Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 219: Poisoning, 1 rescue

The atmosphere in the cave became a little strange. Ye Chen couldn't help swallowing as he looked at the dark, unpleasant potion.

"What's wrong, you seem to be very skeptical of the concoction you have made, maybe this is poison."

Yun Yun realized that something was wrong with Ye Chen, Dang Even opened the mouth.

But to be honest, even if she saw the concoction of the wrong color, she couldn't help frowning. Although she made it by herself, she didn't eat it.

"I said Sect Master Yun, do you know how to cook?"

"What do you mean, whether I can cook, it seems that there is no conflict with you whether you drink medicine or not."

"No, no, I just want to say that Sect Master Yun is a girl, and he must marry someone in the future. Now, if you marry someone, how can you do without a good cooking skill? After all, there is a good saying, if you want to catch a man's heart, first You have to grab his stomach, so..."

Ye Chen talked eloquently, but Yun Yun stood up coldly and arrogantly: "Do you think this Sect Master still needs a culinary assistant based on my appearance, even if he wants to marry someone?"

In a word, Ye Chen was stunned into speechlessness. Indeed, there would be a man who would not love a woman like Yun Yun like a fairy.

"Hurry up and drink the medicine, I think you look pale, I guess it won't last long."

A spoonful directly hit Ye Chen's slightly opened mouth, and then, the bitterness that was hard to swallow and the trembling nausea that made Ye Chen couldn't help but want to spit out the medicinal juice in his mouth.

But he just opened his mouth, and a stone bowl was suddenly squeezed into Ye Chen's mouth, and immediately all the strange medicinal juice was poured into his mouth.

Suddenly, there were bursts of nausea that made Ye Chen feel like vomiting, and Ye Chen couldn’t help but open his mouth to vomit, but immediately, a small white hand suddenly covered his mouth, and then the ears were too. Yun Yun's calm voice came: "Don't vomit, your arm injury is healing just now in your mouth. This shows that this medicine is very effective. You must swallow it even if it is difficult to drink. In this way, the injury in the body is only possible. It will be stable."

Having said that, Yun Yun waved his other hand and slapped Ye Chen's back with a palm, and then let him swallow the potion unconsciously.

"I, vomit..."

Ye Chen wanted to say something, but the potion suddenly moved wildly in his abdomen, making him unbearable that kind of nausea.

But surprisingly, all the injuries on his body healed within a few minutes, and even the scars left by the previous battle disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this scene, Yun Yun on the side could not help but shake up the remaining bowl of black concoction, and immediately swallowed it in his mouth without hesitation.

Similarly, the injuries she suffered are also recovering quickly, but unlike Ye Chen, under Yun Yun Baili's rosy skin, there is a faint blackness, and the most serious one is that beautiful piece. Pretty face.

"What's the matter, why do I feel poisoned?"

Yun Yun looked at Ye Chen whose breath had grown a little bit, and she was holding her stomach in pain for a while. The painful pain hit her soul, and in an instant, dense beads of sweat appeared all over her body, circle after circle. I was soaked all over.


Ye Chenqiang suppressed his discomfort, and hurriedly walked to Yun Yun's side and transported his vindictive energy for inspection. However, his vindictive energy had just entered Yun Yun's body and was shocked by a powerful medicinal force. Zong Qili couldn't break through that medicine's counter shock.

Seeing Yun Yun's face getting darker and darker, Ye Chen couldn't help but untie Yao Lao's jeopardy space, and hurriedly asked: "Yao Lao, my friend drank this black concoction and was poisoned. Can you help? Look, how to detoxify."

"First give her Wei Xia this clear poison pill, and then what herbs did you use, remember? Bring them all to me to see."

Yao Lao didn't come out, he just found out a touch of unsearchable mental power to investigate Yun Yun's state at the moment, but the situation was very strange, and he did not dare to jump to conclusions without confirming the raw materials.

"Okay, I'll look for it now."

Ye Chen helped Yun Yun, who was trembling all over, forcibly fed the Qingdu Pill to the end of her life. After letting her swallow it, he began to find the herbs that he made her to dispense medicinal juice.

Fortunately, Ye Chen's mental power is very strong, and his memory is also very online. Within a few seconds, all the medicinal herbs Yun Yun used to boil appeared in his hand.

"These... are all the best herbs necessary for refining the sixth or seventh grade pill. Brother Chen, you are wasting great herbs."

"Don't talk about it for now. It's important to save people. You must prepare the corresponding antidote. Please, she can't die."

Ye Chen ignored Yao Lao's regret. At this moment, his eyes were full of drenched Yun Yun. It was because of him that the other party became like this. If he died, Ye Chen would never forgive himself in this life.

"Okay, you first move your work for its resistance to the drug, and I will soon be able to formulate the antidote, but the antidote has a powerful side effect. Are you sure you want me to refine it?"

Old Yao's voice came into his ears, and Ye Chen called out anxiously without even thinking about it, "Lian, why not do it, I want to save people."

"Understood, you can wait a while."

Hearing that, Ye Chen hurriedly raised Yun Yun to agitate the fighting energy in his body, and then Dou Zong's powerful cultivation base continuously impacted Yun Yun's medicinal power, forming a force of resistance, and buying more time for it.

But that Mo Ming’s black medicinal power is very strong. Even Ye Chen was quickly consumed and a little collapsed. The fighting energy in his body has been consumed by eight to nine, and there are less than one or two layers of fighting energy left. It can only resist once.

"How much longer will I be able to hold on."

"Almost, you hold on for a while."

Hearing Yao Lao's voice, not only was Ye Chen panting heavily in his mouth, but his clothes were also infiltrated by sweat. When he carried the last vindictiveness, a powerful fatigue hit his brain like a tide.

Finally, the last fighting qi was also transported to the palm of his palm, and then as much as possible was entered into Yun Yun's body to fight against. Then, Ye Chen, who had spent a lot of energy on fighting qi, felt his head dizzy, as if he would faint at any time.

"No, I can't fall down, otherwise Yun Yun will be in danger."

Shaking his head, Ye Chen looked at Yun Yun's already-purple face, and couldn't help but slapped himself a few big mouths, but this level of pain had no effect at all.

Right now, Ye Chen couldn't help taking out the magical tool Demon Abyss, and then slashed a few swords toward his thigh.

In an instant, several open and fleshy wounds appeared, and then scarlet blood flowed out from the wounds, quickly staining his trousers red.

"Not enough, not enough."

Feeling the severe pain, Ye Chen suddenly noticed that there was a faint anger in his body. At the moment, he couldn't help getting excited, and when he raised his sword, he started self-harm again.

Every time the sword goes down, the body will exert a force beyond its limits due to automatic defense and thus derive a new fighting spirit. Although the amount is not a lot, Ye Chen can no longer take care of this, even if the body is already. In the event of an overdraft situation, he still subconsciously lifted the Demon Abyss, scratching himself with one sword and one sword, forcing his body to produce more grudge.

Finally, the derivation and accumulation of the new vindictive energy reached about one level of the original total. Ye Chen also dragged his body covered in bright red flesh to carry the vindictive energy, and once again made a medicinal confrontation for Yun Yun to delay the opponent's Poison time.

It was also at this time that the ‘long-lost’ voice came from the space of Najie: "The antidote for the poisonous pill is finished, Ye Chen, you..."

Before he could finish the words, Ye Chen fainted and fell to the ground because of his super overdraft. When Yao Lao came out of the space of accepting quit, he quickly took the antidote for Yun Yun, who was also in a coma, and discovered that Ye Chen’s was wrong. Under the circumstances, his old face suddenly couldn't help shaking, and then he took a few breaths, unable to speak for a long time.

He didn't expect that Ye Chen would be so cruel to himself, such a self-harm behavior that was almost suicidal, if it were to continue for a while, it was estimated that his soul would return to heaven.

After sighing, Old Yao took out a five-grade healing body pill from his arms and fed it to Ye Chen. After suppressing his injury, he returned to the space of Najie to refine a better healing medicine for him.

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