Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 222: Little Doctor Xian Poison Body

(The plot of the blocked chapter: the antidote to the evil side effects, let Yun Yun do what Ye Chen did, and then went back to Yun Lanzong, and the system issued the task of signing in Yun Yun and Medusa.)

After deciding to go to the Tagore Desert first, Ye Chen left the cave where Yun Yun was entangled and hurried towards Qingshan Town.

The town of Warcraft Mountains is still as lively as usual, but the disappearance of a certain mercenary group in the town surprised many people. When Ye Chen came back, there were also guests from the roadside teahouse talking about it. those things.

Walking on the streets of Qingshan Town, Ye Chen came all the way to the location of Wanyaozhai. At the entrance of the manor, the defense was quite strict, and there were more than a dozen fully armed guards.

Looking at the guards, Ye Chen didn't want to disturb the owner of Wanyaozhai. He brought the Hidden Breath Technique to the side of the manor and climbed in silently.

The magical effect of Hidden Breath Secret Art can not only hide the cultivation base, but also cover up the aura of oneself without being noticed. Ye Chen is very fast. After sneaking into the manor, he swept in the direction of spiritual power exploration. There was no guard on the way. He can be captured.

After avoiding a few waves of patrols, Ye Chen smoothly came to a quite quiet room. There were also guards guarding the main entrance and quietly walked around to the back of the room. Ye Chen moved slightly and jumped into the open window room. Inside.

The soles of the feet landed quietly on the ground, and they smelled the smell of medicine in the room. Behind the pink curtains, a vague shadow could be seen.

On a small platform, a woman in a white dress gown is lowering her head and carefully preparing the powder. She occasionally picks up a little powder with a small crystal strip and places it under her pretty nose to gently sniff.

The woman in the white skirt seemed to be aware of something and suddenly raised her head, but when her gaze swept across the smiling face of the young man, the chill in her eyes slowly faded, and she swept her gaze outside the door, facing Ye Chen. Beckoned.

"I knew you were still alive."

The woman in the white skirt smiled slightly, and Ye Chen also nodded and said, "I'm fine, don't worry, I just came here today to make sure of your safety, so I just want to tell you individually."

"Are you going to Yunlanzong?"

Thinking of the conversation between Ye Chen and that beautiful woman a few days ago, the little doctor immortal couldn't help asking. At the moment, she was also approaching Ye Chen, and seemed to have something to say.

"I will definitely go back to Yunlanzong, but not now."

"Then where are you going, I..."

When the words came to his lips, he stopped, the little doctor immortal suddenly thought of something, and quickly took out a transparent porcelain bottle from his arms, which contained a light red potion.

Then, the little doctor fairy continued: "There is poison in the house. You should take my antidote, otherwise you won't be able to get out of this room later."

As she spoke, bursts of pain suddenly appeared on Xiao Yixian's pretty face, and then a burst of smoke came out of her body quickly.

The smoke in the room gradually thickened, and at this time, the little doctor fairy fell to the ground with a soft body, closed his eyes, and the original ruddy face, at this moment, was also a strange colorful face.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but stepped forward and wanted to lift her up, but at this moment, a light and shadow rushed out of the Najie on his finger, and shouted: "Don't go there, that is a poisonous body, if you touch it, you will die. undoubtedly!"

Yao Lao showed an unprecedented nervousness, because at this moment, Ye Chen's hand was already wrapped around Xiao Yixian's waist, making a gesture of support.

"It's over, everything is over."

Old Yao couldn't believe that Ye Chen was so careless and costing his life in vain, but if he just touched it, there might be some room for salvation.

Soon, after Yao Lao pulled Ye Chen's hand back, he took out a bunch of bottles and cans from the ring space and handed them to Ye Chen, "Open them and take them one by one. The poison of the body, but it can always be suppressed."

"Brother Yao, are you making a big fuss? Actually, I..."

"Don't talk, take the medicine quickly, you can't afford to delay time if you are poisoned."

Seeing Lao Yao uncovering several porcelain bottles and taking out the pill, Ye Chen shrugged helplessly, waved his hand and said, "No, in fact, I am a kind of poison that does not invade the physique. To me, poison does no harm at all. ."


Yao Lao looked at Ye Chen with a little astonishment.

"Miraculous, miraculous, with your physique, it would be a pity if you don't use it to refine medicine."

Looking at Ye Chen who was taking care of the girl, Yao Lao sighed again in his heart.

A guy who has some super-strong mental powers, has a physique and a strong cultivation base, but has no interest in alchemy. This is really sad.

If Ye Chen learns alchemy with him, Yao Lao feels that with the opponent’s already Dou Zong cultivation base talent, he is afraid that he will be able to reach his own level of refining medicine within a few years, and maybe he will be even stronger, perhaps reaching the 9th rank alchemist. It's just a matter of time.

But it's a pity that with such good innate conditions and his mentor as Yaochen, Ye Chen is violently sending heavenly things there, making people helpless.

"You really don't want to learn from me and become a pharmacist?" As he said, the old man Yao suddenly saw the little doctor on the bed, and his eyes were bright and said: "This girl's virulent body is not dangerous for the time being, but if it keeps If you take poison and practice, the poison will erupt one day, turning it into a murderous monster that no one else can enter, and will die alone."

"Oh, but what you said has something to do with learning to refine medicine with you, and I already have a way to deal with poisons, so you don't bother to worry about it."

"Oh, I also want to teach you how to refine some pills to help this girl delay the outbreak of the poison. It's a pity."

Yao Lao still didn't give up, and he didn't know the way to deal with the poisonous body, so he thought that Ye Chen was just avoiding the problem.

"Sounds good, but really unnecessary."

Ye Chen rejected Yao Lao once again, and restrained the poisonous body. Isn't it enough to have a strange fire?

But just after the words were said, a soft feeling suddenly came from his chest. When Ye Chen looked down, half of Xiaoyixian's body was hung on his chest.

The beautiful eyes were still tightly closed, seeming to be an unconscious move, but the severe toxicity exuding from his body also caused Ye Chen's extremely fire body to emerge automatically.

The light red streamer circulates under the skin, reflecting each other with the colorful colors on the little doctor fairy's face. The strange and impermanence has reached a certain state of equilibrium.

Soon, Xiaoyixian's face returned to normal. When he woke up, he found that he was holding Ye Chen, and Dangyan was stupid in the same place: "How come, how could this happen, Ye Chen, are you okay."

After reading the Seven Color Poison Classics, Xiao Yixian naturally knows the dangers of her own, and the attack of the poison is also the most dangerous moment. No one can touch it. However, now, she hugged Ye Chen. Isn't this killing someone?

A little frightened, he let go of Ye Chen, and Xiao Yixian asked nervously, for fear that Ye Chen was poisoned to death by herself. If so, she would live in guilt for the rest of her life.

"Uh, no, you are poisonous." Suddenly, Ye Chen pinched his neck and said with a'pain' expression: "I'm going to die."

After all, the person shook, and the purple color appeared on his face, and he looked like a dying person.

"I'm sorry, I'm all to blame, I killed you."

I wanted to hold Ye Chen in the past, but I was afraid of hurting him a second time, so that the little doctor fairy sat on the bed very The little hands were tightly clenched, and the beautiful eyes were also Some tears appeared.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't bear to act, and Dang Even grinned and said: "Haha, lie to you, I can't be hurt by a mere morbid body, I have never heard of it, and what I said is down."

After speaking, Ye Chen clenched his fists and made a healthy and strong look, but Xiao Yixian's expression had become very ugly.

At the moment, she stood up slightly and lightly opened her lips and said, "It's okay if you're okay." However, as soon as she finished speaking, a tiger came to Ye Chen to pounce on her food, threw it onto the bed, and then rode on him. Exasperated and exasperated, he yelled, "Forget about poisoning you to death. I lied and made me sad. I almost thought you were going to die..."

While talking, Xiao Yixian suddenly discovered something wrong, and when even a little embarrassed stepped down from Ye Chen, he immediately looked at something with a shocked expression on his face.

"Now, it's not my fault, you know, I'm a normal man, so..."

Ye Chen scratched his head, he was also very embarrassed at the moment, and immediately lifted the quilt on the bed to cover himself.

However, his actions caused a strong dissatisfaction with the little doctor: "That's my bedding, how can you cover it..."

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