?"

Sha Mu got up: "Go, go to the old man's house."

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