Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 529: Slaughter my brother-in-law? Don't listen to my wife

Although Ye Chen's tone of speech was a bit solemn and ruthless, his principle of behavior was the death penalty of indiscriminate murder.

There are hatreds and festivals, and you can do anything you want, but trampling and killing innocent creatures at will is a bit too much.

Even if the ants are humble, who did not rise slowly from the dust?

No tricks, no provokes, innocents and no arrogance, but plainly causing disasters and tragic deaths without cause? This is really innocent.

If the Aolai Third Young Master was weak and was arbitrarily obliterated when he was young, he would have thought that he would kill so recklessly today.

And now, Ye Chen also let him feel how humble the feeling of powerless ants really is.

After directly rejecting Liu Er's plea, Ye Chen suddenly flicked his fingers again. In an instant, a black coffin with a bitter curse pattern burst out suddenly, floating directly above the dazzling emperor flames. Ao Lai San Shao's head.

In a short while, within the golden light that had been burned by the emperor flame, the three young masters of Aolai gradually melted away, revealing the real body of the monster monkey with the bones and bones. It will not last long, and even the soul of the golden light is exuding in its body. It was also Ye Chen's nine-finger Soul Destroying Coffin, constantly drawing in and taking refuge.

And at this time, the many guilty undead that Ye Chen has long received into the Nine Fingers Soul Destroying Coffin are also thick and full of dark mud, one by one, from the slightly wide open coffin, constantly climbing outwards. He quickly sank inside and uttered endless screams, as if there was a force majeure in the Soul Extinguishing Coffin, which prevented them from breaking free.

But the ghostly screams are also mixed with the mechanical sounds of the killing and grinder, as if those guilty undead who have been pulled into the nine-finger soul-killing coffin are suffering endless pain all the time and will never be reincarnated. , Only when the power of the soul is exhausted, can the eternal liberation be obtained.

The terrifying scenes above the black coffin, not to mention the six ears that were already scared of humanity, her eyes were full of terror, even Gu Yuena, who was supporting her, frowned slightly for a while.

However, Gu Yuena didn't say anything, because no one knew better than she, that the undead who had tortured forever in the black coffin were all sinners who were unforgivable. They did not die, and they will not today. There is another person like Ye Chen.

It's just that the six ears on the side still showed the color of prayer, and then he tightly grasped Ye Chen's sleeves, his legs wanted to kneel to the ground begging for mercy.

She knew it was her brother who made a big mistake this time, but in any case, it was her brother, Liu Er, who was the sister, could not look at her brother and fall into that hell-like black coffin. Inside, even death will be tortured.

"Please, please, the third brother is just confused for a while, Young Master Ye, please give him another chance. It can be seen that my brother has always protected the entire world in the circle..."

Hearing this, Ye Chen said coldly before Liu Er could finish speaking.

"The first time I met, I already gave him this reason for forgiveness, the opportunity, it has long been used up."

After Ye Chen said, the black coffin with golden weird runes suddenly burst out with even more powerful swallowing power, and swept towards the three young masters of Aolai.

And besides, the demon monkey's real body in the gorgeous emperor flame could no longer hold on, and was completely burned into nothingness.

So that there is no possibility for a soul without a physical body to rely on it, and it is continuously sucked away by the black coffin of the nine-finger soul-killing black coffin. The speed is fast, but in an instant, the half of the soul of the three young masters has entered. Inside the black coffin.

At the same time, the guilty undead who had been tortured so much that only endless grievances were left, they also stretched out their muddy arms that seemed to be covered with pitch-black water, and kept pulling the proud three young masters, screaming again and again, they were going to be completely Pull into the bottom of the coffin and accompany them to perish forever.

But just at this moment, the sound of the red eyes mingluan suddenly rang from not far away.

"I have another reason for you to forgive him, that is, he is Liuer's younger brother, that is, the younger brother-in-law of your future daughter-in-law of Ye Chen. Did you forget that Miss Gu Yuena had already made a peace for you just now? Is the matter between the ears? Could it be that you want to break your promise?"

Red Eye Mingluan's words immediately made Liu Er cast a grateful look at him, although she was very anxious.

But if you want Ye Chen to be responsible for himself, it would be too arrogant and arrogant to use it for this kind of thing.

Moreover, she was not Ye Chen's woman yet, although Gu Yuena had said a few words before, she agreed.

But in the end it can be the master, isn't it Ye Chen? Gu Yuena, her good friend, can really be the master of Ye Chen with such a terrifying strength?

Six ears were uncertain, and when they couldn't hold them, a soft voice suddenly came from their ears.

"Yeah, I almost forgot about this stuff, mate, what do you think?"

Gu Yuena held the proud peaks in her hands and looked at Ye Chen indifferently, as if waiting for his answer.

At the same time, Ye Chen stood there for a moment, staring at Gu Yuena's eyebrows jerking.

He really didn’t want to let go of the little golden man who missed his wife Naer and killed innocent creatures, but he had already said what he had promised. If he hadn’t done anything with Liu Er, he would kill his brother-in-law. Thinking about it, it's quite exciting.

However, Ye Chen's brows signaled that the murderous intent had just risen, but Gu Yuena grabbed her already incomparably emptied six ears. At this moment, her delicate body was almost in the air, which was unstable and crooked. Soon after, she threw a look at him. Preparing eyes.

Gu Yuena didn't speak, but Ye Chen, who has had a deep communication with her husband and wife for many years, has already understood Na'er's careful thinking. She has always said one thing, can she not listen to her wife? Can? Can he?

"Oh! It seems that this is done by myself for saving people, and the six ears all over the body, I am afraid that I must marry, so to speak..."

Ye Chen whispered in his mouth, then turned his eyes to look at Aolai three young masters, who had mostly entered the nine-finger soul extinguishing coffin, and then repeated between Gu Yuena and Liu-eared two women who had been watching him He cast his gaze horizontally for a while.

Finally, UU read www.uukanshu. com also waved his hand abruptly and said: "Capital sins can be avoided, but living sins are inevitable!"

As he said, the dark nine-finger Soul Extinguishing Coffin suddenly floated in the air, and the soul of Aolai Third Young Master who was immediately relieved was also controlled by a huge force and was brought to Ye Chen.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chen also looked at the proud three young masters who had already been horrified and absent-minded, and said with a frown: "Cause and effect cycle, sins pay for themselves! Shui Ling clan land is destroyed because of you thousands of territories, I can not Kill you, but in the future this territory will be handed over to you to protect it until the mountains and rivers are restored and the earth is calm!"

"Before you used a wall to protect sentient beings, then today, I will use a circle to let you make up for all souls!"

Having said that, Ye Chen's body instantly went to an altitude of 10,000 meters, and immediately pointed to the next painting.

Suddenly, a dotted light circle exuding brilliant brilliance immediately contained all the broken mountains, rivers and earth, forming a prison of atonement that belonged exclusively to the Three Proud Young Masters!

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