Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 280: Ice Beauty Han Yue

The night is dark and windy, and the beauty is playing in the water.

I don’t know if it’s Ye Chen’s luck or what’s wrong. The wonderful painting in front of you is almost like an unforgettable opportunity. If someone else is here and sees the slightly cold silver-haired girl with red fruit, I’m afraid it will be necessary on the spot. The wolf howled.

But fortunately, Ye Chen still has a certain resistance to women. Right now, he just watched quietly with wide-open eyes.

The water of the small river is impermanent, and the graceful figure of the silver-haired girl floats on the surface of the water, and the white jade's arms can't help splashing, gently wiping the beautiful body that makes people unable to move their eyes.

The girl's figure is thin, but the overall figure gives people an unspeakable harmony and beauty. Only the thin white jade legs half appear on the surface of the water. They are as white as fat, and can be broken by blowing. They are delicate and flawless, and they are much longer than Xiao Yu's. The legs are all inferior, but the thin, uniform lines seem to be a bit more beautiful than Xiao Yu's.

The waist that is not as full as a full grip, there are water drops flowing from time to time, and it is smooth and smooth. Even the water drops dripping from the midair of its slender jade fingers will have a slight bounce after the skin on the waist is lifted. It is hard to imagine how tender the girl’s skin is.

If you are in contact with one or two, I am afraid that you will not be able to play.

Ye Chen couldn't help but imagine something in his mind, the infinite beauty of the girl gave a normal man a thousand illusions, even he could not be spared.

But soon, Ye Chen shook his head, and the secret path still left first, otherwise it would be no good if he was discovered that he would be misunderstood by the girl who peeked deliberately.

After thinking about it, Ye Chen turned around and left the woods on the bank of the small river. But just as he turned around, a faint, **** wound suddenly appeared from the girl’s chest, but he didn’t have it right now. Seeing more, he quickly swept towards Shiting, which was already less than a few hundred meters apart, without causing any sound, but it confirmed the poem.

I'm leaving quietly

As I came quietly

I waved my sleeve

Not take away a cloud

Ye Chen, who was constantly approaching the direction of Shiting, immediately secretly said in his heart that Mr. Xu Zhimo's "Farewell to Cambridge" is really a work of God, and the deep meaning is simply patience to explore, a good poem and a good word.

In a short while, Ye Chen's figure appeared in the silent stone pavilion, but it was clear that Ye Chen, who was delayed by the silver-haired girl for a long time, was already late.

At this moment, there were no traces of Xun'er and Xiao Yu in the pavilion. Only a few small cracks were left on the stone bench at the edge of the pavilion. I don’t know that the two women were both in this small pavilion. What has been said, this scene will come out.

Helpless, since people have left, Ye Chen has no reason to stay here. When he turned around and wanted to return to Canaan College, he also looked towards the beautiful river before intentionally or unintentionally.

"Are you Ye Chen?"

Suddenly, a slightly cold voice came from behind. Ye Chen nodded and admitted without even thinking about it: "It's right here, I don't know who the girl is..." As he said, he turned to look at the speaker, but when he After seeing the visitor clearly, his body froze in place, and the palms of his hands were a little sweaty.

When he was thinking about it just now, he didn't notice that someone was approaching, and it was the person he wanted to come.

I saw Ye Chen standing in front of him. It was the silver-haired girl who had a relationship before. The cold face and temperament, after putting on the silver dress robe, exudes a thousand miles away. A sense of indifference makes people inaccessible.

But the beauty in the original picture scroll appeared in front of him. Even Ye Chen, who had a thick skin, felt a little red and hot. After all, he hadn't intended to see the other person in the shower before. The blushing right now was also caused by embarrassment. , Making it extremely uncomfortable.

"I am also a disciple of the inner courtyard of Canaan College, my name is Han Yue. It is normal that you haven't seen me. It's been almost ten days since I came to the academy. You didn't report to the elder of the inner courtyard, let alone see other people. ."

The silver-haired girl's complexion was as usual, her slightly moist hair draped casually behind her shoulders, as if she had come in a hurry, without much drying.

"Hello, Senior Sister Han Yue, I don't know why you are looking for me."

Ye Chen said shamelessly, but when Han Yue heard this, she waved her hand slightly: "Don’t, don’t call me like that. Regardless of your age, Han Yue is far inferior to you in terms of cultivation. We are still Call it by your full name."

"As for what I'm looking for you, um..."

It seemed that the next words were a bit embarrassing. When Han Yue was halfway through, she stopped, and there was a hint of hesitation on her charming and indifferent face.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but smile and said: "Girl Han Yue has something to say directly. As long as Ye can do it, I will consider one or two if it doesn't touch the bottom line."

"Consider one or two?"

Han Yue quietly looked at the man in front of him, and said in her heart: How does this man speak differently from others? If an ordinary male disciple sees what he wants, he will agree with him whether he can do it or not, but Ye Chen is different. Ordinary people, but this is also in line with the nature of the opponent.

Thinking of Ye Chen's actions in Canaan College, killing the disciples in the courtyard, molesting the elders and granddaughters, and even publicly speaking out the bold words of who is going to be with him, it is simply a bold existence.

This kind of man is arrogant, but it is better to say that he is too real. The real is a little elusive. He is very different from any man in the world and too special.

Thought about three things. When Han Yueliu frowned, she still came here to find Ye Chen’s purpose, and said with a thin lips: "I have something I want to discuss with you. I heard that Dean Mang has an appointment with you to let you be here. The entrance and exit of the Fentian Qi Refining Tower is free, no matter it is at the bottom or any blocked place, it can be So I want you to take me to the bottom of the Fentian Qi Refining Tower to practice for a period of time. Don't worry, As long as you promise to take me down, Han Yue will give you the corresponding benefits and promise not to let you down. Whether it’s a seven-tier pill or an earth-level cultivation technique, you can talk about it, as long as I’m Within the scope of his ability, Ye Tongyuan will definitely not suffer."

"Oh, you came to the wilderness just for this, I thought..."

"For why?"

Han Yue looked at Ye Chen dumbly, a little puzzled, but when she remembered what the other party had done to Ziyan and Hujia in the hospital, she moved Lianbu lightly, showing a vigilant look.

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help shrugging his shoulders: "No reason, but you want to follow me to the bottom of the tower is not bad, but, according to my superficial understanding, the lower the burning sky refining tower, the more you need to protect the fighting energy. The stronger you are, with your cultivation base at the peak of the Seven Star Dou King, you may not be able to go down a few floors, and you still have injuries on your chest, involving your internal organs. If you forcefully go down to the top level, there will be accidents."

"There is no need for Ye Tongyuan to worry about this, I have my own way, as long as you take me there."

Han Yue smiled politely, but suddenly, Ye Chen's complexion changed suddenly, and immediately turned around to tear open the space crack and left Shiting, she looked dazed.

"What's going on here?"

There was still no reaction. After standing there for a few seconds, Han Yue suddenly realized the problem, and immediately blurted out: "How does he know that I have a chest injury?"

For a while, Han Yue's pretty pale complexion suddenly became extremely cold, and she immediately remembered that she always felt peeped in the bath before, but at that time, the energy was so weak that it seemed like nothingness, so she didn't care, but now it seems... ....

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