Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 353: Terrible father and son

, The fastest update starts with Douluo signing in the latest chapter of Goddess!

Ye Chen looked at the armor on Xiao Yan's body, and felt very familiar. Right now, he was thinking about what the so-called Alien Fire Emperor's stone armor was.

But just when she had the answer in her heart, Yun Yun on the side saw Ye Chen miraculously controlling the situation, but a sword struck Xiao Yan straight.

With his three-star Dou Zun’s cultivation as the realm, at the moment of that sword, the earth full of rubble ruins was immediately sunk several meters by the pressure of an extremely majestic blue sword, and the huge sky of the imperial city Above, countless imaginary sword shadows appeared when Yun Yun raised the sword, and between each imaginary sword, there seemed to be a very wonderful series of connections, pulling one to start the whole sword. The feeling of a thousand swords.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen instantly perceives that the combat power displayed by Yun Yun at this moment has completely exceeded the scope of the three-star Dou Zun, and the vindictive spirit naturally connects the energy of heaven and earth. If this step can be achieved, its true combat power is already It's close to the seven or eight star high-ranking Dou Zun, very extraordinary.

"It seems that Yun Yun had suppressed her strength in order to take care of me and Yanran."

With a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, Ye Chen felt that since Yun Yun wanted to fight, let her give her a chance. After all, the old Sect Master Yunshan's hatred, but his teacher's hatred.

With a thousand thoughts, Yun Yun was carrying a sword that never moved forward, and he slashed straight towards Xiao Yan.

In an instant, the world changed its color, and the entire imperial city area was shrouded in blue light, and the countless imaginary sword shadows moved together instantly, bursting out like a whole.

Thousands of imaginary swords and shadows appeared in the same scene. In that scene, the people of the imperial capital who did not know what happened in the imperial city were all dumbfounded, and at the same time they noticed the changes in the imperial city. , Even more swiftly came out, hundreds of thousands of troops came straight towards the city.

"As expected to be the Sect Master Yun Lan, he still has some strength."

Facing Yun Yun's terrifying blow, it seemed that Xiao Yan, who had already opened up, didn't change the slightest tension on his face. Instead, the corners of his mouth were full of disdainful smiles.

Seeing this scene, Yun Yun immediately agitated the fighting spirit in his body, constantly accelerating the speed of the huge sword intent sent by thousands of swords, wanting to avenge her master.

At the same time, she didn't know why Xiao Yan, who was facing her full blow, was still so arrogant.

"Xiao Yan child, today I will use your life to respect my soul of the first teacher."

Having said that, the dense azure sword shadows that swept all over the sky and covered the earth were all in no difference. They fell directly on top of Xiao Yan's head, and the speed of the sword was so fast that it was fleeting, even if it was just a breakthrough in the cultivation base. Xiao Yan didn't have any reaction time to evade.

However, Xiao Yan didn't seem to be evasive. He just flattened his hands slightly with a confident expression, and greeted the burst of ten thousand swords.

In an instant, the sound of rumbling and explosion sounded continuously from the center of the ruins where Xiao Yan was standing. The waves of violent vigor and blue light were also madness overflowing in this huge imperial capital, continuously destroying the emperor. All the buildings in the city are as if they have not suffered any obstacles.

It can be seen that the power of Yun Yun’s blow is so powerful, and the Yunlan guards who have just arrived in front of the imperial capital at this time are all roaring: "Quickly, rescue the imperial city and protect the female emperor."

With that said, the leading column of tens of thousands directly skipped the gate of the imperial capital, and flew towards the imperial city that was constantly being destroyed like crazy.

Compared with the impatience of the guards of the imperial capital, Xiao Yan, who was in the center of the ten thousand sword burst, suddenly let out an uncontrollable burst of laughter under the loud blast of the explosion.

"Haha, hahahaha. Sect Master Yun Lan, that's nothing more."

As soon as the voice fell, within the endless turbulent blue light sword light, a figure full of brilliant gleams, step by step, slowly walked out.

Afterwards, seeing the Yun Yun of the figure clearly, he couldn't help but wondered: "How can this be possible? Even if you break through, you will only be the master of Dou Wang. How can you withstand my aggressive attack?"

She didn't expect that this would be the result of her full blow. Soon, with unwilling Yun Yun in her heart, she raised her strange sword again and wanted to launch an attack.

But at this time, Ye Chen, who was still in the throne of the emperor, stopped aloud: "Useless Yun'er, the armor on this child is a little weird."

After that, Ye Chen pinched Xiao Zhan’s neck with his right hand, and appeared beside Yun Yun for a moment. Then he looked calmly at Xiao Yan, who was showing his figure, and said, “Your armor is the stone skin on the top of the stone pillar on the Plaza of Fire. Well, it's really interesting, but the waste materials have been turned into treasures."

Hearing that Ye Chen pointed out the origin of his emperor's stone armor, Xiao Yan, who was still full of self-confidence and saw nothing, immediately frowned and said: "Since you know this young man's armor, you should know the strength that I have at the moment. Ye Chen, if you are still a man, let my dad go, and we two will have a fair fight. I will let you know in a moment, how powerful and how powerful the waste in your mouth is.. ..."

"Wait, you are afraid that you have misunderstood something. I caught Xiao Zhan, but I didn't want to threaten you."

Ye Chen lightly opened his lips and interrupted Xiao Yan's subsequent boasting, and immediately his eyes condensed, Xiao Zhan's struggling to grab his arm, instantly turned into a burst of black dust, and fell to the ground.


Huge painful screams, constantly roaring from Xiao Zhan's mouth, that distorted face that is inferior to life and death, all the time reflects what kind of inhuman suffering he is suffering at this moment.

"Stop, stop, I don't allow you to hurt..."

Xiao Yan shouted violently, and wanted to rush towards Ye Chen, his whole body was gorgeous with stone armor, and not only flashes of light appeared.

But soon, he saw Ye Chen's eyes and turned to Xiao Zhan's other arm again. He was ready to move, and immediately stopped again, full of anger.

Seeing this, Ye Chen didn't care: "Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan, you hurt my most important person. Then, the distress that this emperor feels will repay you ten times and one hundred times. ."

As he said, Xiao Zhan's left arm and two thighs, with a look of apathy, climbed up a small group of brilliant flames at the same time.

Immediately after that, a cry of despair and pain that was more tragic than before, filled the entire ruins of the imperial city. The tragic voices were also the children in the imperial capital, all of them crying with fright. .

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen, Ye Chen, I'm going to kill you, cramp and peel your bones, cook meat and burn your heart."

Xiao Yan could no longer control his emotions and screamed frantically Then, with a single sword, he instantly split his father Xiao Zhan in half.

He couldn't bear to see his dad suffer this way, and he was also decisively committing a father-killing act at the moment.

"Tsk tusk, Xiao Yan, you are really ruthless. I promised Patriarch Xiao Zhan not to kill him, but you, a son, are ruthless than me. It's funny and really interesting."

Ye Chen threw the corpse in his hand aside, then slapped his hands to ‘praise’, his face was calm.

But with his appearance, Xiao Yan's eyes were flushed directly when he saw him, and immediately agitated all the fighting spirits with unstoppable anger, slowly raised the Stone Sword of the Emperor of Fire, and rushed towards Ye Chen with a roar.

Immediately, the faintly brilliant light revealed on the stone armor and sword was also surging and bright at this moment, as if possessing supreme power.

Looking at Xiao Yan who was killing him with all his strength, Ye Chen said with a smile on his lips: "Don't worry, I will make you feel more miserable than your father, for sure."

As he said, Ye Chen raised his right hand slightly, and in an instant, the endless blazing brilliant flames also rose in an instant.

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