Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 346: Empire, time to change ownership?

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The imperial city of Yunlan Empire, the main hall of discussion.

Empress Nalan sits high on the throne in the temple, wearing a glaze phoenix crown, and a purple cloud and golden robe, wrapping her exquisite and delicate body vividly, and her plump figure is extremely exciting.

Three thousand green silks were randomly tied by a strand of white jade silk, and finally hung down to the delicate buttocks. After a few years, Nalan Yanran now has no sense of youthfulness, and her gestures exude a charming mature temptation. , Perennial body and high position, the whole body is full of very strong coercion and grace. The savage girl at the time, now she is also truly an overwhelmed country with a superb temperament.

On both sides of the main hall, officials of the Yunlan Empire stood tall, but at this moment, whether it was the female emperor or these officials, their expressions were a bit angry.

"Emperor Yunlan, Nalan Yanran, I think you should have understood the current situation by this moment. Now that the land of Zhongzhou has been devastated and devastated, not to mention, those big families and nobles have suffered countless deaths and injuries. Maybe the soul race is also at this moment. Occupying an absolute advantage, it is expected to rule the entire Dou Qi continent. Therefore, I think it is time for the Yunlan Empire to recreate its glory. What do you think? Your Majesty the Empress."

In the center of the main hall, a group of men wearing special thin black stone armors, led by a vigorous young man, said words that made everyone present anger unspeakable, but even in the most central palace of the Yunlan Empire In the main hall, no one dared to stand up and argue with it.

Only at this moment, the court maid beside the Empress Yunlan couldn't help but wave her hand and say: "Bold Xiao Clan, just because you dare to speak out in front of the Empress, disrespectful, don't you have forgotten why the Xiao Clan can be here? Is the imperial capital based? A group of ungrateful people, if they were..."

"Shut up, now Yun Lan, a court maid, dare to be so disrespectful to my young master. Since the female emperor can't discipline his subordinates, then my Xiao Clan can do something to educate her majesty, and let everyone in this great imperial capital. Know that there is a difference between inferiority and superiority."

The middle-aged man who was talking had an obvious Xiao character embroidered on his chest, and when he was full of words, he waved his hand and shot a vindictive red light at the maid.

In an instant, the only person in the entire hall who was still maintaining the Yunlan Empress was immediately pierced through his chest by the red light of fighting spirit, and collapsed to the ground feebly.

Seeing this scene, the ministers Yun Lan on both sides of the hall showed fear and withdrew several steps back, for fear of being hurt by the fish.

Compared with the overcrowded and constantly-sounding discussion hall, the entire imperial palace seemed extremely quiet, as if no one existed.

"What the **** do you Xiao family want to do?"

The handmaid was killed, and Nalan Yanran, who was sitting on the first throne, finally opened her lips lightly and asked aloud.

"What? The female emperor doesn't know? Now the power of the entire vindictive continent will be reshuffled, and this magnanimous cloud is still in the hands of a woman, which will really make neighboring countries look down upon it. I'm afraid it won't help much. In time, the entire empire will face the calamity of annihilation, and the war will continue."

The young man headed by the Xiao clan slowly walked forward a few steps, then looked directly at the aloft Empress Yunlan, and continued: "For the survival and prosperity of the empire, Xiao felt that the empress should choose a suitable husband to assist you in governance. The world. And this candidate, I think, as the heir of the Xiao Clan, Ben Shao should have this qualification. Moreover, many years ago, the empress and I had the fate, so..."

Hearing this, Nalan Yanran, who was full of anger, immediately shouted with majesty: "Shut up, the Xiao Clan even dare to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix."

Hearing this, Xiao Yan in the middle of the hall raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "Yes, your Majesty, if you don't mention it, I almost forgot about it. At the beginning, you came to my Xiao Clan to regret your marriage and humiliate Ben. Little, it made my entire Xiao family unable to lift their heads in Wutan City. And that Ye Chen, who is in charge of you, as the elder of my Xiao family, is talking about the most absurd principles, haha, It's ridiculous. Thinking about it now, it's really irritating, Empress."

While speaking, a middle-aged white-haired man suddenly came to the side and patted Xiao Yan's shoulder lightly and said: "Yan'er, what Ye Chen did at the beginning was really indignant. He met him in Qingshan Town, but Unexpectedly, the despicable kid would collude with the Soul Palace to harm us, but fortunately, after all kinds of hardships, our father and son survived, and also revitalized the Xiao Clan to such a degree, it is really worthy of the expectations of the ancestors."

The two fathers and sons off the court sang and made peace, directly telling all the hardships they have suffered over the years.

Seeing this scene, Nalan Yanran, who was on the high seat of the Empress, couldn't help but frown and press his hand: "Ye Chen, who is acting despicable in your mouth, is the one who has spent ten years in the Xiao clan to repay the favor of the Xiao clan and is doing all he can to strengthen you. Family man? Ha ha, really ridiculous people, don’t you have any truth in your heart? It’s really mean. You clearly want to take away my Yunlan Empire, but you find some other interfaces. After all, it’s not because of this monstrous power. Are you not afraid of my husband’s return and drive you to death?"

"Your husband? Ye Chen?"

Seeing Nalan Yanran, who was beginning to show her majestic beauty, she hated Xiao Yan, who had long been planted in her heart, and she couldn't help but raise her head and laugh.

After that, Xiao Yan attached his hand to Nalan Yanran and said: "Hahaha, my Majesty is still unknowable. Ye Chen, who was famous throughout the mainland, disappeared in the cave of the ancient emperor Tuoshe more than three years ago. In the beginning, life and death are unknown. At the beginning, the big Zhongzhou strong clans gathered and competed with the soul hall powerhouses for the wealth of the ancient emperor, and Ye Chen was at the center of the vortex of contention. He must have died long ago. If not, now the three Years have passed. The Soul Clan and the Six Nations Alliance have fought for a long time, but Ye Chen’s name, I have never heard anyone mention that he is not dead, who would believe it."

As soon as he said this, Nalan Yanran on the high seat suddenly trembled a few times, but she has been in the position of the empress for a long time, and she can already achieve the state of being able to not wave no matter what happens, even if the emotions in her heart are already churning. Like the tide, there is no half of it on the surface.

"Yan'er's words are true. Three years later, Ye Chen's life and death accounted for eighty to ninety points. Empress Yanran, at the beginning, we Xiao Clan had to take care of your grandfather so much that UU reading could have me. On the day of the rise of the Xiao Clan, if you are willing, I, the Xiao Clan, will definitely be able to get rid of the previous suspicion and let you rejoin Yan'er. From now on, in private, you will still be my Yanran niece."

Xiao Zhan glanced at the ministers around him who dared not say anything. In an instant, those who were timid and fearful shrank their necks and dared not look at him.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhan couldn't help but transmit his voice again: "Niece Yanran, you must be aware of the strong strength of the Xiao clan now. It is not difficult to subvert the empire. You should think about it carefully. Don't make this matter too stiff. In the eyes of outsiders, I saw the joke."

"Haha, it's not difficult to subvert it. You waited for the Xiao Clan, but they dared to act so rampantly after picking up some benefits in the Ancient Emperor's Cave Mansion. Don't you think that the Zhongzhou War is unknown at this moment, and my husband's friends will not come to the rescue? Kill all of you shameless people."

Nalan Yanran trembled slightly. At this moment, she really hated her, and she didn't stop her grandfather from continuously supporting the Xiao Clan, so that these ungrateful generations could make progress.

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