Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 112: Shrek's secret weapon

Chapter 111-Shrek's Secret Weapon

In the dark night, a faint moonlight splashed on the slender figure, revealing a thought-provoking beauty.

Ye Chen walked over, and just wanted to put his hand over to speak, but was stopped by the other party raising his hand.

"It doesn't have to be like this between you and me."

Slowly turning around, Bibi Dong is wearing a purple tulle skirt. The precious fabrics close to it set off its proud and perfect curve beautifully. That amazing beauty, noble and holy, makes people unstoppable. I want to keep admiring it.

The night is peaceful, and the beauty is intoxicating.

There was a smile at the corner of his mouth, and Ye Chen didn't pretend, and opened his mouth to say: "I came here to explain what you saw at Qing Youju today, are you peeking, right?"

The bold words made Bibi Dong's heart confused, but she quickly adjusted it and looked at Ye Chen and denied it: "No, I came to you tonight just to ask you something. Don't think too much. "

"Really?" Ye Chen scratched his head and smiled, and then asked: "What's the matter, I have to have a conversation like this at night, so I can't wait until tomorrow."

"No, I want to know now."

Looking at Ye Chen quietly, Bibi Dong said tentatively: "I met the master that night. Did you get hurt by the great worship before hiding behind me? Why is there blood on my legs."

Bibi Dong asked a little knowingly, then he looked at Ye Chen carefully, as if he could see through it.

"No, there was no injury, but the nose bleeds because I don't know what it hit."

Ye Chen didn't evade, but stared straight at Bibi Dong, and then stepped out lightly, narrowing the distance between the two sides.

Looking at Ye Chen, who was getting closer, Bibi Dong took a few steps back as if he couldn't help it, but Ye Chen got close to Bibi Dong directly.

"Master, do you know what I bumped into that night."

The extremely domineering words made Bibi Dong fall into the memory. That night, why did I feel that night? Is it because I accidentally bumped into...

As if thinking of something, there was a flash of shame in Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes, and he immediately moved to distance himself.

The two were so close that the unique breath of Ye Chen's body kept beating away, making him afraid to look directly at Ye Chen's eyes.

"Master, why are you blushing? Are you sick?"

Ye Chen seemed to inadvertently put his arms around Bibi Dong's thin waist, and instead sent her an army.

"I'm a Title Douluo, how could I be sick." Bibi Dong broke free from Ye Chen's arms and continued: "Ye Chen, when I sent you to the Spirit Hall, did you hate me?"

The conversation changed a bit quickly, Ye Chen rubbed his hands and said a little disappointed: "I must be reluctant at the time, even a little scared..."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong couldn't help but bow his head: "Sure enough, between you and me..."

"However, since I met the master, I have discovered that there are millions of women in this world, but you are indeed the only one in my heart."

Ye Chen interrupted her, and then approached Bibi Dong again, and said very seriously: "I'm glad to be captured by you. I'm glad to be acquainted with you. I'm glad to be connected with you. I'm glad to stand with you. Being so close, since he caught me, the master will have to support me for the rest of my life."

The words that were almost confession revealed the true feelings, Ye Chen's eyes were full of tenderness, and his fiery eyes fixed on the person in front of him.

Bibi Dong was a little nervous when Ye Chen said, small beads of sweat appeared on his perfect white cheeks, his eyes dodge and erratic, and the noble and sacred aura naturally emitted from his body disappeared at this moment.

Now she is more like a little woman with an ordinary identity, with joy, anxiety, worries in her eyes, and she is also charming and charming.

For the first time seeing Bibi Dong like this, Ye Chen's heart beats uncontrollably and violently. Looking at the anxiety and worries emanating from his eyes, Ye Chen just wanted to treat her sincerely.

Without worrying about the identity of the other party, Ye Chen hugged Bibi Dong fiercely and embraced her into his chest, so that the perfect body in his arms was struggling slightly, and the resistance was strong.

Without letting go, Ye Chen lay next to his ear and whispered: "Master, no one will hurt you a little bit from now on, I want to protect you all the time!"

As if touched a certain string in her heart, Bibi Dong's rebellious body suddenly became weak and boneless, and tears appeared in her beautiful eyes. She was held by Ye Chen like this, and she had not spoken for a long time.

It wasn't until a long time in the past that Ye Chen felt a huge force rippling away from his arms, and instantly bounced it into the air.

But soon, a cold little hand grabbed Ye Chen, and then his head was violently pressed, and a feeling of suffocation followed.

A rare laugh came from the ear, "You are only the 52nd level soul king, and you still want to protect me. From now on, you will stay by my side and the master will protect you."


Ye Chen, whose face was wrapped tightly, was almost out of breath. He wanted to make a sound at the moment, but couldn't say anything.

"What's the matter, if you are allowed to hug me, isn't the master allowed to hug you?"

Bibi Dong said playfully as a girl, and the strength of her jade hand has increased a bit. At this moment, she finally made it clear how Ye Chen felt about her, and she was also very sure of how she would go in the future.


There was another strange sound in front of him. Bibi Dong looked down and saw that Ye Chen's head was a little twisted, and immediately her white jade-like face showed obvious shame, and immediately hugged him harder, thinking Let them feel their own beauty.


A slight pain swept through his body, Bibi Dong's body suddenly softened, and the hot feeling made his calm expression uncontrollable. For a while, the expression on that perfect face suddenly changed back and forth between the noble and the sacred and the charming and shameful, and even seductive.

But soon, her expression became more and more embarrassing, because at this moment, a big hand was constantly approaching somewhere.

In the end, Bibi Dong couldn't bear it. After letting go of Ye Chen, he took a soft step and flew to the Papal Palace staggeringly.

But Ye Chen, who finally got out of trouble, lay on the ground emptily, breathing in the sweet and fragrant air, and the flushed cheeks were about to ooze blood.


Because of the rapid breathing, Ye Chen couldn't help but coughed. Then he looked at the high and low high in the air, and said helplessly: "Master, how have you lived all these years? Many times simpler than a little girl."

Thinking of the last time Bibi Dong was boring, he thought that the other party would understand a little bit after that collision, but he didn't expect that this time it was even more'excessive', making him almost suffocated and died on the spot.

Breathing out a few breaths fiercely, Ye Chen secretly made up his mind: "The next time I do this, the disciple must teach the teacher how to make perfect use of his ‘advantage’, for sure."

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and the finals of the Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition were finally about to begin.

Early in the morning, Bibi Dong led the two Super Douluo, Ju and Gui, to the tens of meters high wall in front of the Pope’s Palace, and the square on the ground with a huge boulder was the only venue for the final.

Zhang Ming and Chen Shaoyin's injuries are almost healed, and they are now following Ye Chen on the stage of the finals.

On the towering city wall, when Bibi Dong saw Ye Chen in the black robe, she couldn't help showing a flash of smile. After Tang Sanqi from Shrek Academy came on stage, she couldn't help standing up from the golden throne and waved slightly. A scepter as high as hers.

"The finals of the Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition have officially started."

There was no unnecessary nonsense. With Bibi Dong's order, Tang San, Dai Mubai and others lined up in an instant, and Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing also showed very serious expressions.

Although they already know that Ye Chen is the shadow, in any case, the game is the game, and Ye Chen also said to them that letting go and playing with all their strength is to work hard for their respective academies.

"Chenxue Imperial Court, war is invincible, Qianxue team, bravely invincible!"

The six Zhang Ming called out slogans, and then gathered together. Chen Shaoyin summoned the Seal of the Thousand Poison King and displayed the auxiliary type Poison Milk Soul Skill. The breath of the six suddenly rose a lot.

At the same time, Ning Rongrong also called the Nine Treasure Glazed Glass Pagoda, and whispered: "The Nine Treasures are famous, one is strength, the second is speed, and the third is soul!" At this moment, the mainland's strongest auxiliary Wuhun fully demonstrated it. Of glory.

Ning Rongrong assisted three times in a row, and then he saw the nine-story pagoda floating in her palm, and a huge three-color light burst out, covering Tang San, Dai Mubai and others.

In an instant, whether it was Tang San or Dai Mubai, the spirit power in his body instantly rose by several levels, and the red and cyan brilliance surging on the surface of his body also increased their power speed by several times.

With a shattering sound, the Eight Spider Lances with the external spirit bone behind Tang San stretched out, the hideous spider claws exuded a dark red gleam, and the claw tips carrying violent toxins also exuded a cold light that couldn't be shuddered.

"Do it!"

With Tang San's order, the whole person rushed towards Team Qianxue and the others like a whirlwind, and Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun behind them also followed Tang San closely and came together towards Ye Chen to besiege.

"I want to join forces against our captain, dream."

A coldness flashed in Zhang Ming's eyes, and then he and Li Jing quickly stood next to Ye Chen, wanting to join forces with the three people who came under siege.

But at this moment, a swift black shadow flickered, Zhu Zhuqing took the lead in attacking the powerful Li Jing and Zhang Ming, and Xiao Wu, who followed closely, also rushed to the others except Ye Chen. The three of them, Oscar from the side, continue to make recovery sausages to assist the two women.

Seeing all emergencies, Ye Chen looked at Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Ma Hongjun who surrounded him without a smile. He really didn't expect the master to come up with such a method of confronting the enemy.

After eating the fairy grass that Ning Rongrong brought to her and many other precious treasures, Zhu Zhuqing has become very powerful. Not only has the super high spirit power of 47 (blessed), but also has a 44 Zhang Ming and Li Jing also appeared calm and unhurried.

The pair of cat's claws were airtight and carried a sense of sword intent everywhere. Coupled with her extreme speed, Zhang Ming was dragged by her for a while, but there was still faintly between them. Some repressive force.

In the other direction, Xiao Wu was also attacking the remaining three of the Qianxue team. With the dual assistance of Oscar and Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, who was already a one-hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, exploded into an astonishing amount. The combat consciousness, although it was a bit difficult to play one-on-three, but under the double **** of Rongrong and Oscar, it was also difficult to stop the three Qianxue from trying to support Ye Chen.

"In this battle, you will undoubtedly lose."

Dai Mubai's voice came in his ears, Ye Chen looked sideways, and suddenly saw that he had taken out a smelly black sausage from his arms, it seemed very extraordinary.

At the same time, Tang San and Ma Hongjun on the side also took out their black intestines one after another, and ate them with disgusting expressions.

Soon, the spirit power of the three of them soared, and Dai Mubai directly entered the level 51 spirit king realm, and the spirit ring under his feet also had a purple ring.

Tang San did the same. After eating the black intestine, his spirit power also soared to the level of the 51st soul king, and there was a thousand-year-old purple soul ring under his feet. It seemed that such a skyrocketing strength was caused by the amplitude of that black intestine. .

Ma Hongjun was only promoted to level 48, but even so, his spirit power was 5 levels more than before. Such a powerful auxiliary system Black Sausage was the first time Ye Chen saw it.

As if perceiving Ye Chen’s slightly surprised gaze, Dai Mubai couldn’t help but laughed and said, “This life-threatening black sausage is Oscar’s own spirit ability. Once eaten, it can directly break through level 5 spirit power. Points, you can also break through the restricted level 1 in a short time to reach a new level."

"Shadow, Shrek lost to you twice, but today, you can't beat us."

With two 50th-level spirit rings and 48th-level spirit sect, Dai Mubai is full of confidence in Zhan Ye Chen at this moment. Although the fifth spirit ring is a fake and only possesses the effects of a thousand-year-level spirit ring, at this moment, he He Xiaosan is already a real soul king, there is no room for falsehood.

This black sausage was a secret weapon that was not used in the first qualifiers. Originally, they wanted to leave this trick to Ye Chen, but who would have thought that the Wuhun Temple had not sent it out in this competition, and was in the cultivation base. Ye Chen, who had been holding them down, and Wuhundian Academy was also eliminated.

In this way, they are also concentrating on dealing with the sudden emergence of rookie shadows, so as to plan this double team attack plan.

"It is impossible to win. You have said a lot, but it must not be me who is going to lose."

Ye Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth, and the broken black wings behind him suddenly stretched out, slowly bringing it into the air. At the same time, the Demon Abyss dagger suddenly appeared beside him and flew around, with unusual agility.

"Twin spirits cannot be used at the same time, don't panic everyone."

Tang San's eyebrows condensed, and a large scarlet blue silver grass suddenly appeared under his feet, leading him into the air.

Immediately, Dai Mubai also shouted loudly for the White Tiger King Kong Transformation, and the huge Evil Eyed White Tiger behind him also roared in the air, and his attack, defense, and strength increased by 100%.

Ma Hongjun didn't speak, but stared at Ye Chen in the air, hot flames popped out of his mouth from time to time, as if it was possible to attack at any time.

"Can't both be used at the same time? I'm sorry ~ ~ mine will do."

The Demon Abyss dagger quivered violently, and then a **** dagger appeared in the air. Under the control of Ye Chen, it turned into a sea of ​​daggers and rushed straight towards the three of Dai Mubai.

They knew the attack ability of the Demon Abyss Dagger. When they saw tens of thousands of Scarlet Daggers rushing, Tang San suddenly shouted, "The first plan, start."

The three people who had discussed the countermeasures early did not panic at all, and saw that Ma Hongjun's mouth burst out several flames, and the Phoenix fire line was also used by him one after another.

At the same time, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass also rose from the entangled Jedi, forming a complex body like a giant tree trunk, and attacked Dagger Sea in the air.

With two people resisting the sea of ​​dagger, Dai Mubai roared, and slammed under his feet. He rushed towards Ye Chen like a cannonball, and then condensed a bright white light with his fists, shouting wildly, "White Tiger Meteor Shower!"

This is the merged update of the second and third chapters. You read it right. The last chapter was blocked when I sent it out....Ah, I’m so hard, I hope it will be released tomorrow, alas!

(End of this chapter)

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