Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 366: Ma Hongjun: I'm just a joke

Under the dimly lit room, the faint candlelight, and three long and narrow shadow candlelights, the figure was distorted, and the light and shadow trembled, becoming more and more blurred.

"Ye Chen, finally, I finally found you."

"Yeah, he finally showed up."

"But it's a pity, we can't show up yet, otherwise, today in the coming year will be his death day for Ye Chen."

A few words of vicissitudes echoed back and forth across the secluded stone wall, and the expressions of the three people inside were also excited, showing unwilling faces, as if they had missed some huge opportunity.

And under the flickering of the candlelight, the elevated man among the three also snorted angrily: "Huh, if he goes far, he can only hide from the first day of the first year but not the fifteenth. Since he has hidden ten It's been many years before he appeared, so this son should not escape from the world again."

"Yes, in two more months, all the causes and effects should be thoroughly understood."

The remarks in the secret room suddenly stopped at this point, and then the faint candlelight was also extinguished, making the small space once again plunged into deathly tranquility.

Outside the ruins of the tombs of the gods, in the frozen space, Ye Chen flew towards the sky step by step, walking towards Ma Hongjun, who was shocked and unspeakable.

"This, what kind of power is this, why, why can't even I, the first-level deity, move?"

"The Zhoufang space seems to be completely still, even the three combos of Phoenix Destroying the World I released with all my strength, at this moment, are frozen in the space, motionless."

After thinking about it, Ye Chen's figure came slowly, but amidst the twisted and transparent wind and the monstrous evil fire energy that was frozen all around, he walked indifferently, walking in a leisurely courtyard, relaxed and frightening.

Only at this moment did Ma Hongjun know why Ye Chen could say such a calm ‘big talk’ and almost ignorant attitude when he hadn’t done anything before.

It turns out that everything is just under his control. Poor, pity him Ma Hongjun, but he thinks he is a first-class god, and he can feel that Ye Chen, who was previously unattainable and admired by others, can also be controlled by himself. Come to defeat.

"Illusion, it turns out that all of this is my own fantasy illusion, haha, hahahaha."

As if irritated, Ma Hongjun, who was motionless, was full of sarcasm and laughed at himself.

At this moment, he also felt that he was so stupid that he would feel good about himself and thought that Ye Chen could defeat it.

But whether it was the invincibility of Ye Chen's peers more than ten years ago, or the unconventional performance of the enchanting at this moment, Ma Hongjun was not something he could try to reach.

With many thoughts in his mind, Ye Chen has also come to the side of Ma Hongjun who has turned into a phoenix.

Seeing him slightly raised his hand, Ma Hongjun felt that his mouth was restored to freedom and could speak.

"Fat man, now, do you still want to challenge me and move my woman?"

Ye Chen chuckled softly, his face still calm and expressionless.

But his appearance here fell in the eyes of Ma Hongjun, which also made him feel ashamed and desperate.

"Kill me, I admit, you are still as strong as before, unattainable."

Ma Hongjun didn't explain anything, he still knew the truth about success and failure since ancient times.

Even Ye Chen didn't kill himself in the first place, he felt surprised. Based on his understanding of Ye Chen's character, anyone who angered him would not get any good fruit. ,

What's more, just now, he wanted to capture Ye Chen's woman and return to the Asura Shenzong for business. Haha, this was simply an act of seeking death, so he would say the words of death.

Hearing what he said, Ye Chen also condensed his eyes slightly, raised his hand slightly, and moved slowly towards the top of Ma Hongjun's head.

"Is it over? Yes, it is finally about to end my sad life. After all, whether it is the strength of the first-level deity or the evil fire phoenix martial arts, it is like a joke in my hands, yes, mine. Isn't the whole life just a joke? There was Invincible Ye Chen before, and then Dai Mubai and Tang San and other Shrek Academy people. Compared to them, Ma Hongjun, I live, is just a joke."

With the passage of time, Ye Chen’s moving palm grew bigger and bigger in his eye sockets. For Ma Hongjun, who only used the word "joke" to describe himself, the corners of his mouth finally showed a smile of relief, and he did not hate him. Who, only hates myself for being too mediocre.


There was a violent sound, and suddenly, Ma Hongjun felt a sudden pain on the top of his head. Then he reacted naturally, his whole body was scattered, and he fell straight toward the devastated and broken surface.

"Uh, what is this guy doing?"

Looking at Ma Hongjun, he closed his eyes and fell to the ground, only to appreciate the violent Ye Chen of the other party. He couldn't help looking at his curved bow fingers, his mouth twitched.

After a little speechless, Ye Chen's figure suddenly shook, and instantly appeared beside Ma Hongjun who was falling continuously, waved his palm again, and left with a violent shudder.

Another violent pain struck his head suddenly, and Ma Hongjun, who admitted to being dead, opened his eyes instantly and fell into confusion. Soon after, he stared at Ye Chen, who was falling at the same speed, and stared in a daze.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chen, who had been completely speechless, couldn't help yelling at him: "Hey, fat man, you are quite capable of acting."

Hearing that, Ma Hongjun, who didn't know why, immediately circled his with a dazed expression: "Ye Chen, are you dead too?"


Ye Chen, who really didn't know what to say, immediately wanted to kick the guy in front of him to become fat again.

Just as he raised his foot halfway, Ma Hongjun, who was still asking if Ye Chen was dead, suddenly patted his forehead and said to himself: "No, that's not right, why did you Ye Chen die? Am I still alive?"

"Do you want to die that way?"

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth couldn't stop shaking, and he immediately pulled the silly hat in front of him and dropped to the ground steadily.

And Ma Hongjun, who finally reacted, also showed a silly appearance in an instant, standing in front of Ye Chen and giggling, but he didn't look at him, his cheeks were red, not ashamed, or something else, Ye Chen was all over his body. Goose bumps fell all over the floor.

"Cough cough, don't laugh, it's oozing. Fatty, I won't kill you, but you must tell me, who are the three **** kings of the Asura God Sect? Also, your Asura God Sect secretly controls the entire mainland power, causing various What is the real purpose of the war and chaos?"

Ye Chen asked to hide his doubts in his heart. He always felt that the Shura Divine Sect provokes numerous forces in the mainland to fight secretly, and there must be an ulterior secret that he wants to know.

"Ye Chen, thank you for not killing, but I don't know much about the Divine Asura Sect. I am afraid that only Boss Dai and the others know why the war broke out."

Ma Hongjun scratched his head and saw that Ye Chen didn't ask any more, he continued to speak: "As for the three gods of the Shenzong, not only I know, but you are also familiar with Ye Chen. They are the **** of Shura Tang San, the **** of Baihu Dai The boss and the king of life..."

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