Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 243: The imperial capital prison, rescued?

The Yunlanzong and the Jiama Empire have long had a long-standing grievance. Although they knew that the Yunlanzong had an ancestor's instruction not to subvert the imperial family, who would live with peace of mind in the face of a sect that was like a time bomb.

As early as many years ago, several teams of royal guards had been arranged to patrol the foot of Yunlan Mountain, just in case.

But Ye Chen’s sudden visit and a riot, not only wounded many elders and thousands of disciples, but even the old sect master was not spared. All of this was seen by the royal family of Gama, so it was so rare. Opportunity, how can they easily let it go.

The opportunity to subvert Yunlan is today. The royal family did not hesitate and directly dispatched several powerful men in the empire to stand outside the hall of Yunlan Zongmen.

And when the soul palace protector left, when Ye Chen's fighting spirit was exhausted, a crowd of more than a hundred people also released a special medicine mist, controlling everyone.

A few days passed, just as the afternoon sun.

The hot sun shining on the earth, thousands of huge teams trapped by chains, walked mightily on a vast grassland clearing. Soon, a huge outline of a city appeared on the horizon, which appeared in front of everyone.

But at this moment, there was also a column in the distance, pressing a large group of people towards the imperial capital.

When the two teams gathered near the huge city, Nalan Yanran suddenly shouted at a rickety figure: "Grandpa, it's you grandpa."

As soon as these words came out, in another detained team, a dignified old man in ragged clothes covered in blood, suddenly turned to look at Nalan Yanran, but it was all right without looking, but this look made the majestic old man suddenly stiff. At the same place, he immediately spit out a mouthful of old blood and fell to the ground.


Regardless of the tied hands and feet, Nalan Yanran wanted to run into another detained team that was less than three meters together. However, before she ran a few steps, the soldier with a long spear stopped her immediately and shouted loudly. He shouted: "Go back, go back quickly, or be executed on the spot." As he said, he wanted to shoot out with a gun.

At this moment, two hands, one large and one small, held Nalan Yanran's jade arm. Ye Chen and Yun Yun immediately shook their heads after they pulled it back vigorously.

"Don't worry Yanran, your grandfather may just fail to expect it, causing a trace of qi and blood to be uncomfortable. I don't think he was seriously injured."

Ye Chen embraced Nalan Yanran and comforted him. Now is not the time to fight back. In the past few days, his condition has not recovered, but it only takes a day before he can make the Gama royal family regret this decision forever. .

The arrest of Nalan's family was also expected. Although it was also one of the five major families of the Gama Empire, Nalanjie was the marshal of the empire, but his granddaughter was Nalan Yanran, a direct disciple of the Sect Master Yunlan.

With this relationship, even if the Nalan family were relatives of the emperor, they would be ruthlessly suppressed.

Ye Chen had already learned about imperial power in the Douluo World, and he knew the cold-blooded way. There were no rules and emotions.

"Hurry up, go fast, what do you dare to do, a group of anti-country thieves, waiting to go to jail, you will suffer."

A soldier waved his long whip and slammed it at the dishonest Nalan Yanran. After Ye Chen stepped sideways to block the long whip, he also gave the soldier a cold look.

In an instant, a golden light emerged, and immediately, the soldier was like a puppet, stiffly raising his long whip and wrapping it around his neck.

"Captain, Captain, what are you doing."

Soon, the three soldiers who patrolled and managed around quickly ran over and stopped the soldier's suicide behavior.

But when the three of them left, the soldier was like a robot, drew out the dagger from his waist, and slowly swallowed his stomach.

Suddenly, he didn't die immediately, but the dagger swayed in his belly as he walked, slowly tearing his internal organs.

A huge team of prisoners soon came outside the Imperial Capital of Gama. When tens of thousands of people were taken to the Imperial Capital Prison, they also took up a large number of cells.

Ye Chen was locked up with Yun Yun, Nalan Yanran, and some other Yun Lan disciples, while Medusa, Yue Mei, Yun Shan and other elders Yun Lan were locked in the opposite cell.

In the dim space, there was full of human voices, and many Yun Lan disciples with bad mentality screamed like crazy and wanted to go out. However, the turmoil in exchange for it was a ruthless whipping. After being beaten dizzy, he became completely quiet.

"Hey, I didn't expect my Yunlanzong to be so far. I knew it before. When I reached Douzong, I should violate the ancestral system and take this empire into my bag. Even if I die in battle, the old man is not willing to take this insult. ."

Yunshan patted the metal prison door again and made a muffled noise. However, this incompetent rage made Ye Chen shook his head and said.

"People don't kill themselves for their own sake. What kind of ancestral system is that you will wait for such pedantic generations to obey it. It is really sad. It is clear that there is a strong force but always be under the fence. Is it that your ancestor is Shabi?"

"Sabi? What is that?"


Cursing his lips, Ye Chen didn't bother to pay attention to the bursting Yunshan, but looked sideways at Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran who were hugging each other and said: "Don't worry, when I recover enough vindictiveness, I will take you out."

"Brother Ye, is what you said is true? Can you take us out? Could it be that your injury..."

"Shhh, shut up, do you want to tell the world so loudly?"

Ye Chen glared at Yunshan, who was laughing, and Yun Yun on the side should not pat his arm and said, "It's my master anyway, can you respect him a little bit?"

"Haha Yun'er, it's okay, Brother Ye, you scold you casually, the old man won't care at all, as long as you stay in harmony with Yun Yun, it's fine."

Yun Shan’s words are a bit shameless, and disrespectful of the old. Yun Yun wants to laugh when she hears it. Maybe she never knew that her master would still have such a popular side. Could it be that the usual seriousness and coldness are all pretends. ?

Just at this moment, a jailer in an official uniform came over sneakingly, and then asked each cell in a low voice. When he came to the door of Ye Chen and the others, he was repeating the previous question: " Who of you is Ye Chen?"

Hearing that, all the disciples in the cell lowered their heads, for fear that they would be misunderstood that they were the big one and be dragged out and killed. After all, in this situation, the greater the danger of whoever takes the lead.

"What is wrong with me?"

"Are you Ye Chen?"

Seeing Ye Chen confessing his identity, the jailer asked in disbelief, but when a few nodding people appeared around, he nodded.

Who will? The jailer opened the prison door and whispered: "Follow me, someone wants to see you."

Without fear, Ye Chen patted Nalan Yanran and Yun Yun's little hands, then got up from the stalks in the prison and followed the jailer out.

At this moment, Medusa, who was dressed in purple gauze in the Yunshan cell, suddenly called him: "Ye Chen, if you can, you come to my prison, and I can take you out."

Wen Ye Chen couldn't help but shrugged and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but it's not necessary."

After speaking, the jailer brought a thinly clothed headgear for Ye Chen, who had very strong eyesight, and began to pass through the many levels and came outside the prison.

The only thing that makes people wonder is that the jailer did not pass a level, and the guards nodded from it, and then they pointed to another entrance, and so on, so that he could see the sun again.

However, as soon as he came out of the prison, the jailer smiled and bowed his hand to Ye Chen and said: "Young Master Ye, you will see a corner when you go further ten meters. Congratulations on your rescue."

"Huh? Are you kidding me?"

Ye Chen was a little confused, but he was the one who was arrested in the hall with Yunshan. He is a serious offender. Who can save him like this? In the Haohao imperial capital, even the Nalan family of the five major families has suffered, and who else has the courage to save a prisoner on the mortal list?

Could it be her?

However, what puzzled him even more was that the jailer untied the special iron chain under his feet, and then, with a smile, respectfully let him go to the corner.

Seeing this, Ye Chen agitated a part of the vindictiveness that he recovered for a while, and then walked towards the place the jailer said.

At a distance of ten meters, he walked to the corner within two steps. Moreover, on the other side of the corner, there was really a simple carriage parked here. From the appearance, there was no sign of wealth.

As if sensing someone coming, in the carriage, a Hao Baiyu hand was raising the curtain, and then the people in the carriage poked their heads out. After seeing Ye Chen, they smiled and stretched out his hand to get into the carriage.

"How could it be you? Don't die!"

Looking at the person beside him, Ye Chen couldn't help frowning. The person he didn't want to see the last came after all.

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