Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 282: Honestly, it's Ye Chen, another day?

Hearing that Ye Chen did not evade, Han Yue, Hu Jia, and Xiao Yu all showed the appearance of listening carefully. The former is related to the body, and the two of them are very curious. What is it that makes the two of them originally? People who have no intersection are connected.

"Go ahead, I really want to hear how you explain why I know I'm hurt."

Han Yue said indifferently, compared to the other two women’s questioning, she is not too strong. After all, she still needs help from the other party. If it weren’t for what she saw was a matter of vital importance to her, Han Yue would even bother I don't want to be held accountable, but now I have to ask, it is related to the fame and reputation.

"Ahem, do you really want to know? Let's talk about it, and we will discuss it in private when we have time."

Ye Chen doesn’t have a famous saying. After all, he happened to see Chi Guo taking a bath by chance. It was a private matter. If he came out in such a stately manner, I’m afraid it won’t be long before the whole Canaan Academy will be rumored about him and Han Yue .

Although Ye Chen wasn't afraid of things, he still had to respect the other party's wishes in order to talk about the innocence of Han Yue, who was still single.

"Say, what? Is there really any secret between you who have never met? No way, even if you two met tonight, it is only the first side, how could... "

Xiao Yu said in surprise, Hu Jia on the side also looked back and forth between Ye Chen and Han Yue with her beautiful eyes blinking, and she didn't know what she was thinking about.

Ye Chen didn't answer Xiao Yu, but looked at Han Yue quietly and waited for her to say. After all, she was more at a disadvantage.

"Don't look at me like that, just say it if you want to. I also want to know if the peeping peep that I felt not long ago is not you."

Han Yue didn't appear to be his daughter's family, Han Yue said very calmly, but there was a bit of dignified frost on the slightly cold pretty face, which looked very ugly.

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help squeezing a fist, thinking to himself what to do.

If he remembers correctly, the iceberg beauty in front of him is his second goal of signing in the goddess mission at Canaan College, and the third goddess mission is closely related to it, and if he wants to sign in smoothly, he will The accident that happened just now must be dealt with.

After thinking about it for a long time, Ye Chen finally spoke out Han Yue's late night doubt under the gaze of the three Keren's.

"Yes, Senior Sister Han Yue, you guessed it right. The reason I know the secret of your injury is that I saw it when I went to the appointment tonight. Although it was only an accident, I really saw it clearly."

Ye Chen didn't say it plainly. Except for him and Han Yue, no one in the room could guess what happened.

But Ye Chen’s words were enough to arouse the fantasies of Hu Jia and Xiao Yu, so that judging from the word injury, they immediately came to the conclusion that Senior Sister Han Yue fought and lost and was injured. .

But these words are obviously no big deal, is there any deep meaning in them?

With the enigmatic question mark, both Xiao Yu and Hu Jia wanted to ask clearly, curious like a cat, scratching people's hearts itching intolerably.

But before he could say anything, Han Yue’s overly white pretty face showed a touch of anger, and then she saw her thin lips slightly open, and she said something coldly, "You watched it." How long? How many have you seen? Is it before or after?"

As soon as this statement came out, Hu Jia and Xiao Yu who were present at the scene suddenly felt a little bit crooked, but the picture was still too complicated, so that they were still very difficult to determine what happened between Han Yue and Ye Chen, but it was impossible. Denyingly, once you provoke Ye Chen, it will be like a virus, which makes people want to stop, and what happens between the two is definitely not nice.

"Ahem, it didn't take long, but it was a bit clear and comprehensive. After all, the senior sister had a deep Yaxing, and Ye Mou just passed by by accident and glanced at it."

With a slight grin, Ye Chen answered truthfully.

But when Han Yue heard these words, it made her no longer dared to stay in Gu Xun'er's small courtyard. She immediately turned around and soared into the sky, rushing towards the residence of the disciples in the inner courtyard of Canaan. As if fleeing, the people on the scene looked at each other and made their suspicions privately.

Han Yue is also considered the number one person at Canaan College, but Ye Chen must have done something extraordinary to force him to show such a scene of escape.

Hu Jia remembered what happened to him and Brute Wang Ziyan not long ago, and blurted out without even thinking about it, "Ye Chen, how many girls have you harmed? Could it be that Senior Sister Han Yue was also by you..."

Hearing this, Xiao Yu on the side could not help but cover her mouth dumbly, and then the extremely slender Chiguo Jade legs were slightly brought together, staring at Ye Chen and secretly said: "I want to be harmed by you too." After thinking about it, her pretty white His cheeks suddenly dyed a blush, and immediately seemed to think of something, and quickly left the courtyard at the same pace, leaving only a sentence floating in the air: "Ye We will meet again tomorrow. At that time, you must come."

At the sound of the sound, people have gone so far, but from time to time they look back at each other, revealing the slightest feeling of reluctance.

After Ye Chen nodded towards him, he looked at Hu Jia and frowned again, secretly saying what the girl was talking about, she was talking nonsense, isn't it?

After thinking about it, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "I said, what did you think about what you and Vice President Hu Gan said in the day? If you missed this opportunity, don't come to me for anything in the future. Yes, it's late."

Hearing this, Hu Jia suddenly became a little excited: "Who wants you to be responsible, I haven't figured it out yet. I will tell you another day."

"Someday? Not good."

Ye Chen responded immediately. After Hujia heard it, she didn't react at first, but soon her small face turned red, like a ripe apple very attractive.

Without saying anything, he ran out of the courtyard with a trembling footsteps, not daring to look back.

Sending away the three girls in trouble, Ye Chen couldn't help but stretched out. The secret path was really debt-free and light, and all misunderstandings were explained clearly, and it was much better than being rigid.

At the window of the small courtyard house, after Gu Xun'er heard the conversation in the courtyard clearly, she quickly returned to her bed, her crystal clear eyes blinking, and she didn't know what she was thinking about.

However, after waiting for a long time, he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep and pretended to be awakened, but after all he could not wait for the person he wanted.

For a while, Gu Xun'er couldn't help feeling a little strange. When she leaned over to the window to find out, she suddenly saw that Ye Chen tore a space crack and disappeared in place. She didn’t know where she was. Didn't sleep.

But in a dark alley in Canaan City, after Ye Chen's figure appeared, his eyes couldn't help but rise up slightly, looking at the person in front of him, secretly secretly.

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