Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 214: Yanran retired, Ye Chen convinced people with virtue

In the Xiao Clan Hall, the atmosphere was really tit-for-tat, but the protagonist of this re-marriage brought Ye Chen inside inexplicably.

"Elder Ye, shouldn't you come out and say a few words, this girl is my son's fiancée, don't you really want to marry her?"

Xiao Zhan pushed the question to Ye Chen, and then the glamorous girl stared straight at him, her beautiful eyes with a complex look were full of determination.

Faced with the attack from both sides, Ye Chen finally understood the reason for the contradiction, and immediately he smiled slightly: "It's okay, anyway, I'm still unmarried, so it's not impossible to marry this girl."

Ye Chen's words made Xiao Zhan's beard crooked when he heard Xiao Zhan's words. Right now he looked at Xiao Yan who had grown up in the corner and said, "As a man, you should also show your own attitude?"

Xiao Zhan's words were quite useful. Xiao Yan quickly stood up with a sullen face, but his complexion was very pale, his figure was thin, and his whole body was in a very wrong state, but at this moment, he was shaking with anger and staring at the girl. Angry.

"Nalan Yanran, you don't need to turn the troubles to Elder Ye. You want to retreat, just because you think that Xiao Yan, a piece of trash, is not worthy of your proud daughter of the day, oppressing my Xiao Clan by virtue of being a disciple of the Yunlan Sect. You really can. To put it harshly, for thirty years in Hedong and Hexi for thirty years, don't bully the young and poor. Now I am a trash, but in the future, why do you think I can't stand up again?"

Hearing that, Ye Chen couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, and said in his heart: "I'm sorry, you really can't turn over."

After shook his head, Ye Chen thought of the people sent by the Disha Division. After discovering that Xiao Yan had an extraordinary talent, he began to slap him with chronic poison when he was about six years old.

After ten years of accumulation, Xiao Yan's original cultivation to a fighter was completely abolished three years ago, and the toxicity broke out in an instant not long ago, causing his meridians to decay and wither, making it impossible to practice again.

Although not dying, I am afraid that I am hopeless if I want to achieve something in the vindictive room in the future.

"Okay, it's a good sentence for thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, my son, Xiao Zhan, is extraordinary!"

Above the top, Xiao Zhan's eyes lit up, his palms slammed heavily on the tabletop, splashing tea.

But at this time, Nalan Yanran was gritted her teeth with anger, and she was spoiled all year round. She had never experienced this kind of anger. She immediately said in a slightly childish voice: "What does it matter to me if you can't turn over? Are you? What's wrong with me if it's not a waste? I just don't want to let myself live under the constraints of that marriage contract, and I also have the right to choose my life. Is this also wrong?"

"Well, it's true. It has the independent spirit of women in the new era and dare to oppose feudal stereotypes. That's good."

Ye Chen's words were out of date, but he did feel that Nalan Yanran had taken an epoch-making step bravely, which was worthy of praise.

"Elder Ye, what do you mean, do you really think she will marry you? Don't think about it, you have been cultivating for many years, but you are only in the realm of the Great Fighter. My dear daughter, would you really fall for you as an uncle?"

Xiao Yan was also angry, and immediately attacked Ye Chen.

Seeing this, Ye Chen didn’t get angry, but just smiled faintly: “Whether to marry or not is girl Yanran’s business. Similarly, a marriage contract forced by her elders can be determined by girl Yanran. Are you so willing to accept being caught? Arranged life?"

"Of course not, but I know that the matchmaker's remarks ordered by my parents, even if it is arranged, then I am willing to accept it."

Hearing Xiao Yan's words, Ye Chen suddenly felt a little nauseated, and said in his heart: Are you fake? Obviously, they are also people from the earth who have traveled through, but what kind of parental orders do they have to obey? Didn't you Xiao Yan just look at Nalan Yanran's beauty and then hold on to it? If the object of this marriage contract is ugly, what would you say about your parents' matchmaking?

As a human being on this earth, Ye Chen sneered at Xiao Yan's words. The rules of the old age were barbaric and unreasonable. What's more, it's ridiculous that this is a marriage between the fingers of the belly, it is ridiculous!

Naturally, Ye Chen wouldn't say anything about this world, so he immediately asked him: "Are you really willing to accept this arrangement?"

"Of course, I am not like someone."

Xiao Yan replied and looked at Nalan Yanran, while Xiao Zhan stood behind him, exuding the aura of Dou Ling cultivation base, and gave his full support.

Seeing this, Nalan Yanran was a little untenable, and immediately wanted to say something more, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she suddenly found that Ye Chen had grabbed her wrist abruptly, and she immediately swept her gaze directly. .

For some reason, Nalan Yanran couldn't say anything under Ye Chen's gaze, she just slid her hand slightly and hurriedly escaped from Ye Chen's control.

"Very well, since you are willing to accept this kind of marriage contract, then as an elder, I should also have the right to book a few marriages for you. As the only son of the patriarch, all matters of the Xiao clan's opening up and dispersing will fall on your shoulders. Go on, Xiao Yan, wait for the elders, I'll be back soon."

Raising an eyebrow at Xiao Yan, Ye Chen quickly ran out of Xiao Mansion, leaving behind a group of unknown people.

In addition to the mansion, Ye Chen sent people a message that the young master of the Xiao family was going to marry a wife, and named the four most famous sisters in Utan city, and the four ugly and crude women who had been unable to marry were heard When I was able to marry into the Xiao Clan as a young grandmother, I also ran to the door of Xiao Mansion non-stop.

In front of the gate, Ye Chen looked at the big smiling girls who gathered together. The strange polyhedral face suddenly made him spit out yesterday's overnight meal.

After that, Ye Chenqiang endured the discomfort and brought the Four Great Tan Sisters to the Xiao Clan Hall.

When they found the four women behind Ye Chen, the crowd in the hall suddenly retreated, trying to get a distance, but Xiao Zhan in the middle of the hall couldn't help but frown and asked: "Ye Chen, think about your identity and don't stand on the wrong side."

Hearing this, Ye Chen nodded with a smile suddenly: "The patriarch is relieved, I don't know when I stand, but I am fair and comfortable. Even if I have to stand, I will stand fair."

"Ye Chen, I respect you as an elder, but what are you doing here with the ugly girl behind you? Do you want to treat them all to me..."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but exclaimed, but before he finished speaking, Ye Chen focused his head and said, "Yes, are you willing to obey the arrangements of your elders? That elder will act as your elder and marry these four beauties to you. Wife, they all agreed, and we can get married tomorrow."

After speaking, the four tan sisters behind Ye Chen immediately smiled like a flower and said: "Master Xiao, when we get married, the sisters will take care of you together." After that, the four women stared at Xiao Yan and licked their mouths. , And immediately made a shy look.

However, when this scene was manifested in a few women with polyhedral appearances, it also vomited all the men in the entire hall, and the scene was extremely magnificent.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

"Naughty, how can my son marry these rough women, Ye Chen, don't go too far, otherwise I will remove your position as an elder and let you return to an outer disciple."

Xiao Zhan was really angry, Ye Chen's actions were too much, making him angry on the spot.

But Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders indifferently and smiled faintly: "What a patriarch of the Xiao clan, aren't you now acting as the patriarch to suppress others? But it doesn't matter, such a Xiao clan, don't wait."

"But, as a former elder, doesn't your son want to keep the marriage contract that I mentioned?"

Ye Chen's words are sharp, but they are all very beneficial, which is impossible to refute.

"You're arguing, my dignified young master of the Xiao clan, why marry those ugly girls? It's impossible. Don't be delusional." Xiao Yan looked at the four big sisters who were nauseating just by looking at them, and couldn't hold back for a moment. He began to shout: "Ye Chen, you are no longer the elder of my Xiao clan, and have nothing to do with me, so I don't need to obey your words."

"Mischief? Sophistry? How come you are so resistant when you change your partner about the marriage contract. Are some of the girls innocent and unworthy of marrying? Haha, after all, you Xiao Yan, you Xiao Wars are just laymen, and what kind of truth is there to tell me? It's shameless, ridiculous and sad."

With a touch of disdain at the corner of his mouth, Ye Chen took out the pen and paper from Na Jie, and wrote a few big characters on the white paper: Today, Nalan Yanran, my marriage contract with Xiao Yan officially ended, as proof of this letter of resignation!

When he stopped writing, Ye Chen handed the book to Nalan Yanran, who was looking at him with a dull expression, and said: "The girl presses her handprint. From now on, get rid of this forced marriage contract and be a free woman."

"Free women!"

Such fresh words immediately resonated with Nalan Yanran. She wanted, and what she longed for, was not the so-called freedom? The marriage contract was not what she intended, why should I let myself bear it?

Thinking about it, Nalan Yanran suddenly opened her small mouth and bit her finger. She was stained with blood, and pressed her handprints **** the paper.

He immediately took the letter of divorce and threw it towards Xiao Yan who was speechless by Ye Chen, and then walked out without looking back, without any nostalgia, but the Yunlan Sect who came with it, He smiled happily and left behind her.

Ye Chen also chuckled at the corners of his mouth. He took out hundreds of gold coins and threw them to the Four Great Tan Sisters. Then he walked out of the Xiao Clan’s mansion without looking back. He stayed here for ten years, but he didn’t take the Xiao Clan to the huge. The removal of the elder's position here also completely ended this relationship.

Suddenly, in the huge hall of the Xiao Clan, only the Xiao family and his party were waiting for a few people who were looking at the people who had gone away in anger, unable to speak for a long time.

But as soon as Ye Chen left the door of the Xiao family, an old man in white robe stood in front of him, and immediately saw him hand over to Ye Chen and said: "In the next cloud Lanzong Deacon Ge Ye, I have long heard of Young Master Chen’s name, if you Don't dislike it, my Yunlanzong also has a small worship position and is still vacant, but I don't know if the son is willing to go to my Yunlanzong."

"Mr. Ge, thank you for your kindness, but Ye Mou just got free, so I won't bother you anymore. See you again if you are destined."

Waved to Ye Chen took out a mountain and water folding fan from Najie, and walked out of Wutan city leisurely.

But at this moment, a beautiful shadow raised his hand to block Ye Chen, and then saw a cold and pretty face caught in his eyes: "You can't just leave like this."

"Oh? Don't you really want to marry me?"

Looking at Nalan Yanran, Ye Chen put away the folding fan and looked at her with interest.

"No... of course not, I just want to invite you back to Yunlanzong to stay for a while, so that I can repay your kindness."

"Well, it's okay, anyway, the place I'm going is also far away. It's okay if I don't rush for a while."

Ye Chen agreed, and now Xiao Mei went to the Imperial Capital Academy of the Jiama Empire to practice, and the concubine Ya also ended the family experience ahead of schedule because of the pill business with him, and the position of Yun Lanzong was not far from Jiama Emperor, said Maybe I can go and see them.

"Okay, let's go now."

There was a smile on Nalan Yanran's mouth, which looked normal, but Ge Ye beside her also showed a smile, which was very strange, as if there was some hidden secret.

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