As Lin Hongfei had the idea of wanting to serve in the army, he was ready to visit Qian Minghe and Chen Fengchang, wanting to discuss this matter with them.

However, it was not unfortunate that Chen Fengchang went to Jinmen on business, while Qian Minghe accompanied Duan Dashuai to inspect the army.

Lin Hongfei, who pounced, was not in a hurry, after all, in a few days, it will be Qian Minghe's birthday, and he will naturally be able to meet him at that time.

"Successful check-in!"

"Get a box of [Truth Spitter]!"


"How do you check this out?"

After Lin Hongfei woke up from Ou Xiaoyu's bed, he found that he had signed in to something new.

As the name suggests, injecting this thing into the human body with a needle can make the person lose control of the brain in a short period of time, so what others ask, he will honestly answer.

Lin Hongfei glanced at the quantity, and a box of Truth Spitting Pill was enough for him to use twenty or thirty times.

"It can be used to investigate the case!"

"It's just that there are no big cases at the moment!"

Lin Hongfei played with the spit for a while, and then put it back in the storage space, this thing will be used one day, let it go first.

When Lin Hongfei came to the police station as usual, he found that the atmosphere of the police station today was a little dignified, and Wu Qiusheng even leaned over and said:

"Big brother, something happened, you should go to Chief You!"


"What's the situation?"

Lin Hongfei looked puzzled, and after entering You Feng's office, he saw You Feng with a sad face and frowning.

When he saw Lin Hongfei coming, he quickly said: "Brother, you are coming, I was saying to send someone to find you!"

"What's wrong, this is?" Lin Hongfei asked curiously.

You Feng sighed and said, "Don't mention it, something big happened, and the thousands of gold from the family of Chief Wei of the Ministry of Communications were lost!"

"Also missing is the daughter-in-law of the chairman of Dongxing Industrial Company."


When Lin Hongfei heard this, he couldn't help but frown.

There is no need to say more about General Wei of the Ministry of Communications, which is no less than Qian Minghe's real power official, and it is even more under Duan Dashuai's heart.

Song Haiyu, chairman of Dongxing Industrial Company, is one of the largest industrialists in Beijing, this person is a child from the United States, and has many connections at home and abroad.

The loss of the daughters of the two of them is naturally not a trivial matter.

As for the loss of ordinary people's daughters, then consider yourself unlucky.

"Could it be that I went to a friend's house to stay overnight and didn't tell my family?" Lin Hongfei asked.

You Feng shook his head: "Chief Wei and Chairman Song have asked all over the place, and no one has ever seen their daughter.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Lin Hongfei asked.

You Feng slapped his brain: "Look at my brain, I'm confused!"

"That's the case, Chief Wei's daughter and Chairman Song's daughter are good friends, and the two little girls often play together."

"The night before yesterday, the two met to go to the Six Nations Hotel to dance, and then they didn't return all night."

"The families on both sides thought that their daughters went to each other's house, and the two little girls had stayed at each other's house before, so they didn't look for it at first."

"But until the next night, I still didn't see the two girls go home, President Wei and Chairman Song were anxious, and the two sides called each other like this, they had to panic directly!"

"These two families sent people around overnight to search, I was sleeping at home, and a phone call picked me up in the middle of the night."

"But until this morning, there was still no news at all!"

"The above sent a message, demanding that within three days, our Beicheng District Police Station must find people, otherwise from top to bottom, all of them will be wiped out!"

At this time, Lin Hongfei frowned slightly and asked, "No, Director, the Six Nations Hotel is not in our jurisdiction."

"The two of them lost their daughters, why are they angry with our Beicheng District Police Station!"

You Feng slapped the table and said with a bitter face: "But the point is that these two people were not lost in the Six Nations Hotel.

"According to last night's investigation, the last location where these two people appeared was our Beicheng District, so this disappearance case is still a matter of our Beicheng District Police Station!"


"This is a mess!"

Lin Hongfei frowned, looking bored.

You Feng said with a bitter face: "Three days, where can we find someone to go, Yanjing City is so big, it is not easy to hide someone!"

"If we can't find anyone within three days, we're really going to have to roll up."

"Brother Lin, you have a lot of ideas, let's see what we should do."

This disappearance case involves two big people, if it really can't be solved, even Qian Minghe can't save Lin Hongfei and You Feng.

Lin Hongfei finally laid a little foundation, but it was all for naught!

Lin Hongfei sat on his back on the sofa, closed his eyes and pondered, and soon, he straightened up and analyzed:

"According to my analysis, this disappearance case is nothing more than three directions of investigation."

"One is to seek wealth and kill people, and the other is to abduct human beings!"

"These two are the most likely!"

"And what about the third?" You Feng asked.

Lin Hongfei snorted coldly: "Hey, Zhang Sheng met Cui Yingying, these two little girls eloped with someone."

"That's impossible, these two little girls are both tutored, it is impossible to do such a thing!" You Feng waved his hand again and again.

Lin Hongfei said: "Then the first two are the direction of investigation.

"Let everyone and the Qinglong Gang Feng Youde investigate together whether there are people in Beicheng District who suddenly became rich, spent lavishly, and had a history of robbery."

"In addition, if we arrest the traffickers living in Beicheng District and ask them one by one, even if these people can't ask anything, they will definitely be able to provide us with some ideas."

You Feng nodded: "You can only do this first!"

"Then let's split up, I'll take someone to investigate the robbery, and you take someone to arrest the trafficker."

After that, he clasped his hands together and raised it to the roof: "God, you have to help our brothers through this."

Lin Hongfei nodded: "Okay, then I'll take the people of the second team out to arrest people!"

Immediately, Lin Hongfei quickly left the office, then summoned the police officers of the second team to announce the action, and also called Feng Youde to provide the list of suspected prisoners in Beicheng District as soon as possible.

Just as Lin Hongfei was about to take the police officers of the second team to prepare to go to the street to investigate the case, Wu Erhan anxiously walked into the police station compound.

"Second brother, why are you here?" Lin Hongfei asked curiously.

Wu Erhan's face was full of anxiety, and the corners of his mouth trembled slightly: "Hongfei, it's not good, Xiaomeizi is lost!" "


When Lin Hongfei heard this, he directly frowned, and subconsciously asked in his mouth: "Xiaomeizi lost, how is this possible?" "


Wu Erhan shouted: "Her father and mother are outside, and they went to the car factory to find me this morning, and they want to ask me to find you to help!"

In an instant, Lin Hongfei's face changed, it seemed that this matter was true!

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