Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 251: Yuemei’s desire and sin, wait for me tonight

Chapter 250 Yue Mei's desire plus sin, wait for me tonight

Ye Chen's decision also took into account that Medusa is the queen of the snake tribe. Even if the sign-in is successful, you can feel at ease, but if she becomes the human emperor, it will cause unnecessary huge trouble.

And Nalan Yanran, as a direct disciple of the great sect master of Yunlan, handles a lot of affairs on weekdays. After all, Yun Yun is a master of cultivation, so Yanran has a good ability to deal with matters at a young age.

If Nalan Jie, the patriarch of the empire's big family, was added to assist, it would be no problem to manage the empire.

"No way, no way, sir, Ye Chen, you should consider other people, I really..."

Nalan Yanran obviously didn't have the courage. After all, she was only fifteen years old and had just grown up, and if she wanted to be the emperor of a country, she also felt that she didn't have that ability.

At this moment, Ye Chen couldn't help but walked to Nalan Yanran's side and smirked in her ears and said, "Yanran is fine. You are no longer a little girl, are you?"

Hearing this, Nalan Yanran suddenly remembered the darkness of Ye Chen's actions in the eyes of Yun Lan's array, and she couldn't help but secretly said, yes, she has been a woman since that day.

According to the life trajectory of an ordinary woman in the Douqi mainland, she can get married at this age, and after becoming a woman, she will also be in charge of family affairs.

The emperor was all shot down by Ye Chen, so as his woman, isn't this empire just his own family affairs?

Thinking of this, there seemed to be a bit of truth, Nalan Yanran also gradually accepted the reality, just holding the small hand of Ye Chen's arm, a lot of sweat appeared involuntarily, very nervous.

"Yan Ran, grandpa believes that you can, and I will try my best to help you adapt to everything. After you and Ye Chen have children, I can pass this position to my great-grandson..."

"Grandpa, don't talk nonsense."

Hearing Nalanjie's words, Nalan Yanran's small face turned red all of a sudden, and after looking at her master in secret, she was ashamed of shame and wanted to find a place to hide secretly.

And when Yun Yun heard this, she shot back and forth between her apprentice and Ye Chen. She didn't expect that her worries would eventually become a reality.

Ever since returning to Yunlanzong from the Mountains of Warcraft, Yun Yun discovered that Nalan Yanran was in the sect, and the person who asked and mentioned the most was Ye Chen.

She could hear Ye Chen's name from Yan Ran's mouth almost every day. At that time, she found something was wrong, but she didn't expect the relationship between her apprentice and Ye Chen to go so fast.

For a moment, Yun Yun didn't know how to face this kind of scene, and turned around and wanted to leave silently.

But at this moment, a big hand grabbed her beautiful wrist, and Ye Chen's voice rang from her ears: "Yun'er, don't think too much about it, I love you."

"I know, but, please leave me alone?"

Yun Yun smiled at Ye Chen, and immediately after being free, she rose into the sky and disappeared without a trace.

Obviously knowing that Ye Chen has other women, why am I still a little sad?

The fast-speeding Yun Yun was thinking about the relationship between herself and Ye Chen and Yanran. Although she had already accepted the fact that Ye Chen was more than one woman, she still wanted to be alone for a while.

Yun Yun's departure caused Nalan Yanran's pretty face to be extremely worried, but after looking at Ye Chen's voice transmission to her, she was no longer entangled.

After the demise of the royal family, the Gama Empire also began to undergo earth-shaking changes. Yunshan took the lead and led thousands of disciples of the Yunlanzong, first suppressed all the families in the imperial capital, and then continued to travel to various regional cities and states to announce the cloud The birth of Empress Lan.

And Jiama, the country name, also became the name of the Yunlan Empire soon afterwards.

Yunshan acted very resolutely and resolutely. Before Ye Chen went to the Soul Temple’s Disha branch to invite a strong man, he had already used his strength to suppress two or three rebellious city-states that intended to subvert the Yunlan female emperor’s imperial power. He was very overbearing. .

After Nalan Yanran ascended to the position of the Empress, Ye Chen received a system task prompt to complete the sign-in to the goddess Yun Yun, but because it was a joint task, there was still a very difficult task problem at the moment.

In the newly-packed building hall of the imperial city, Ye Chen looked at the two enchanting snake girls standing not far away, shrugged and smiled helplessly; "I said Queen Medusa and Patriarch Yuemei, you all go all the way from Tagore What is the purpose of the desert chasing me up to this point? How many days have passed since I was here, but you have to make it clear that I have something important to do."

Lying halfway on the towering splendid throne, Ye Chen stared at Medusa and Yue Mei a little boredly. These two enchanting snake girls just looked at him and didn't speak. They were really women's heart needles.

"You don't have to worry, but this king does have a very important thing to discuss with you, but before that, are you going to say something to Yue Mei? After all, you have done that kind of thing to her, isn't it, Do you want us two women to speak up? It's shameless."

Medusa picked up the tea cup, and after tasting it carefully, it seemed to be accusing Ye Chen with a dazed expression.

But after thinking about it, Ye Chen couldn't help turning his gaze to Yue Mei who was beside Medusa and said, "That kind of thing, my Queen, are you making a mistake? Obviously..."

"Don't talk nonsense, Ye Chen."

Yue Mei was a little anxious. After taking a peek at Medusa next to her, Yue Mei couldn’t wait to communicate with Ye Chen quietly: “Don’t tell the truth about that night, I beg you, if the queen knows me Doing that kind of behavior to a human man will definitely drive me out of the snake-men tribe, so I must not tell the truth."

Hearing that, Ye Chen couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, and secretly replied: "Can't say, then what you mean is to let me be the scapegoat? Why, obviously I am the victim."

Thinking of Yue Mei's inhuman torture in Snake Man Dazhai, Ye Chen was also a little bit angry, but he was injured, but now, the assailant has let him bear the blame. This is too bullying. Is it so beautiful that you can do whatever you want?

"Wrong? Ye Chen, you can make it clear, aren't you that kind of person? You were in Xiaodao before, didn't you also peek..."

Before she finished speaking, Medusa remembered that the fellow Ye Chen was peeking at her Chiguo, and he was so arrogant and unbearable.

Did not answer Medusa, Ye Chen is still negotiating with Yue Mei: "Tell me, as a victim, why should I help you conceal the truth? This is a secondary injury to me (although I don't care ~ ~How much benefit can you give me."

"Benefits? Yes, as long as you help me conceal this, you can do anything you want to me, even if it is that kind of thing, I... promise you."

Yue Mei's slender legs were clamped tightly, and after she said the sound transmission, she couldn't help but think of Ye Chen's "too healthy", so that the deformed thoughts deep in her heart seemed to rise eagerly.

"Damn, you woman, you're just greedy for my body, right? You still have a good name saying that I can do anything to you."

"Ye Chen, don't say anything, then do you agree or not?"

"What do you think, that night's torture revenge, I want to retaliate, this matter, I should take it."

Ye Chen curled his lips at the slightly twisted Yue Mei, then turned to look at Medusa and said: "Yes, I did it, I am guilty."

While confessing his guilt, Ye Chen and Yue Mei said in a vicious voice: "The female emperor of the imperial city will be in the palace tonight, waiting for me there."

(End of this chapter)

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