Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 196: No matter the killing, the gods fall

The rotten black wings behind him flapped slightly, Ye Chen did not hesitate, and the beating heart was directly pinched into minced meat by his right hand. After pulling his hand back, Ye Chen lifted the slim body of the **** of water. , With a wicked smile, wiped the blood-stained palm with it.

Suddenly, the handsome and sly Ye Chen looked down at all the gods like a demon, and the understatement of wiping the corpses made the gods take a breath.

Although the water **** is only a second-level god, he is best at defensive and life-saving skills, but at this moment, the opponent's corpse is thrown aside by Ye Chen like a piece of waste paper, so indifferent, as if dealing with a piece of garbage.

Faced with such a situation, many gods have put away their careless minds, and there are also some first-level gods who have not shown their true bodies. They have also displayed their gods, all of which have become more than ten meters. With a tall appearance, Qi Qi encircled Ye Chen and sealed it to death.

"God of life, what are you waiting for? Resurrect the God of Water."

When the **** Shura threw away the corpse of the water god, Ye Chen hurriedly said that the reason why he summoned so many low-level gods was that he relied on the presence of the **** of life to consume Ye Chen's power on a large scale while ensuring safety. This makes it easier for them to deal with this extremely evil person.

"Huh? Why don't you do it yet?"

"Don't rush her, Ye Chen, it's not easy."

The God of Destruction looked at the water **** who had lost his vitality, and changed his previous joking problem with a serious expression.

At this time, the **** of life finally spoke, but at this moment, her frowning brows revealed her state of mind.

"It's not that I don't want to save people, it's just that the water god's body is flooded with a strange annihilation power at this moment. It is a destructive power stronger than destruction, and even I can't eliminate it."

After all, the God of Life looked at the four great kings around him, and immediately said with extreme caution: "This matter can no longer be solved by the low-level gods. We must take action."

"Okay, let's go together and let the Seagod return to the God Realm."

The God of Good and the God of Evil said in unison, life and destruction also nodded at the same time, but Shura, who had fought against Ye Chen, hesitated and said: "Perhaps, it's too late."

"What do you mean? Do you want the gods to be cannon fodder for us? God Shura, you..."

Before the word of goodness was finished, Shura looked up at the sky and said, "Come!"

Having said that, the three domains instantly covered the vast airspace of thousands of miles, and immediately an extremely strong gravitational magnetic field, which instantly shocked the good and evil as well as life and destruction. Then their bodies trembled, and the epidermis quickly cracked, massively. Divine blood oozes continuously.

Suddenly, the five great **** kings found that they could not move, and those first-level gods and second-level gods under the suppression of the rules of the universe were all showing fear, and immediately between the body surface cracks, each and every bone fractured. The sound came out from their bodies.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"

Under the full release of the seventh black star integrated into Ye Chen's body, Qiang Jue's heavy pressure suppressed all the gods like an endless mountain. The feeling that their souls were about to be crushed made them scream in pain. When they get up, they look like they are not as good as dead, and they are more like pigs sent to the slaughterhouse. No matter how they struggle, they are all in vain.

Moreover, the third-level gods with the lowest cultivation base were all crushed into blood mist in an instant, and there was no chance of screaming, so they died completely.

Perhaps they couldn't understand until they died, why with Ye Chen's ability to become a god, they could slaughter them so recklessly, and what is their **** king doing at this moment? Why don't you try to exterminate the demons?

In the space under the pressure of the realm, brilliant divine cores appeared quietly, and Ye Chen stepped lightly, as if entering the realm of no one, casually condensed the spirit of the Demon Abyss sword into a real armored Demon Abyss. Immediately, the **** core was collected, and the immobile gods were harvested.

"Bold, don't stop. Those are the mainstays of the God Realm. If you kill them all, God's definition will be chaotic!"

God Shura screamed wildly. He regretted letting these low-level gods go to the lower realm. He thought that the **** of life could be stable here, but who knew that none of the people killed by Ye Chen could be healed and healed. Right now, they are the five great gods. , Is also a little difficult to see, helpless.

"Why is the chaos in the God Realm to do with me? You want to kill me, so why don't you let me fight back?"

As Ye Chen spoke, bursts of distorted black and red divine core energy suddenly surged on his face. At the moment, his twelve black wings eroded away at an even faster speed, and his body was overflowing with violent power, just like the surface of the sun. Like constantly splashing scattered divine power liquid.

The power of the two divine cores was too terrifying. Ye Chen used them forcibly and couldn't hold on for long. Even with the support of divine skills, he could not balance his body.

"Time is running out, we must make a quick decision!"

A trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, Ye Chen flipped his palm slightly, and the Demon Abyss Sword that had turned into an armor suddenly turned into a red streamer, flying and sliding through the air, constantly wearing slanderous bodies.

"Damn it, stop it!"

God Shura screamed in despair. As a law enforcer in the gods, he couldn't help it anymore. Ye Chen's behavior at the moment had touched his bottom line.

But he didn't realize that for Ye Chen, who had done nothing wrong, he wanted to kill the opponent, but what was the reason!

"Everyone, the future of the God Realm depends on you."

A touch of perseverance rose in God Shura's eyes, and immediately stared at Ye Chen, with an indescribable powerful aura that surged crazily from his body.

In an instant, he regained his ability to move, and then his eyes exuded a dazzling light, which also turned into a **** glow and rushed towards Ye Chen.


Feeling an extremely powerful force coming, Ye Chen drew back slightly, and suddenly saw a **** of Shura with a thick red light appearing in front of him.

"I will judge you as a law enforcer in the gods, Ye Chen, you deserve to die."

After all, God Shura merged his hands, and his body suddenly turned into a towering divine sword, and immediately swept through the sky with great power, even under the weight of the seven magic stars of Ye Chen, it was a little lawless to stir all directions.

All of a sudden, the low-level gods who survived and were unable to move resumed their actions, but at this moment they had no intention to fight. They raised their hands and led down the huge pillars of divine light, one by one, they quickly ascended toward the **** realm.

Facing the escape of dozens of surviving gods, Ye Chen suddenly showed a fierce light and said: "Did I let you go?"

Having said that, Ye Chen directly stretched out his hand regardless of him, and buckled the seventh black star directly from his chest. He suddenly smashed the room, and a violently fluctuating black light suddenly turned into a big hand, grabbing it with all his strength. To slander the large number of gods who were attracted by the pillar of light, and instantly fell from the sky out of control like little birds that lost their wings.

Even if the divine sword that Shura turned into a deity burst out with extremely strong divine power, it could not stop Ye Chen's killing. Soon, on the surface of the desert, a divine body lay all over the place, like a huge chaos. Like a funeral.

"how so!"

Looking at the low-level gods that all died, the **** of goodness suddenly fell into chaos, and at the same time she constantly wondered who was right and who was wrong in this battle.


The huge Shura Divine Sword was trembling, as if it represented its unstoppable anger. Soon, the killing aura continued to overflow from the Divine Sword, and immediately I saw the Divine Sword incarnation of the Shura God began to spin frantically. Suddenly, even the entire world began to twist and spin ~ ~ Shura, strong action to use the **** king cultivation base to be a hero, you asked us if we did not. "

A cold sound struck, and immediately four figures were no less than the **** of Shura, and suddenly appeared beside the giant divine sword. Immediately, a wave of absolute king-level oppression was like a tsunami, constantly impacting Ye Chen. go with.

"Finally, do you want to use your real skills, the five great gods!"

There was an evil smile at the corner of his mouth. Ye Chen, the tall fallen angel body, no longer suppressed the monstrous divine power in his body. He raised his hand slightly, and a huge fallen angel phantom standing upright suddenly raised a giant sword through the sky. Countless black lights surged crazily, and instantly enveloped the entire Douluo Continent, so that the blazing sun was forcibly pulled into the dark night without horizon, and even the entire continent began to tremble violently, as if it was about to fall apart. .

Soon, all parts of the world were plunged into chaos. Countless human soul beasts were afraid of the darkness, and all knelt on the ground tremblingly, muttering silently: Please let the heavens end their anger!

In the eyes of everyone, the endless darkness and the trembling of the earth are as if the sky is angry to punish everyone, so that they keep begging for forgiveness.

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