Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 297: The sheep enter the tiger's mouth, the future Tianzun?

"Hall Master, you... Are you the Hall Master of the Soul Palace?"

The tender and pretty face was blushing, and the little hands that pointed randomly showed the flustered expression of the white-shirted woman.

Staring closely at the determined and handsome face, the woman in the white shirt never thought that she thought she was a savior, and the strong man who could break through the void would actually become her own reminder.

The word Palace Master, and the respect of the five purple-robed enemies, anyone can distinguish the situation at hand.

Soon, the red and tender mouth of the white-shirted woman opened slightly, and immediately stepped backwards, ready to escape this suffocating space at any time.

And the purple-robed Douhuang who discovered her behavior also moved in shape and surrounded the beautiful women. Then, one of the middle-aged men with a mustache also smiled at Ye Chen: " Thank you, the Lord for helping me to stop this woman, and when we return to the Temple of Earthly Demon, the younger one must ask Tianzun for a reward. Right now in the Temple of Earthly Lord, there is only one woman who has reached 1,000 people. It will be very happy."

"Yes, yes, the lord, you come to Heijiaoyu, I am afraid that you are also carrying a task, or else, you should leave first, or join me to pay a visit to Lord Tianzun."

Next to the mustache man, another purple-robed man spoke, and Ye Chen, who heard this, nodded very cooperatively and said: "Okay, it just so happens that I also have something to go to Disha Temple."


A rapid violent sound suddenly sounded, and the white-shirted woman who fell into the wolf's den made a decisive decision, and instantly crushed the teleportation jade slip that was secretly held in the palm of her hand.

Suddenly, the sky seemed to be boiling, sending out countless large and small transparent waves, and then the figure of the white-shirted woman slowly disappeared out of thin air in front of many powerful men.

"It's a group of cockroach and dog thief, is the lord? I remember you."

The white-shirted woman who was about to teleport away looked at Ye Chen bitterly, and then closed her beautiful eyes slightly, waiting for Yu Jian to forcibly lead her out of this dangerous place.

"No, that little girl is going to run away. Brothers, let's do it together. We've been doing the task for several years, but this one is the only one missing. We can't miss this opportunity."

The mustache Douhuang yelled a few times, and then he was frantic and wanton all over his body, and hurriedly waved at the white-shirted woman. The four Dou Huang beside him also waved out in the next second, reacting quickly.

Soon, the five huge Dou Qi light groups directly filled the distorted space, as if they were about to destroy everything.

But it is a pity that the jade slip of the white-shirted woman's teleportation is very special. Even if it is attacked by the five fighting emperors, the distorted teleportation space of the woman's body is not affected by half.

Seeing this scene, the five purple-robed men indifferently stomped their dark annoyances. They all knew that such a woman born during the lunar calendar is too rare. If you miss this, the next one will be difficult to find without months of effort. .

When everyone was a little annoyed, a small voice suddenly sounded slowly from the side: "Don't worry, a few hall masters, I will help you."

After the words fell softly, the five purple-robed fighting emperor men couldn't help but turn their eyes to Ye Chen, and then saw his arm waving forward at random, and they stopped moving.

You can't see any traces of grudge release. Such a scene makes people think that this person's palace master is funny?

But just as a few people were skeptical, a coquettish voice of "Oh," suddenly resounded in the boiling air.

Immediately afterwards, the five men in purple robes were surprised to find that the huge airspace affected by the teleported jade slips instantly fell into the tranquility of death, the wind stopped and the clouds stopped, and the world was still.

And the woman in white shirt who was about to teleport and escape before was even more exposed in front of everyone at this moment. There was no sign of slipping away at all. Not to mention, even the wings of the fighting spirit of her fighting spirit had disappeared, and she was rushing towards the ground from high altitude. Falling away.

"Strong, he's a ruthless person."

At the same time, the five great fighting emperors secretly sighed in their hearts that this newly appointed palace master was as powerful as the legendary one. With just such a move, they all felt shocked in their hearts.

If a few of them were in the casual attack of each other, they would end up like a white-shirted woman. Even if they did not have the protection of the twisted space of the high-level teleportation jade slip, they might end up in one word, death!

The space transmission was interrupted, and the woman in the white shirt was not spared from being grabbed by Ye Chen Lingkong and controlled by her side.

"Hall Masters, we should go back now."

Looking at the bearded man with a silly expression, Ye Chen said lightly after grabbing the white-shirted woman.

"Go back, we will go back now."

The mustache man smiled at Ye Chen, then bent and raised his hand, letting Ye Chen take the lead in the northern airspace.

Soon, six men and one woman galloped up in the vast airspace, turned into streamers, and quickly disappeared into the still space.

With the lead of the Hall Master of the Earth Shaman, Ye Chen came to the Hall of Earth Shaman in the Blackhorn Region very smoothly.

Looking at the glorious Chinese-style buildings towering over the mountains, I have to say that the power and wealth of the Soul Palace are second to none in the entire continent.

"Dianzhu Ye, you can leave that woman to us. Demon Yu Tianzun is in the main hall of the temple. If you have anything, just go to Tianzun."

The mustache man smiled and leaned to Ye Chen's side, reaching out to take the white-shirted woman, but when he was about to touch his fingers, the comatose white-shirted woman's body was suddenly a few minutes away from him.

"Hall Master Lin is not anxious, this Hall Master still wants to see with you the Thousand Girls Charm Formation, Ye Mou has not been the Hall Master of this People for a long time, but he is very curious about this, I wonder if Hall Master Lin can take me. Go to meet the world?"

"Oh, what did the lord You are noble and strong in cultivation. You still need to see what this is for you."

The mustache man spoke a little evasively, his eyes floating very much.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chen's expression instantly pulled down, and turned to the white-shirted girl in his arms tightly, revealing an indifferent expression.

"Brother Lin, you are confused, Palace Master Ye wants to see, why are you stopping, don't you want to live?"

Just as the atmosphere was getting colder, the rather simple-looking purple-robed Dou Huang who was still outside the hall, patted Hall Master Lin on the shoulder.

Immediately, the voice transmission signaled: "Brother Lin, although this matter is related to the great plan of the Heavenly Sovereign, the Hallmaster of the Human Hall in front of him is the master of the Hall of Souls, and the other party has such a cultivation level at such a young age. Do you think the future of the Nine Heavenly Sovereigns Will there be no Ye Palace Master? People just want to see, don’t offend the future Tianzun because of this little thing."

"Yes, Brother Chao is right, I am confused."

The mustache man scratched his head secretly, and then smiled and took Ye Chen to fly towards a black mountain in the far west of the Earthshade Hall.

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