Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 245: I want to be nice to my brother, yin and yang 2

Seeing Ye Chen's appearance, Xiao Mei's pretty face became more and more blushing, and her white hands began to cling to the corners of her clothes indiscriminately, her beautiful eyes looking around.


A loud heartbeat suddenly spread in the bamboo forest in the suburbs, and realized that something was wrong with Xiao Mei, she turned her head to the side, raised her hand to cover her chest, her expression erratic, like a child who did something wrong, revealing a pair of things. Innocent appearance.

"You don't... really want to do something with me."

Looking at the weird Xiao Mei, Ye Chen couldn't help but whispered.

The two have not seen each other for seven or eight years. It stands to reason that the guardian friendship should be forgotten, so that sentence also has the purpose of ridicule.

"Haha, don't mind, I'm kidding."

Although the other party had said that he would elope with him, Ye Chen knew that it was mostly because Xiao Mei was too worried about her radical remarks.

"I think..."

"Huh? What did you say?"

Xiao Mei seemed to have said something, but the voice was too small, making it difficult to hear.

"I want to be with you... ‘good’!"

It was another slight sentence, but this time, Ye Chen caught it keenly, but soon he scratched his head and smiled: "Haha, what? I have to practice here tonight, sister Meier, you If there is nothing wrong, go back to the college quickly."

"Aren't you willing? Brother Ye Chen, Xun'er is coming soon, if she wants to be'good' with you, would you still refuse? Do you dislike Mei'er."


Facing Xiao Mei's question, Ye Chen couldn't help but smile: "Don't think about Sister Xiao Mei, how can I not like you so cute."

Immediately, he also secretly said in his heart: "Like is like, but you are less than 15 years old, but the childish little face is so pure and clean. It is hard for me to think of you like that. ."

Squeezing her arm, Xiao Mei is still young, that charming tenderness is just beginning, more, it is like a child's innocence and purity, just imagine how Ye Chen would behave like a beast to her? Is he that kind of person?

Thinking, Ye Chen wanted to find some excuses again, but when she was thinking, Xiao Mei stood up and looked at Xiao Shi’s big chest and said aloud: “Since Ye Chen likes me, I also like Ye Chen. Brother, then why do we do adult things? I will be over 15 in two months. By that time, I will be an adult. It's only two months earlier. Ye Chen, you won’t mind, yes. ?"

"Cough cough cough..."

After coughing violently for several times, Ye Chen looked at Xiao Mei, who had already begun to take shape and was already sexy, grinning helplessly: "Isn't there two months left, let's talk about it when you become an adult."

"But... Xun'er is coming soon, Ye Chen brother, I can't wait anymore. Didn't you ask Mei'er why you have been following you from the prison? Don't you understand now?"

With a wave of Xiao Mei's small hand, the bamboo forest next to her suddenly swayed frantically, and then the eight pillars bent violently, and the loose branches and leaves pressed on top of the two of them.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Mei took Ye Chen's hand and jumped to the side and flew away. After passing through the dense branches and leaves, the shoots of the eight bamboos immediately bounced back and caught the two of them. After Bi Xian, he took a few white ribbons and galloped towards the bamboo trunk, and soon fixed the eight bamboos, keeping them in a curved state.

The dense and vigorous branches and leaves of the bamboo shoots carried the two people without the slightest problem. And when the bamboo was fixed, Xiao Mei also said seriously: "I know that you like Xun'er better than me. When you were a kid, you told stories. I also often tell Xun'er alone that she can't invite me, but today, I can finally win Xun'er once."

"Actually, Kaoru and I just have... an agreement."

Before Ye Chen had finished speaking, Xiao Mei began to undress and undress, revealing the sensuality that is not a girl, but the innocent and crisp face, but she couldn't bear it, she just wanted to protect it.

"As promised, did you make a lifelong appointment ten years ago? I want too, Brother Ye Chen."

"Uh!" Ye Chen touched his forehead in a cold sweat, and then secretly said in his heart: What is a lifelong appointment, Xun'er was only 5 years old at that time, what is this little Nizi thinking?

But before Ye Chen could explain it clearly, Xiao Mei's clothes disappeared completely, and immediately, a picture of a white jade beauty was completely exposed to the bright moonlight that had just risen.

Xiao Mei's face was faintly charming, and she raised her eyebrows slightly to look at Ye Chen, like a sister Lin falling from the sky, and exuding a pure and clean temperament all the time, such a complex combination, let Ye Chen's impulsiveness can't help but lack of composure, and it's really difficult to get a taste of elegance.

But then I thought about it, if I really did something with Xiao Mei, that kind of extreme contrast, what kind of magical journey would it start.

Shaking his head, Ye Chen hurriedly stopped the thought: "Okay, you and I should calm down a little bit. Tonight, I have to recover my grudge. Tomorrow, there will be a fierce battle."

Thinking of Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran who were still in prison, Ye Chen couldn't help but refuse Xiao Mei again, and then sat cross-legged on the branches of the bamboo shoots, silently transporting the fire of the Qinglian heart, and fully restoring his fighting spirit.

The Gama imperial clan power must be removed as soon as possible, otherwise the Yunlanzong people will wait a day in the big prison, and it will be more dangerous. After all, in the face of fighting sects like Yunshan, Ye Chen does not believe that a person in power will Leave such a dangerous person for ten more days.

When he was practicing, a burst of coldness hit his forehead, and the feeling of suffocation immediately made Ye Chen couldn't help reaching out and pushing away.

However, when he regained his breath, he was full of white beauty, the delicate fragrance of the strands, and it was refreshing and seductive.

"What are you doing, in the prison, there are people I want to save, Sister Meier, can you talk about the matter between you and me another day?"

Suppressing the flames in his heart, Ye Chen tried his best to calm himself down, feeling Xiao Mei's real material, even if he was not in a mood, his ‘healthy’ body naturally wanted something.

"Brother Ye Chen, if you restore your cultivation base, I have a practice secret book here to ensure that you will be restored to the same level as before."

When Xiao Mei heard that it was another day, she also felt that Ye Chen didn't dislike herself, and then she smiled sweetly, and she suddenly took out an quaint book from Najie in her left middle finger.

"Help me restore my cultivation base?" Ye Chen shook his head and said with a smile: "My sister's kindness is appreciated, but the cultivation base is not as good as you can see. In fact, my real cultivation base is... Five-star Douzong, are you sure that your technique is useful to me?"

"It should be Xiao Mei is not very sure: "I found this exercise in the corner of the academy’s Buddhist scripture pavilion. It is a ground-level advanced exercise, but the practice conditions are too harsh. No one dared to choose, I just took it and took a look, and I didn't return when I was in a hurry. "

"Advanced level?"

Ye Chen was slightly dumb. He originally wanted to persuade Xiao Mei to stop using Dou Zong Xiu as his behavior, but he didn't think that this girl actually had a local high-level technique.

"Here, Brother Ye Chen, take a look, I'll wait for you."

Xiao Mei slightly obscured the important parts. She hadn't made it to that point, and she was ashamed of her ashamed of the red fruit.

After taking a peek around, Xiao Mei also secretly said: Fortunately, there is only her brother in this bamboo forest. If he really wants to take a closer look, will it get in the way if I cover it like this.

Thinking about it, Xiao Mei secretly moved her hand away again, revealing her beauty.

But at this moment, Ye Chen didn't dare to look at each other after just a few glances, but seeing that graceful figure, he was not sure that he would have time to regain his vindictiveness tonight.

After taking the technique in Xiao Mei's hand, five golden characters appeared in his eyes. But after Ye Chen saw it, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he immediately looked at Xiao Mei's pure little face, shocked in his heart. "This little Nizi did it on purpose. She actually showed me this kind of thing, but her clean and innocent eyes didn't have any variegated colors. Isn't she really just trying to help me restore my fighting spirit?"

After swallowing, Ye Chen ignored the words'Yin Yang Liang Xiu Gong' on the homepage of the ancient exercises, and continued to look down. But soon, he was shocked by the contents inside, and his heart shook wildly. , Actually there are actions I don't know!

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