Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 315: Reached a consensus, Gulong Ziyan

Earth Sha Hall, high above the sky.

The arrival of a crowd of dark and oppressive people instantly made the already oppressive atmosphere tense.

Hu Jia leaned against Mang Tianchi and asked in a low voice, "Dean, who are those. The leader seems to be very powerful, and it makes people unable to breathe."

"It should be, Soul Palace."

Man Tianchi looked at the many black-robed people who were approaching, and frowned. Under the induction of his spiritual sense, the two headed people could not even see through him. I am afraid that they are definitely not strong under the semi-sage. They just don’t know what they want to do here.

On the ground, Lu Ming led the thousands of disciples stationed in the ground outside the temple, kneeling one after another, raising their heads and shouting: "All the disciples of the Earthshade Hall, welcome the two heavenly veterans."

After all, the dense crowd is divided into two rows in an orderly manner, providing a spacious road out.

Upon seeing this, the two black-robed elders at the head also ignored Lu Ming's people, just raised their heads slightly arrogantly, and looked at the Man Tianchi Dao who was facing him.

"The ground is terrible, dare to ask your overlord, if you have nothing to do with him, please leave this place quickly."

After speaking, the other people in black robes who followed them fell to the ground one after another, and they talked in whispers with Lu Ming headed by the Dishadian Temple.

"At Xiaman Tianchi, Dean of Canaan College."

After a slight bow, Man Tianchi spoke, and immediately continued to explain: "Ye Chen, Ye Tianzun, the disciple of our school, he is in retreat, the old man came to protect the Dharma specially, there is nothing else."

Facing the Soul Palace Tianzun who is more powerful than himself, even the Man Tianchi with a semi-holy cultivation base is a little cautious. In his eyes, it’s better to live peacefully together as much as possible if you don’t make matters worse. After all, standing at this moment The two in front of him are the Soul Palace Super Heavenly Sovereign who almost dominates the Dou Qi Continent. I am afraid their status is definitely not much lower than the Soul Palace Hall Master.

"Oh? Ye Tianzun is in retreat. It's really a coincidence that the palace lord asked me to wait for the four heavens to complete the top secret mission. Dean Man, look, or let me wait for the spirit to protect the law. People in the palace, after all, Ye Tianzun is not the only disciple in the Canaan line, are you right?"

Obviously, the black-robed old man who opened his mouth was also crouching, smiling slightly, and exuding a wave of coercion from the superior.

His body was thin and bony, like a skeleton suspended in the air, thin and thin as if it could be blown away by a gust of wind.

But in his words, Hu Jia and Su Yan were numbed by their seemingly plain words. Even though the other party did not show anything to stop their momentum, they had already made them both low in cultivation. The woman, sweating all over, was terrifying.

"Tianzun's words are reasonable, but I and Ye Tianzun have something to say first, this protection of the law is not a trivial matter, how can I be negligent."

Man Tianchi smiled and said, without intending to leave. Seeing this, the skinny old man in black robes suddenly showed a trace of displeasure in his eyes, and immediately he only heard what he said: "Ye Chen is me. Soul Palace Heavenly Sovereign, is it possible that you think I will cause him to fail? This is really unreasonable."

As he said, the rickety old man raised his hand slightly, and in an instant, the whole world was darkened several times, and the originally sunny sky was also covered with dark clouds in an instant, and it was accompanied by several thunderbolts. , The sound is moving.

Upon seeing this, Man Tianchi was also an old-eyed Wei Mi, with vindictive energy on his hands, which was not inferior to the withered-bone-like Tianzun compared to his aura.

But in the next second, the rickety Tianzun made a cold snort, and immediately a more majestic surging weather situation, which instantly pressed Mang Tianchi's face like a raging sea tide, and the vindictiveness of the palm of his fist also appeared. Suddenly, although it was quickly stabilized by it, it really appeared.

"It's so strong, this Tianzun, it's not the bone secluded saint who is famous in the soul hall, and it is rumored that he is a high-level semi-sage, and it is so powerful."

A little sweat appeared in the palm of Man Tianchi, and the dignified color in his eyes became deeper, but he did not regress. At the moment when he was not a last resort, he would never see Ye Chen being disturbed at such a critical juncture, life and death uncertain.

However, during the confrontation between the two, the other black-robed old man at the other side of Man Tianchi gently raised his hand on the shoulder of the Bone You Sage, and smiled slightly: "Old bone, you are still so irritable and old. They are all this big, so learn to be calm."

As he said, the old man with good looks and white beard looked at Meng Tianchi again and said, "You said Ye Tianzun is in retreat. The old man wants to know how he can get out, or can he still? Out."

Hearing this, Meng Tianchi immediately lowered his eyes, then shook his head and said, “I’m not sure, it may take half a month, or even longer, but if everyone is good for him, I think we’ll still be here quietly. Waiting for him to leave the customs is, after all, the mission you mentioned doesn't want Ye Chen to have an accident, right?"

"Well, this is reasonable, then let's wait for it. When Ye Tianzun leaves the customs, Lao Gu and I don't know if we can visit your Canaan College."

The old white Hu showed a very kindly dissolution, and his whole person was not aggressive at all, which made people very comfortable.

"As for my small college, let's forget it, after all, in the eyes of your soul palace, Canaan is not enough to be concerned."

"Hey, Dean Manang's words are very bad. It is rumored that Canaan is the number one university in the mainland. Why is it not enough? Our Soul Palace also needs to train new students, and then we need to go to your college to learn from it. "

Hearing that, Man Tianchi, who wanted to refuse, knew immediately that this troublesome thing could not be avoided. At this moment, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and nod his head from that Baihu Tianzun, and then stopped. speech.

At the same time, the other black-robed people who fell to the ground flew back to the two and a half-sage level and above Tianzun, whispering quietly, as if they were reporting something.

"Well, that's it, you wait and go to rest, wait for Ye Tianzun to leave."


After a few very simple words to the face, the scene outside the Disha Temple once again returned to a rare calm scene.

It's just that, compared to the calm outside the temple, in the sleeping hall of Disha Tianzun, there is already a huge scene that has been going on for a long time.

Weak and weak Gu Xun'er, lying on the edge of the bed half asleep, only saw Zi Yan's small body, as if she had infinite power, was dancing fiercely over and over again, and continued to help Ye Chen, further training The energy of blood essence.

What's more, Xiao Ziyan has automatically unlocked all kinds of unspeakable postures, changing tricks, and seeing Gu Xun'er dazzled, and every help is mixed with dragons, which is shocking.

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