Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 318: Depart from Canaan College

Hearing what Ye Chen said, the Bone You Sage couldn't help frowning. In his opinion, the things that the Soul Palace did next were too important. If there are problems with the details, the situation will become very uneasy. That's great.

Thinking of this, Gu You glanced slightly at the Earth Shaman Temple that Ye Chen was watching, moving lightly, and wanted to enter the Heavenly Lord's bedroom that caused all the uncertain factors to see what happened.

But before his feet took a step, Ye Chen's voice rang from his ears.

"It seems that someone is here."

As soon as the voice fell, a deep void crack suddenly appeared in the sky above the Shaman Temple. After a while, two black-robed elders walking side by side appeared in front of everyone together, and the strong aura exuding from his whole body was also gradually rising from heaven and earth. The peaceful scenes are all in the past.

"Da Tianzun, Vice-Hall Master, you are finally here."

Guyou saw the two of them, and immediately greeted them with enthusiasm. When Ye Chen saw it, he smiled and arched his hands towards the two to show etiquette. At the same time, he looked sideways at the two women Hujia and Su Yan, and slightly picked Raising their eyebrows, motioned them to return to the Heavenly Lord's bedroom to take care of the exhausted Xiao Ziyan, Xun'er and others.

It’s just that his little movement, in front of the two great fighting sages, there is no cover at all. At the moment, the Baihu Datianzun, who has been to the Disha Temple before, laughed and said: "Ye Tianzun, everyone is his own. , There is something that can't be said on the counter, haha."

The words were full of kindness, but Ye Chen could also understand the questioning coded words.

"Da Tianzun's words are bad. If you can get it on the table even in the tedious housework, then don't you be laughed at by the name of our Tianzun, you say."

Ye Chen returned with a smile, without arrogance or impetuosity, and he heard that the Great Tianzun nodded one after another, while the old man in brocade robe, known as the deputy hall master, looked at Ye Chen proudly and casually. Sweeping his eyes to evil Tianzun Hall.

Afterwards, without discovering anything wrong, the old man in the gorgeous brocade robe looked at Ye Chen calmly and said, "Since there is no trivial matter for him, let's set off. This matter is related to the big plan of the clan and must be quickly resolved. "


Da Tianzun and Gu You and both nodded in unison to support the fist, and immediately began to arrange matters for the disciples under their seats.

Ye Chen flew to the side of Mang Tianchi, and after expressing his gratitude for the protector, he fell to the ground and invited Lu Ming.

"Gather all the disciples of the Shaman Temple in the original place, and this Tianzun will take them to do something big."

"Tianzun, there is a big deal to do, why not..."

When Lu Ming heard Ye Chen's words, he glanced at him immediately, as if he was making an injustice for himself and those people's disciples.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chen didn't get angry, but patted Lu Ming's shoulder heavily and said, "Don't talk nonsense, go call in."

"Yes, Tianzun."

Lu Ming nodded, and said no more, he quickly gathered all the disciples of the Shaman Temple stationed outside the temple, and then raised his hands high: "The gods have orders, and the disciples are ready to follow the gods to perform the important tasks of the soul hall. Without error."

"Follow the decree of Tianzun!"

Nearly six or seven thousand disciples of Insitu Sha, all of them were ready to go. They all saw the great figures from the Tiangang Temple attacked underneath. This also shows that the next Soul Temple mission is very important. If you do this time, , Maybe everyone will be promoted to Tiangang Temple, with a boundless future, or if they are valued by the Vice-Hallmaster or something, that's even more serious.

Tiangang Temple is the strongest and most noble place in the entire Soul Temple. Those who can enter into Tiangang, even an ordinary disciple, can get much more benefits in the clan than the guardians of the Earth Shaman Temple. Therefore, all Soul Temple disciples have the highest value. Ideally, that is to be able to enter the Tiangang Temple.

Seeing the excited faces of the disciples of the Insitu Sha, the disciples of the Hall of Man who had only recently entered the Sha, couldn't help but gather next to Lu Ming and whisper to each other.

"Human Lu, what do you mean by Tianzun? Why don't you bring us old people with such an opportunity to show your face? Little ones really can't figure out what they think."

"Yes, I can't guess Tianzun's mind. Is it because my ability to wait is limited and not enough to complete that important task? Or..."

Hearing the comments of the people beside him, Lu Ming immediately raised his hand and said with a deep expression: "Tianzun made such a decision. He has the reason of his old man. You should not guess wildly."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Ming immediately secretly communicated to many of the Primordial Temple disciples: "I just talked to Tianzun, and this guardian also wanted to fight for it, but Tianzun almost didn't slap my arm, so this mission is no small thing. , There are many crises. I want to come to Lord Tianzun to protect me, so I made this decision. Tianzun is so serious about love and righteousness, so you have to mistrust again? Don’t let Tianzun’s mind be cold."

As soon as this statement came out, the disciples who were still talking about it all closed their mouths. If this is the explanation, everyone also instantly understood Ye Chen's good intentions. At the moment, those thousands of pairs of eyes all looked at it together. Xiang Yechen is full of deep friendship and incomparable enthusiasm.

Such a big movement is hard not to be noticed.

Seeing the thriving scene of the entire Earth Shaman Temple, Baihu Datianzun couldn't help but smile at Ye Chen: "Brother Ye couldn't help but have extraordinary talents. In less than half a month he advanced from Jiuxing Douzong to Yizhuan Douzun, even this area. The subordinates are also among the dragons and phoenixes in humans. They are really amazing, amazing.

"Da Tian Zun Miao praised. In front of several people, Ye Mou is no more than an ant. There is no such thing as a dragon or a phoenix. The people underneath only think that this mission can benefit the glory of the deputy hall masters and the Great Tian Zun. Just so happy."

Ye Chen said with a smile quietly turned off what Da Tianzun said, but in the next second, the so-called deputy hall master said coldly and bluntly: "Ye Tianzun is too modest. Speaking of it, how can you have the strong aura of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, this palace owner is very curious, can you tell me one or two, how you did it."

Hearing this, Ye Chen didn't twitch his eyelids a few times, and immediately laughed again and said: "The dragon breath is just the result of my physical exercises. It's not worth mentioning."

This was very perfunctory, but the deputy hall master, who was wearing a brocade robe and half of his eyebrows, did not continue to ask.

The disciples underneath were also ready at this time. At the moment, Ye Chen flew to the side of Mang Tianchi, beckoned slightly, and led a large number of people, and flew towards Canaan College quickly.

On the way forward, Man Tianchi couldn't help but approach Ye Chen and asked, "Ye Xiaozi, what are you really trying to do? Why do you want to take so many people to Canaan?"

"The dean can rest assured, I have my own memory of how to deal with it. You will know it when you arrive at the academy."

Ye Chen didn't explain too much, but looked towards the academy and said in his heart: "My father-in-law, don't let me down."

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