Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 342: 7 color pythons, farewell

"Start from Douluo to sign the goddess (

Gu Xun'er Xiao Ziyan and Han Yue Xiao Yu and other women, grabbed Ye Chen's arm and kept holding each other, the worry and tears in their eyes made Ye Chen reassured.

"Don't worry, your future father-in-law is now the emperor of Dou, the mere old soul of the emperor, you can do it with a few punches."

Ringing his hands, patted the jade arms of the girls, Ye Chen also did his best to comfort the cherished children who were too worried about him.

But not long after his words fell, the two old men, Gu Yuan and Zhukun, looked aside with yin and yang, and hummed coldly.

Soon after, Zhu Kun, who had a hot temper, suddenly said, "Ye Xiaozi, are you going to explain something to me and Lao Gu? Who are they...?"

Before the last word came out, an extremely colorful light burst out from Ye Chen's chest in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a huge snake-shaped phantom also roared into the sky from his chest, and spit out the snake apricot.

"Ye Chen, you have been sleepy with this emperor for a long time."

As he said, that huge colorful giant snake suddenly lowered its head, and in the diamond-shaped snake eyes, a cold light appeared, and it seemed to be full of resentment.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yuan and Zhukun, as well as Gu Xun'er and other female sisters talking, the huge colorful giant snake vomited again.

"Okay, Ye Chen, you have been outside looking for flowers and willows, attracting bees and butterflies in such a short time, and such a small girl will not let it go. Such behavior is simply not as good as a beast. You are worthy of waiting for you. Mei? Today, I am going to teach you a lesson on behalf of Yue Mei."

Having said that, the body of the colorful giant snake violently shook and twisted. Immediately, Gu Xun'er and Xiao Ziyan and other women were retreated 100 meters away. After Gu Yuan and Zhukun's detectives encouraged the girls to support them, they couldn't help but whisper at the same time. Said: "Who is that snake girl? Why did it emerge from Ye Chen's chest? You don't know how many women are still hiding in that kid."

Hearing this, and looking at Ye Chen attacked by the colorful giant snake, Gu Xun'er and Xiao Ziyan suddenly wry smiles on their faces, and then they saw Gu Xun'er shook their heads slightly.

"I don't know the specifics, but the snake girl is definitely not the only one. I have known this problem since I was a child."

Hearing this, Gu Yuan's face suddenly filled with anger and looked at his daughter, with his eyebrows raised: "I knew it since I was a kid? That kid wouldn't have acted on your daughter when he was undercover in the Xiao Clan. "

As he talked, Zhukun's face on the side was also full of melancholy, saying that he was not surprised when he started when he was a child. After all, his daughter swallowed Transformation Grass, but she was only a teenager, and he didn't look at Ye Chen's mercy. Over.

Thinking of this, Zhukun couldn't help patting Gu Yuan on the shoulder, and comforted: "Old patriarch, don't care too much. Although the time is a bit early, as long as Ye Chen doesn't disappoint our daughter, it will be fine. At this moment, We shouldn't be angry."

With that, Zhu Kun looked at and waved his hand relaxedly, and instantly controlled Ye Chen, who was the colorful swallowing python, and thought to himself: his son-in-law is the strongest Doudi in the mainland, and such things are more face-to-face.

At the same time, Gu Xun'er, who was misunderstood by her father, spit out her tongue wittyly and said: "I want to follow Brother Ye Chen early, but my brother taught me to be pure and self-loving since I was a child. Don't think about it."

"Kaoru, you..."

Hearing what his daughter said, Gu Yuan couldn’t help but feel frustrated: “Listen to you, do I have to thank that kid for failing? I took the opportunity to take advantage of my daughter when I was not undercover? It’s really annoying old man, mine. Daughter, when did you become so proactive?"

I regretted it at the beginning. Gu Yuan looked at Gu Xun'er who smiled at him, and felt a little regret that he would go to the Xiao Clan to investigate the remnant jade of the ancient emperor Tuoshe, even if he was to be deceived by Ye Chen after all. But at any rate, you have to keep up with your age, which is really worrying.

"Ye Chen, how did you do it, but after more than three years, you can actually suppress the emperor who has been promoted to one-star Dou Zun?"

The colorful giant snake kept twisting its body bound by the brilliant flames, trying to break free, but no matter what, its ‘exploded’ cultivation base alone was far from enough.

"Well, I'll explain it to you later. The Queen should calm down at this moment and take a closer look at the surroundings and see the situation clearly before coming to settle accounts with me."

Having said that, Ye Chen didn't explain too much, and flew slightly behind Gu Yuan and Zhukun, and then two brilliant flames popped out with his fingers and rushed into their minds.

In the face of Ye Chen’s move, the two did not stop it. After that, Ye Chen couldn’t help but smile and say: “Two father-in-laws, now that the evil of Zhongzhou has been eliminated, it is the time when everything is waiting to be thriving, and there will be two people after that. Take care of the various important things that Zhongzhou faces. I still have some very important things that I have to deal with."

"Go, bastard, just put ten thousand hearts here."

The corner of Zhukun's mouth smiled and waved his hand, slightly sensing that the flame that rushed into his mind was exactly what Ye Chen had learned from being promoted to Emperor Dou, and he was also very nervous on the spot to comprehend it.

Gu Yuan, who was on the side, nodded slightly, and immediately pulled Gu Xun'er and put her little hand on Ye Chen's palm, saying, "Although you are now a Doudi, you still don't match me in the eyes of the old man. Gu Yuan’s daughter Speaking of this, Gu Yuan paused for a while, and then continued: "But anyway, Xun'er's thoughts have been placed on you alone. I hope that in the future, you kid Will not disappoint the little girl. "

"Father-in-law, don't worry, Xun'er is brilliant and brilliant, how could the kid treat her badly, and he will treat her wholeheartedly in the future, no matter where she goes or what situation she is in, today's words will remain the same for life."

Ye Chen tightened Gu Xun'er's little hand, and smiled at his eyes. At this moment, Xiao Ziyan who flew not far away couldn't help but look at Zhukun who was practicing in concentration, and secretly raised his leg towards him. He kicked his body lightly and said, "Is that the father of someone else? Look at you."

With that said, he also came to Ye Chen's side, holding his arm and fighting for himself: "From now on, where do you go, where do I go?"

Then, Han Yue and Hu Jia Xiaoyu and other women also said at the same time: "There is still us."

Looking at the expectant gazes of the women, Ye Chen also nodded slightly and smiled: "I will take full responsibility. Come with me."

With that, Ye Chen waved his hand, Gu Xun'er, Xiao Ziyan and other women, as well as the colorful giant python in shock, instantly disappeared over the devastated Zhongzhou land, and came outside the planetary atmosphere of the Douqi Continent.

Looking at the smaller and smaller Douqi continent planet, Xiao Ziyan couldn't help but asked dumbly: "Ye Chen, where are we going? The continent has become so small."

"Where to go, I haven't decided yet, but now, I have to find a few people who are important to me."

As he said, a majestic mental power visible to the naked eye rushed out of Ye Chen's mind, and immediately turned into a large planetary net, covering the entire vindictive continent.

After careful investigation, Ye Chen also swayed with the figures of the women, directly outside of the Dou Qi continent planet, and instantly came to a hidden valley outside of Zhongzhou.

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