Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 266: Ye Chen with a fierce reputation

"It's nothing big, the old man just wants to borrow your identity."

Man Tianchi's conversation turned, and the vicissitudes of old eyes showed unclear coercion, as if he had understood Ye Chen's identity.

In the office of the Dean of Canaan College, the atmosphere gradually became cold. Ye Chen looked at the wrong-looking Man Tianchi, and hundreds of excuses rose in his heart.

But the other party can question his identity, so even if he excuses him, I am afraid that he can't be convinced.

As for leaving the college? That is simply a idiotic dream. In front of Man Tianchi, who has a semi-holy cultivation base, his mere Dou Zong simply doesn't work, so tell the truth?

Man Tianchi stared at him closely, turned to look out of the window, and slowly said: "Originally, the old man was traveling abroad, and he has no plans to return to the college for the time being, but there is a name spread among the countries in the northwest of the continent. Ye Chen He came from the Dimo ​​family of the Jiama Empire. At a young age, he began to live a life of recklessness as a disciple with the surname of the soul clan. It was not until ten years later that he left the customs, rushed into the desert, and fought against the clouds and lands. It subverted the imperial family and changed the dynasty in one fell swoop."

"Although the cultivation base is only the Douzong, the ordinary high-level Douzong experts can't help bragging when you mention your name. A single move is comparable to the peak Douzong, and some people even say that you are expensive. The Lord of the Soul Clan’s Divine Division Hall, the actual combat power is no longer necessary to fight the sovereign. Originally I didn’t believe it, but I thought that there would be such an evil spirit in this world, and it was still a sinful soul clan, but Hu Qian passed me through the secret method. It is said that a fierce **** named Ye Chen came from Canaan College to kill the disciples of the same courtyard and deceive Ziyan, the number one in the inner courtyard."

"Speaking of it, I didn't see you really in front of me, I can't think of you being less than 30 years old, and ten years ago, you were in the realm of fighting, and you shocked the world when you showed up. Speaking of it, it is still the soul of the temple. That's great, Ye Chen."

In Man Tianchi’s words, there is no shortage of expressions of appreciation and praise for Ye Chen, but the deep meaning is that everything about Ye Chen over the years is clearly revealed. Obviously, as one of the eight major clans in Zhongzhou, he, He was very sensitive to Ye Chen's identity. After all, the Soul Palace was notoriously infamous outside, and even the other eight families were more or less attacked and suppressed by the Soul Clan.

After a sigh of relief, Ye Chen suddenly wandered around into a smile and said: "Since the dean knows my identity well, why do I have to tell me so much here? There is nothing to hide from the kid, but everything in the world can't just be clear on the surface. ."

There is no refutation or full explanation. Ye Chen’s identity cannot be revealed, even in front of Semi-Holy. If he tells the truth about being an undercover agent of the ancient tribe at this moment and is heard by others, then he is waiting for him to face it. But it will not be as simple as a semi-sage.

In the soul clan, once a betrayer is found, no matter what his identity, he will not be assassinated in seconds. With his own fighting sect cultivation base and previous performance, the hall master of the soul palace who is afraid to provoke himself will take action, and even the souls afterwards The clan is very likely to send a strong person to attack.

"That's it? Are you not going to explain anything to me? First of all, Ye Chen, what you said is really simple."

Man Tianchi raised his eyes slightly and looked at Ye Chen. Although he could see through the disguised cultivation base of the other party, his inner city was deep, and his thoughts were even more difficult to guess. The handsome face that seemed pure and expressionless, even if it was He was a semi-sage, and he couldn't see any flaws.

With a slightly wrinkled old face, exuding an overwhelmingly strong aura, Ye Chen, who was pressing on, trembled, and even his legs began to tremble and bend away, as if he might kneel down at any time, but in his eyes Perseverance, but represents his stubbornness.

Ye Chen is so persistent and silent because he understands that Man Tianchi, as the dean of the First Academy, cannot kill innocent people indiscriminately until things are clear.

"You really, are not afraid of death? Boy, as long as I move my fingers a little, you will be crushed to pieces by this huge crush. Don't stick to it. As long as you come to Canaan clearly and clearly, the specific relationship between you and the soul temple. The old man can consider letting you go."

As he said, the oppression of that powerful moment became more intense, Man Tianchi stood there and waited for a while, he wanted to see how hard Ye Chen's bones were, and he actually gave up his life for the Soul Palace.

And the more resolute he showed, the stronger his doubts about this son. After all, the Jiama Empire just wanted to be the master, and Man Tianchi didn't want Canaan College to be treated like this.

"Let it go or not, it is not between the dean's thoughts, but the purpose of my coming here is to cultivate. You believe it or not, I have these words."

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect your soul palace to have such a tough bone as you, but these two tactics are full of loopholes in front of the old man."

Continuing to frighten with words, Man Tianchi opened his palm slightly, and in an instant, the infinite and majestic vindictive energy continued to gush out like a tide, making it look like an omnipotent war **** at this moment, so powerful Lawlessness is not something mortal can contend with.

Soon, with the majestic fighting spirit, Man Tianchi walked towards Ye Chen step by step, the expression in his eyes became more severe, and then the wrinkled palm slowly moved towards Ye Chen's Tianling cover.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen was also a little flustered. In the face of death, he didn't want to compromise. He only saw his palm hidden behind his back, a tiny crazily rotating blood-colored Demon Abyss, shattering little by little.

"By exploding Demon Abyss, I should be able to buy some time."

Ye Chen had already exchanged a teleportation charm from the system with a **** core, and could leave Canaan Academy in an instant. What he needed now was to break free from the pressure from the semi-sage and fight for a chance to leave for himself.

Ye Chen, who had thousands of calculations in his mind and was fully prepared, was about to explode the Demon Abyss and get out of trouble, but suddenly, a knock on the door came from outside the house, which immediately broke the dignified atmosphere in the dean’s studio~www.readwn. com~ Dean, this is Gu Xun'er, is Ye Chen still inside? "

Hearing the words from outside the house, Man Qianchi couldn't help but glance at Ye Chen and said: "No, he has already gone back." Obviously, he didn't mean to let Ye Chen go so easily.

However, Xun'er outside was a little suspicious: "No, Dean, I came very quickly, why didn't I see him? Please also ask the Dean to tell Ye Chen where Brother Ye Chen has gone, and I have something to tell him."

This time, before Mang Qianchi answered, there was another fragile female voice outside the house, saying: "Grandpa Dean, don’t quibble, I can smell Ye Chen in your house, you still let me and Xun Go in and take a look, there must be a misunderstanding."

"Zi Yan? How could it be that little girl, why did she come to Ye Chen, wasn't she just being bullied?"

Somewhat puzzled, he watched back and forth between Ye Chen and the door. In the end, Man Qianchi retracted the palm that was about to touch Ye Chen’s forehead, and immediately walked to the door and opened the door. He was more than starting Ye Chen. I want to know what happened before, after all, he only came back for a while, and all the news about Ye Chen was just hearsay.

However, just now, two small figures, one large and one small, swarmed into the dean's studio, and then two calls in different voices sounded.

"Brother Ye Chen, why are you sweating profusely? Are you injured?"

"Oh, you bad guy, finally know that our Canaan Academy is amazing, see if you dare to do anything in the academy."

Although the tones and words are different, Man Qianchi can still feel that these two girls are both concerned about Ye Chen.

At the same time, in a dark corner outside the house, a tall woman with a neutral appearance was staring at the vacant Ye Chen with a weird smile.

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