Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 234: Protecting the ancestors, Yun Yun appeared

Looking at the figure going away, Yun Yun's pretty white cheeks suddenly became anxious. She didn't dare not follow the master's destiny to raise her since she was a child, but Ye Chen...

Thinking of her master’s strength in cultivation, Yun Yun was hesitated while sitting on the stone bench, but the two figures drifting away and the unknown sword intent from the direction of the square made her make up her mind. He got up and rushed to go, even if the teacher ordered her first, it couldn't stop her from moving forward.

At the same time, Yunshan, who was about to fly into the airspace of the square, suddenly heard a cold voice: "Old Sect Master, do you need my help, I feel that the sword is extraordinary, Jie Jie Jie."

"Huh, he's just a big **** kid. He Laozun makes a shot, and the old man can handle it. After all, I just made a breakthrough. I hope I can fight for a while."

After Yunshan refused the transmission of the mysterious person, he took Furukawa Yukong to the sky above the bluestone square at the front gate of Yunlanzong. But when he first arrived, he couldn't help taking a breath, and then hung his belt around his waist. The sword also trembled violently, forcing him to constantly agitate and suppress it.

At this moment, the elder Yun Leng and others in front of the sect, all looked at Ye Chen angrily, and said furiously.

"Ye Chen kid, there is a kind of put away the divine sword and fight with us with real swords and guns. Do you think that you can enter the gate of my Yunlan Sect with the power of the divine weapon? It's just wishful thinking, don't dream."

"Hahaha, what Brother Wang said is reasonable, but he is just a big fighting master holding a magic weapon. Without the magic sword, it is still a waste. That's it? I want to contaminate my sect master, hehe, delusion."

A group of elders yelled facelessly, venting their inner injustice. They didn't even know the difference. Ye Chen's'Sword Coming' was completely derived from his own understanding of sword intent and had nothing to do with Demon Abyss .

"Don't be discouraged, everyone, it's just a big battle master. Even if there is a divine sword, how powerful can it be? All elder disciples, join me to consolidate the guardian sect."

Yun Leng looked deeply at Ye Chen who stretched out the sword storm, and shouted loudly, he also knew that the other party was not a fool, would he really abandon the strength of the divine sword to fight? A normal person would not do this.

At the moment, Yun Leng violently urged his fighting spirit, and immediately raised his hand to form a mysterious rune.

Soon, everywhere in the huge Yun Lanzong, small light spots continued to condense toward the top of his head, and shortly afterwards, a huge energy sphere suddenly appeared.

At the same time, the eight elders and thousands of disciples behind him also urged their own fighting energy, constantly inputting fighting energy energy toward the cyan energy sphere above Yun Lan's arms.

Suddenly, the cyan energy sphere quickly spun, and instantly became several times larger. The vindictive fluctuations emanating from its surface also distort the air, and everywhere in the huge Yunlan Mountain, that kind of There are more and more energy light spots, constantly converging in the energy sphere above Yunlin's head.

The immensely powerful energy made Yun Leng's complexion pale and he used his guardian formation. Even with his fighting king cultivation base, he was very strenuous, but listening to the sound of the sword screaming from Ye Chen's direction, he also bite the bullet and died. Hold on.

Soon, the cyan energy sphere above his head has expanded to be larger than half of the square, and as the sphere rotates, every corner of the bluestone square began to condense numerous tiny icicles, and the temperature in the air suddenly When it drops to the extreme, even breathing the air into the lungs will make people feel tingling.

"No, the elder, Ye Chen is not an invader, why should he use the Guardian Array to kill him."

Yes, just kill. Nalan Yanran knew that when the protectorate formation was activated, it was the sect that moved the killing intent, and the people did not die.

And this large formation with a long heritage of Yunlanzong, once activated, was even more ‘stronger’ than the previous Sect Master Yunshan Patriarch, and it seemed to be a terrifying power surpassing the Douhuang level.

In the Gama Empire, why the Yunlanzong can stand alone, and even the royal family has to look at them a bit of face, part of the reason is that this guardian array brings absolute security, and the random Yunlanzong will become more and more free. They have grown stronger, but the royal family has nothing to do with them.

Nalan Yanran was extremely anxious, but the elder Yun Leng burst out cold words: "As a disciple of the Yunlan Sect, and even a direct disciple of the Sect Master, I will give you one last chance to come over to us, otherwise... "

"Otherwise? Elder Yun Ling, don't you want to kill my disciple."

Suddenly, an indifferent voice came quickly from a distance, and immediately Yun Yun's plump and exquisite figure stood in front of Ye Chen and Nalan Yanran, and looked at Yun Leng indifferently, continuously exerting pressure.

"Zong.. Sovereign."

After discovering that the person was Yun Yun, the violent ice-cold energy sphere gathered on Yun Ling's head suddenly trembled. Fortunately, the eight elders behind him put their hands on his shoulders before they formed a stable formation.

"Unauthorized urging the guardian formation, who is giving you the right? Is it now that our sect has fallen into the moment of life and death?"

Yun Yun's sharp words suddenly caused Yun Leng's forehead to sweat wildly. For a while, he didn't know how to refute, so he could only say to Ye Chen fiercely: "This son hurts the face of my sect, and insults you, Sect Master. I wait for my humble strength, can’t I still try my best? Sect Master, it’s you, why would you stand with someone from the rebellious sect? Have you forgotten the order you gave?"

Hearing that, Yun Yunqiao's face also showed a trace of embarrassment, she gave the order, but now...

Looking back at Ye Chen who was smiling at him, Yun Yun calmed down and said forcefully: "I am the Sect Master, now, I order you to disperse to the protectorate formation!"

Yun Yun has been in charge for many years, and the supremacy she possessed is quite deep. After hearing this, some disciples suddenly stopped to convey vindictive energy to the great formation.

There was one, the second and the third. Soon, more and more Yun Lanzong disciples withdrew their big hands and looked at Yun Yun respectfully.

"Sect Master, you are confused, if the old Sect Master is here, you will not be allowed to do anything wrong here."

The great elder Yun Leng pretended to say sadly, but his eyes were always staring at the Demon Abyss sword floating around Ye Chen, and the large formation above his head showed no signs of stopping.

"Bold, as an elder, do you want to violate my orders?"

Yun Yun also discovered that Ye Chen had the blessing of the divine sword, but she knew nothing about Yun Lanzong's guardian formation.

The power of the whole family gathered at the moment. Once it broke out, the power would never be less than the power of the Dou Zong realm. Its power is so powerful that Ye Chen, who is blessed by the divine sword, can resist, even if she herself This fighting emperor is also unable to resist the power of the big formation.

"I won't let you do something."

The words of decisiveness flashed in her heart, Yun Yun once again looked at Yun Leng and other elders and thousands of disciples, and then spoke again: "My words, I don't want to say it a second time." The strange long sword pointed at Yun Leng and the others.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the air gradually became cold, and as the large array condensed, flakes of ice crystals floated in the air, which was very beautiful.

At the moment when the sword was raging, Ye Chen came to Yun Yun's side, grabbed her soft waist, and said to Yun Ling and the others: "What's the use of a bunch of disobedient dogs? Why not kill them all."

There was a wave of murderous intent in his eyes, but Yun Yun couldn't help but pinched his waist. "What are you talking about? They are all from my sect. Who are you going to kill?"

Hearing this, Ye Chen's murderous intent disappeared, and then he scratched his hair and smiled: "I know, I don't want to make you play."

While speaking, Ye Chen's expression suddenly became serious, and his eyes were sincerely looking at the human being in his arms: "I, here comes!"


There was no complicated dialogue, Yun Yun just nodded, and that kind of inescapable feeling spread between the two.

Nalan Yanran next to her saw this scene and couldn't help but want to walk towards the two of them, but when she saw the determination in her master's beautiful eyes, she also stopped, only the undulating arc of her chest could be deceived. The complex expression in her eyes represented her heart that she didn't want to give up.

Yun Yun and Ye Chen looked at each other quietly. Suddenly, a voice of vicissitudes came from high above: "Yun'er, Susu separated from that kid and returned to the sect. The old man thought you would not deal with emotions when you first met. This time, I will spare you."


Looking towards Yunshan, which is hidden from the end of the white cloud, Yun Yun immediately plucked up the courage to say: "I agree with Ye Chen, and I also ask Master to fulfill it. Even if he is just a master, I am willing to be with him, and It’s not the master you arranged for me..."

"Shut up, I want you to go back, just go back quickly, Yun'er, it's all for your good as a teacher."

Above the clouds in the sky, the voices of vicissitudes were heard again, and Yun Leng, who used the large array on the ground, heard these conversations, and immediately asked with confidence: "Old Sovereign, do you continue to operate the large array to kill this? Son, a big fighting master, dare to contaminate my Sect Master Yunlan, and he's looking for a dead end. Old Sect Master, please let me run the big formation immediately."

As soon as these words came out, Skyrim quickly responded: "The words of the Great Elder are just what I want."

After all, a majestic tide of vindictive air suddenly fell from the sky, and immediately turned into a big hand in the air, and wanted to grab it towards Yun Yun.

Upon seeing this, Yun Yun raised his sword and wanted to resist, but the monstrous grievance fluctuations from that big hand immediately caused her to fall into deep thought, and then muttered to herself: "Master, have you already broken through Douzong."

When this statement appeared, everyone in the operation of the big formation suddenly lifted their spirits, and their old sect master broke through. Then, in this Jiama Empire, who else can compete with their Yunlanzong?

Thinking of this, the thousands of disciples and the nine elders of Yun Leng immediately started the guardian formation with excitement. Right now, they have completely got rid of the majesty of Yun Yun, and the old sect master is their faith.

It's just that Yun Yun on the side suddenly turned pale and said, "Master, why are you forcing me like this?"

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