Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 182: Don't stop "it's started", return after 3 years

Under the pink peach tree, Ye Chen, who finally got his wish, looked extremely excited, and his body was overheated, and the excess soul power that could not be absorbed began to gather as if he had found a pour point.

The Fallen Angel Martial Spirit also abnormally released the possessive state, floating behind him, constantly emitting amazing pink incense mist.

At the same time, a strange twist suddenly appeared around the peach blossom forest space, and then, a diamond-shaped core that was so dark that no light could shine on it, floated out of the twisted space and flew to the top of Ye Chen's head. Turning slightly, immediately the powerful divine power slowly entered Ye Chen's body like a gurgling stream.

Gradually, Ye Chen recovered from the hallucinogenic state, but just after waking up, he realized something was wrong.

Under him, Chiguo's Gu Yuena was extremely shy, and the flawless whiteness made Ye Chen's soul shake like a deadly poison.

But he who reacted quickly thought of getting up immediately, but as soon as his palms were hard, Gu Yuena screamed in pain, and the little hand that was supporting him immediately turned and hugged Ye Chen tightly.

"Sorry, did I hurt you?"

Ye Chen let Gu Yuena hug her in embarrassment. He thought he wanted to get up on Gu Yuena's fragrant shoulders, and it hurt her, but then there was a strange contraction, but Ye Chen's heart was overwhelmed. Can't help but look down.

This look doesn't matter, it's just that the scene below makes his forehead uncontrollable in cold sweat.

He was actually using strong against Gu Yuena, strengthening a girl with real strength and slanderous combat power, crazy, he must be crazy.

Ye Chen gulped and swallowed, but Gu Yuena was powerful, and her behavior at the moment was simply looking for death.

"I'm sorry, otherwise, I'll get up."

Ye Chen said sorry words, but as soon as she left, Gu Yuena's arm around him became more vigorous, and a trace of pain was revealed on the fair face that radiated small blood vessels.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen felt very distressed. He couldn't bear to hurt such a peerless beauty.

But as long as he was determined to leave Gu Yuena completely, a feeling of dizziness suddenly caused Ye Chen's head to be extremely painful, as if his brain was dug out, and immediately his body began to swell sharply like a ball.

"Now that it has started, don't stop, otherwise, you will die."

Gu Yuena touched Ye Chen's blade-like face, frowning in pain and began to take the initiative.

At the same time, she also unlocked her own seal, and instead continued to absorb the huge spirit power carried out of Ye Chen's body.

As soon as Gu Yuena moved, Ye Chen no longer felt uncomfortable, and the soul power that was so much nowhere to be contained was accepted by the other party, so that the two sides were in an extremely balanced and beautiful state.

Ye Chen's spirit power level is steadily increasing, and the small half of the power that gushes from the divine core above his head is all absorbed by Gu Yuena to heal her injuries.

Unknowingly, the two people entangled in the overlapping petals of the earth are in a state of selflessness. Even if they cater to each other, they can no longer feel the existence of time. Only the **** core and the fallen angel martial soul are always suspended. On top of their heads, they tirelessly supply the spirit power of the gods.

Years and dreams are good, time flies, Ye Chen didn’t know how long it had passed, but he was too tired to rest for a while, and then he fought with Gu Yuena again, and the other party also responded positively, never before. Refuse.

With the continuous efforts of the two of them, Ye Chen's spirit power has risen from level 72 to the limit cultivation base of level 80. If he wants to go further, he can only continue to improve if he gets a new spirit ring.

Gu Yuena's spirit has also grown stronger with her tireless hard work, and the powerful fighting power that erupts every next time is like a divine slander, which makes Ye Chen a little overwhelmed.

If it hadn't been for his soaring cultivation base, all aspects of his physical fitness had also been greatly strengthened, and I was afraid that it would be difficult to withstand the powerful oppression of Gu Yuena, who is growing in combat power.

For the gods, the Soul Sage realm is like a mortal, and Ye Chen's ability to hold it is already a miracle.

The years don’t know how to be quiet, and Ye Chen doesn’t know about peace.

After that day, Gu Yuena leaned against his chest with silver hair and looked tired and looked into the distance, her slender fingers gestured on Ye Chen's chest, her long white legs were very seductive in the pink space.

Suddenly, the black divine core on Ye Chen's head stopped turning, and immediately turned into a black light that directly penetrated into the center of his eyebrows, and the fallen angel martial arts also burst into a thick black light that was extremely divine, and instantly covered the entire area. Peach blossom forest space.

"What's wrong? Are you finally going out?"

Feeling the drastic changes in the surrounding environment, after Ye Chen and Gu Yuena put on their clothes, their bodies were suddenly attracted by the force, and they disappeared into the pink peach blossom forest space at the same time, and their eyes looked like a huge change in the foreground. It also appeared inside a huge palace at the same time.

The surrounding area is empty and there are no stone pillars, but the scope is surprisingly large. Initially, looking at each other, it must be 10002 at least, and the colors of the walls are extremely dark, with weird patterns all over, as if there is no light , What is strange is that Ye Chen can see everything in the hall.

Suddenly, a thick black beam of light descended from the top, and after slamming on Ye Chen, it also took his body off the ground and rose into the air.

Upon seeing this, Gu Yuena's eyes condensed slightly, and she casually shot a beam of Dragon God's light that surpassed the limit Douluo at the black beam of light, but to her surprise, with the strength of almost a second-level god, the black beam of light attacked. Actually he didn't move at all, let alone a wave of waves.

Seeing this, Gu Yuena immediately called out a long spear. The whole body was silver and it was more than two feet long. It was very slender, but there were fine silver scales on the slender body. The scales were presented in a hexagonal shape. Delicate and well-proportioned.

The silver dragon spear came out, and the powerful divine power burst out from Gu Yuena's body, and the extremely terrifying spirit power fluctuations were also condensing crazily. In a short moment, bursts of extremely dazzling silver light burst out, just like one. A small solar panel.

"Naer, don't be impulsive, this seems to be a process of inheritance, there is no malice."

Ye Chen stopped Gu Yuena's attack, but as soon as the voice fell, countless black lights burst out in the beam of light, pulling out all the soul bones such as the wisdom skull absorbed in Ye Chen's body.

Immediately on the top of the main hall, six lacquered black and shiny soul bones slowly fell on Ye Chen's body, suffocating pressure from them, even Gu Yuena outside the beam of light felt that the divine power in the body was not flowing smoothly.

Immediately afterwards, the six soul bones of various parts rushed into Ye Chen's body, and immediately plunged him into huge pain. The fusion of the root-piercing pain made Ye Chen's body cold and sweaty. The veins violently rise.

But at the same time, Ye Chen, who had absorbed the first soul bone, also knew how powerful the dark angel soul bone bestowed by the fallen angel god.

Every piece of this dark angel spirit bone has reached the level of one million years. If it is fully absorbed, Ye Chenhao can't exaggerately say that even in terms of the current cultivation base, the entire Douluo Continent except Na'er will do it again. There is no one he can't beat.

The absorption process went smoothly The dark angel soul bone and Ye Chen who absorbed the fallen angel's divine power seemed to have a bond. Once contacted, it quickly merged into his body, just that kind of fusion. The pain was something Ye Chen never wanted to experience again.


When Ye Chen finished absorbing the last piece of soul bone, the huge dark palace began to sway and collapse, but the black beam of light did not dissipate. When Ye Chen pulled Gu Yuena in, their minds moved slightly, and their figures moved from within. Disappeared without a trace.

The surrounding scenes changed rapidly. When Ye Chen could see the surroundings clearly, he also found that what he was stepping on was the Poseidon Terrace of Poseidon's side hall.

"We're back!"

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, Ye Chen happily looked at the familiar and unfamiliar side hall, but before he could take a closer look, a voice came from behind him.

"Morning, it's been three years, and I finally waited until you came back."

With the sound of falling, a blue figure suddenly hugged Ye Chen's back, and immediately bursts of familiar and unfamiliar soft contours came to mind.

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