Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 270: 1 battle, 2 women found

Chapter 267

In the outskirts of Canaan in the middle of the night, the two fell heavily into the clear river, surrounded by ice-cold water, but Ye Chen, who was hugged by Hu Jia, felt the endless passion.

There was no opportunity or reason to refuse. In the face of Hu Jia who was so poisoned, Ye Chen believed that she could not be saved by her cultivation alone. At the moment, he had to sacrifice his body to become a great self. After all, saving others. Mingsheng built a seven-level Buddha statue.

And Hu Jia, who went deep into Hanoi, insisted on reaching the limit and was completely lost. He hugged Ye Chen tightly and started what she needed. Not only for self-help but also for other purposes, he was extremely enthusiastic. As for the beginning, Ye Chen fell into the rhythm of the opponent, and then gradually released his own nature in the warm river water.

The originally calm lake was rippling with fierce ripples, and then it was like boiling again, with countless bubbles rolling and surging continuously from Hanoi.

In the quiet night, the scene was once caught in Mo Ming’s tense picture. The tumbling of the river and the continuous sublimation of the characters' entanglement, so that the huge flowing waters have been greatly affected. If there are others, they still think that the river What powerful water monster is coming out of it.

The night passed away quietly. When the bright eyes shone on the earth, in the inner courtyard of Canaan College, Xiao Ziyan, who had just woke up, rubbed her blinded eyes and got up, but soon, her pair was still a little hazy. His eyes quickly revealed bursts of agility.

Then, Xiao Ziyan jumped up from the small bed, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Haha, Ye Chen, you dare to steal the medicine that the dean gave me, hum, but you didn’t expect it, then It’s not a Feng Xiu Dan inside."

The thought of Ye Chen getting his fake pill, Xiao Ziyan couldn't help but get excited, because the other party probably thought it was the best pill given to him by the dean, maybe he took it.

Although it is possible to hear the conversation between Dean Man Tianchi and himself, no matter what, or who Ye Chen used it for, as long as someone took the pill of love, it would inevitably cause another **** rain. Wind, Ye Chen will also eat its own fruit.

It's just that she didn't know that Ye Chen at this moment was about to humiliate, engaged in a protracted battle.

But the whimsical little Ziyan, thinking that Ye Chen is likely to find someone else to try the drug, the delicate face could not help showing a sharp retaliatory smile, and after a quick wash, she took it with her. With the real Feng Xiudan, he flew straight to the outer courtyard.

Reminiscing that Ye Chen was walking with Gu Xun'er, Xiao Ziyan went to the courtyard written by Xun'er non-stop, but looking at the courtyard door close at hand, she had not had time to knock, a graceful and exquisite Qianying ran out of the courtyard hurriedly.

As soon as the two women met, they said at the same time: "Why are you here?" "Did something happen? Did Ye Chen want to treat you..."

If the foreword is not followed by the words, the atmosphere is a little embarrassing, but soon, Xiao Ziyan took the posture of a senior sister, and said proudly: "I helped you yesterday, Ye Chen, let him Come out and say thank you, so, the past hatred will be forgotten."

Although he said so, the Feng Xiu Pill that Xiao Ziyan hid in Na Jie was held in his hand, as if he could use it at any time.

"Thank you, Zi Yan, I'm here to wait for Ye Chen to tell you. I'm really sorry. He didn't know where he was going early in the morning. I was looking for him too. Maybe, I was called by the dean again. . If you’re fine, I’ll go to the senior’s studio first."

Without wanting to entangle with Zi Yan too much, after Gu Xun'er said a few words in a hurry, she passed her towards the dean’s room, for fear that Ye Chen would have some accident. After all, the situation in the studio yesterday was very bad. Bad.

Looking at the leaving Gu Xun'er and the empty courtyard, Zi Yan immediately waved and said: "Wait for me, this thank you must be said by Ye Chen himself before I admit it."

After that, she instigated a fight, and instantly caught up with Xun'er, and then the two women rushed directly to where the dean was at a faster speed.

When the two came to the familiar studio, they knocked on the door again.


The door opened, and the figure of Dean Man Tianchi appeared on the faces of the two women, but at the moment when he saw Gu Xun'er and Xiao Ziyan early in the morning, his vicissitudes of life suddenly showed a puzzled expression and asked: "What's wrong, big? Early in the morning, what do you guys want to do when you come here?"

"President, Brother Ye Chen is really a very, very good person. I hope you will stop arresting him, okay? Even if it is Xun'er, I beg you, Ye Chen is not a bad person."

Gu Xun'er asked to speak, and the little Ziyan on the side also said, "What a good person, Ye Chen is not a wicked and wicked person at best, but he won't die anyway."

Facing Xiao Ziyan’s words, Mang Tianchi suddenly tilted his head in a daze, but soon he reacted and immediately looked at Gu Xun'er and said, “Since you said Ye Chen is a very, very good person. , Na Xun'er, do you know what he did in the previous Gama Empire?"

Having guessed the purpose of Gu Xun'er and Xiao Ziyan's coming here, Man Tianchi immediately took the plan, intending to find out all the details of Ye Chen's past.

And Gu Xun'er who heard this kind of questioning was also taken aback. Xuan even started to talk about why Ye Chen attacked the Yunlanzong and the specific relationship between the two, and that was the royal family of Gama. What Ye Chen did to subvert the empire was nothing but all sorts of helpless actions.

After listening to all the remarks made by Gu Xun'er about Ye Chen, Man Tianchi felt relieved in his heart, but there is still one thing that is unclear, and that is about Ye Chen’s identity in the Soul Palace. The kind of Gu Xun'er who pays attention to Ye Chen also has no way of knowing why.

"Alright Dean, since you have understood Ye Chen's personality, now, should you let him out?"

Xiao Ziyan was aside and listened to Ye Chen's news. At the moment, she couldn't help but change a little bit for that bad guy, but there was one thing she couldn't change, that was Ye Chen's shame on herself. What you did is simply unforgivable.

"Ah? Put Ye Chen? What are you talking about, didn't Ye Chen go back with Xun'er disciple yesterday? I haven't seen him since that moment, really."

Man Tianchi smiled successfully, seeing Xiao Ziyan's face stiff, and then whispered in a low voice: "You didn't catch you, dean, you must have deliberately delayed inquiring about the news again."

Reluctantly shook his head, and Xiao Ziyan tapped his feet before chasing in the direction of Gu Xun'er who had already left. After all, to find Ye Chen to deal with him, it was more likely to follow Gu Xun'er.

And the plan she made last night must be implemented today, so Ye Chen must also find it.

The two women searched all the way in Canaan College and inside and outside Canaan City, but they didn't see Ye Chen's half shadow until noon. It's just that when Gu Xun'er and Xiao Ziyan found the suburbs outside the city, the two women standing high in the sky discovered at the same time that the direction of a small river not far away seemed to exude familiar and unique vindictive fluctuations and spiritual consciousness, but at this moment , That wave of volatility and spiritual consciousness seemed to be in a weird state, which was elusive.

(End of this chapter)

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