Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 504: A woman only affects the speed at which you draw a knife

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After the strange sound appeared, the golden liquid that was surveyed suddenly surged on the ground, which was several times more than the amount that Ye Chen took out of the monsters.

Afterwards, a group of men in long robes and cloaks slowly flew up from all directions in Baiyu Village, and together with the golden liquid, they surrounded Ye Chen and Cuiyu Mingluan in groups.

Seeing this scene, the red-eyed Cuiyu Mingluan, who had also taken a special drink, immediately hid behind Ye Chen, watching the golden liquid that was floating in the air and flowing slowly.

She has a feeling that if she comes into contact with that kind of liquid, she is likely to lose herself and be manipulated like those monsters, so she doesn't want to face it.

It's just that she didn't realize that at this moment, she had regarded Ye Chen as a support, and she subconsciously felt that Ye Chen would protect herself.

Seeing this scene, Mingluan, who was hiding in the shared body, suddenly stained her face with a slight red glow, and then whispered to herself in a low voice.

"No matter which me, I can't escape the palm of the son? So shy, so shy..."

Mingluan's inner monologue, the red eyes and the jade Mingluan did not notice at all at this moment, but Mo Ming obediently hid behind Ye Chen, carefully observing the enemy's situation.

Suddenly he was surrounded by others. With Ye Chen's good temper, Rao couldn't help but curl his lips and said, "Where are so many Shabi, are you all anxious to reincarnate?"

Ye Chen's words were simple and crude, but the meaning was obvious.

The men in cloaks and robes meant that his brother was glaring at him, and then the headed guy suddenly lifted his cloak, then slowly raised his palm, offering a hollow golden orb with a smile.

"My good cousin, when have you been with such an arrogant human man? Your vision is really as bad as your precious student."

After the man in the cloak showed his face, it was also revealed in the third eye of the leech family, slowly exuding a faint blue light.

And when Red Eye Cuiyu Mingluan saw him, Mei Eye angered: "Cousin, could it be that you and the golden phoenix are the one who persecutes my leeches?"

"Hahahaha, persecution? Good cousin, you are still very silly and innocent. It's obviously your student who is greedy for love and voluntarily hooks up with Jin Renfeng. Presumably now, I don't know how to hide with that Jin Renfeng Happy and happy there, hahahaha."

The three-eyed man raised his head and laughed, and then suddenly stopped, he looked at the red eyes Cuiyu Mingluan tightly tugging Ye Chen's sleeves, contemptuously said.

"Sure enough, what kind of teacher will be handed over what kind of students. If there is no change tonight, I must have been living with this human man at this moment. Humph, just rely on you group The female generation who knows love and love are also worthy to control the power of my leech clan?"

As he spoke, the three-eyed leech male demon's eyes showed extremely angry and gloomy eyes, staring at Cuiyu Mingluan and glaring constantly.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen's memory also recalled some interesting things, and then turned to look at the red eyes Cuiyu Mingluan, he also rarely asked her cousin with a smile.

"Hello, you have such a big grievance, is it because in the leech family, the rule of female superiority to male inferiority is practiced? Emmmmm, then living in your leech race, are men very painful? Are you a matrilineal social system? ?"

A series of questions were asked, and Ye Chen's curiosity seemed to evoke the tragic memories of the leech demon in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, tears appeared in the corner of the leech demon's eyes, as if he was touched by Ye Chen's words, and then he looked even more angrily at Cuiyu Mingluan, the golden hollowed orb on the palm, also It's crazy spinning non-stop.

After a long time, he suffocated a word and yelled at Ye Chen: "Boy, as a man, I can persuade you to say that the women of the leech family will just play with them. If you really sink deeper and deeper, the future One day you will thank me for what I am doing now."

"Lao Tzu's judgment of the family is to break the unfair world. On what basis are women able to do everything? What kind of profound magic, medical skills, racial development, and even the right to choose a spouse... ...."

Having said that, the three-eyed leech demon suddenly stopped, and then a deep fear appeared in his eyes, as if he had remembered something that shouldn't be remembered, and the whole person's emotions became very unstable.

But soon, the fear turned into a terrible anger and unwillingness.

Immediately, the three-eyed leech demon stared straight at Ye Chen, slightly stretched out his hand and said sincerely.

"If you don't want to become who I am now, just join hands with me and help me break the rules of this world. For the sake of being harmed by the leech Your kid's sin of destroying our fellow can be forgiven. , As long as you join me, when we plan to grow successfully one day, we will return to the leech clan together and stom on the women there."

After the leech demon gave a generous statement, Ye Chen touched his chin with interest, and looked up at the red eyes behind him and laughed.

"When you find your student, can you take me back to your clan? I'm very curious, what kind of wife does that Shabby thing marry, so that it will become the tragic appearance it is now."

With that said, Ye Chen imagined a scene of the extinction of dinosaurs in his mind, and then couldn't help but shudder, and deeply sympathized with the leech male demon.

Hearing this, the red-eyed Cuiyu Mingluan shook his head quickly and said: "Don't listen to that guy's nonsense. Our family of leeches is in a special situation. Women's bloodline talents are much stronger than men's, so it is women who are in charge. There is a cousin, but the famous beauties of our leech family are so exaggerated and false as he said."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, Cuiyu Mingluan, you women are the biggest devil in the world. If I can't destroy you in this life, I will swear not to be a demon."

The leech demon raised his head and roared, and then stared roundly at Ye Chen, who ignored him, his face gradually became ruthless and said: "You kid, do you want to do business with me? A woman will only affect the speed at which we draw our swords. , Don’t indulge in it anymore. Trust me, you will live better and stronger without a woman."

Facing the bitterness of the leech demon, Ye Chen couldn't help but smile and said, "You fellow, really a weird thing." After speaking, Ye Chen grabbed the red-eyed Cuiyu Mingluan's waist and raised an eyebrow. Said: "I just like women, drawing knives or something, it's not suitable for a man like me with several wives!"

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