Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 241: The situation is changeable, Lu Nima’s tripod

The three black-robed men stood in the center of the main hall, without even looking at Yunshan, they issued a deep and gloomy question.

"Ye Chen, where is it?"

With his indifferent voice and strong cultivation strength, he burst into a crushing momentum in an instant. Before Yunshan spoke to answer, he couldn't stop sweating on the palm of his hand.

"Several envoys, Ye Chen is not in the sect right now. Can you wait a while, I will send someone to search for it immediately."

Yunshan's head is slightly low and very humble. He clearly knows that these black-robed men are from the Soul Palace, and from the aura that they exude, they should all be higher than the guardian positions that came to help him break through before. , But it did not reach the level of the palace master.

"Isn't there? Old Sect Master Yun, the human level of our evil palace died in your Yun Lanzong, now you actually say that the murderer is not here?"

A tall black robe man walked out in the lead, coldly speaking to each other, especially when he died in Yunlanzong, he heard bursts of cold sweat on the back of Yunshan.

Even Medusa on the side can't stop frowning and show her brows, and secretly said in her heart: Ye Chen, how much trouble he has caused, has attracted the three powerhouses at the top of the Dou Zong, all of them. Between eight and nine stars.

It is hard to imagine that there will be powerhouses of this level in the Jiama Empire. After all, as far as she has been before, the strongest humans in the entire empire are only the peak of the Nine Star Dou Huang, which is different from her previous cultivation level. Not much.

But Ye Chen's appearance constantly refreshed her cognition. It turned out that there were not only Douzong powerhouses in the Jiama Empire, but also a lot of them. Right now, there were four in this hall.

"The guardian, the old lady really doesn't know where Ye Chen is. If you don't believe it, you can search my sect to find out."

Yunshan didn't dare to raise his hand and dealt with honestly.

But the tall black-robed man suddenly smiled strangely: "Jie Jie Jie, are you really there? But the spies of my evil hall reported that since Ye Chen entered the Yunlan Sect, he has never left for half a step. You are now Tell me he is not here?"

The voice of the tall black-robed man is getting colder and colder, and the two guardian envoys behind him are also sticking out their palms, condensing the brilliance of horror fighting skills. Before they can display them, the tables and chairs in the main hall of the sect begin. It swayed everywhere, and was blown around by the fluctuation of the fighting skills.

At this moment, Yun Yun walked in from outside the door, and after walking quickly to Yunshan's side, she whispered in her ear: "I've already asked the girl in the clock tower. Ye Chen is in the room. They disappeared together with Yanran, I think they should have triggered the teleportation array, so they disappeared, but as long as they don’t continue to trigger the teleportation rune in the guardian array, they should still be in the sect. Sent someone to find it."

"Yan Ran? How could she be with Ye Chen?"

Yunshan's eyes moved slightly, and without much thought, he began to explain to the three black-robed men.

Hearing this, the tall black-robed man in the lead could not help but nodded and said: "Near the relationship between the old sect master and my soul hall, this protector will give you time to stick incense, if you still can’t find it, don’t blame us for being cruel. ."

"Good envoy, I must find Ye Chen."

After a heavy salute, Yunshan looked at Medusa and Yue Mei apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, just laughed, you should go down the mountain quickly."

"Down the mountain? No one can be found today, no one can go."

The three black shadows raised their hands together and waved, and then the strong anger suddenly turned into a stream of light and flew out of the Zongmen Hall, and then gathered a little above the top of Yunlan Mountain, and then, like a birdcage, it separated countless small threads of fighting spirit. Enveloping the entire Yunlan Mountain, all besieged.

The strength of the three of them is far beyond the scope of Yunshan and the others' cognition. Even Medusa's eyes trembled in surprise when she discovered this scene with her spiritual sense, and the secret path was not good.

"Master, what should we do?"

Yun Yun frowned Liu's eyebrows, thinking about countermeasures in her heart, while Yunshan sighed and whispered to her softly: "According to the original plan, sending the core disciples away, using the style of the soul hall, the human-level guardian has already Reached their bottom line, Yun Lanzong, his fate is coming soon!"

The guardian of the Earth Shaman Temple is at least the Douzong cultivation base, and the Yunlanzong in a small area is also a strong Douzong who can't match the soul palace's careful training. Now Ye Chen is gone again, so the Yunlanzong does not continue to exist. may.

After sighing, Yunshan bowed his hands to the three guardians, and wanted to walk out of the hall to look for Ye Chen.

After finding him, he didn't even want to hand over Ye Chen. Yun Shan already regarded him as his son-in-law and planned to let him and Yun Yun leave through secret teleportation. Such a young talented Dou Zong powerhouse waited for him and Yun Yun combined with the restoration of Yun Lanzong, and will surely reach a new height beyond his reach, Yun Shan is looking forward to.

"Old Sect Master, you have such a bad face, where are you going."

Suddenly, a slightly familiar voice came from outside the door. Before Yunshan could react, he shouted: "Ye Chen, hurry up and leave here with Yun'er. I will help you hold those law protectors." After that, Yunshan went from there. A long sword exuding wanton blue light was summoned from Na Jie, and then it faced the three powerful black-robed men with determination.

He stepped into the realm of Douzong through a certain kind of special medicine. Although he succeeded, he wanted to go further but it was harder than climbing to the sky, but Yun Yun and Ye Chen were still young, and Ye Chen’s cultivation at this moment was far beyond. If he himself had enough time to cultivate and even had the opportunity to set foot on the top of the mainland, Yun Lanzong would fall into the hands of this son, and he might accomplish a miracle.

Thinking of this, Yun Shan's heart was full of pride. Although he was not a good person, he was willing to make a bet for the future of the sect.

The atmosphere in the main hall of the Zongmen became tense for a while, and the three black-robed human bodies pointed by Yunshan sword were also rippling with a terrifying atmosphere, and the battle seemed likely to start at any time.

But at this moment, outside the main hall of Yunlanzong, a large group of people sneaked over. When they saw the rattling atmosphere in the hall, a group of people in black night raiders also stopped walking and smiled. Observe.

In the crowd, an old man in a linen robe stroked his beard and whispered: "Sure enough, Yun Lanzong really fell into such a field. The old guy in Yunshan was also injured, but it seems that there is no need for me to wait for action. , They have to destroy the sect, the three strong men in black robes, even I can't see through."

"Jia Lao, it's not right. His Yun Lanzong has acted in the empire in recent years, and he has become more and more excessive, and even our royal family is not even looking at it, so that the current scene appears to be blamed."

Next to the old man in Mai, a strong fighting king with a scar on his face said lightly, he also felt that it would be better to get rid of the Yun Lanzong who had threatened and even gradually devoured the imperial power.

The hall was full of dangers, and the swords in the hall were raging, but Ye Chen, the initiator of all this, didn't mean to escape at all. Yun Yun anxiously took his hand and wanted to leave at the command of the teacher. After pulling it hard, there was no result. On the contrary, he was dragged into that sturdy bosom.

"Don't be afraid of Yun'er, it's just some protector."

Holding the graceful Yun Yun, Ye Chen calmly looked at the top three strongest fighting sects, his expression was as usual.

After he and Nalan Yanran finished the matter, they found a birdcage covering the sky outside Yunlan Mountain, and immediately guessed what happened. After sending Yanran back to the room to rest, he hurried over.

The scene in the main hall of the sect also verified his idea, and the soul hall sent someone to find something.

And the three black-robed people saw Ye Chen very calmly, and smiled slightly: "I have the courage ~ killed the human-level guardian of my soul clan evil hall, dare to be so clear. We are arrogantly talking here, are we complimenting you for bravery or stupidity."

"It doesn't matter, but I just want to ask, the Heavenly Guardian who sent someone to arrest my friend can be among you."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the tall man in black robe headed by him raised his eyebrows and said, "The furnace tripod is in your hands?"

Hearing that, Ye Chen raised his sword in anger and said: "Lu Nima's tripod!" After saying that, the man rushed out and killed the tall black robe man.

Upon seeing this, the tall black-robed man immediately greeted him, and when the two heavenly guards beside him wanted to do something, two dark Soul Palace tokens were immediately thrown in front of them.

Seeing this, the two heavenly guardians immediately stopped their steps, and then looked at each other with different expressions, and said in their hearts: "It turns out to be their own." Thinking about it, the two of them also smiled. Looking at Ye Chen and the tall man in black robes, they watched the play.

In the Earth Shaman Temple, no one does not want to climb up. The Soul Race Tiangang Temple is the place that all Earth Shaman Temple protectors dream of, and the tall black-robed people can be said to be their predecessors, and this predecessor is also a block that cannot be passed. Road stone.

Now, with Ye Chen's own person, no matter who wins or dies, it is a benefit for both of them.

As for the struggle between the Soul Palace's own people, they were silently allowed, so they had no obligation to help anyone.

Outside the hall, the old man in Mai and others laughed when they saw the two people fighting inside. The scene now is what they want to see, and the more intense the battle, the better. Because of this, they The chance of success in action will be even greater, "All for the empire", this is a sentence of everyone who is hiding in the dark.

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