Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 531: Why is the waist still sore? Strange hallucinations

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It seems that even I am embarrassed to say, the red eyes mingluan's voice gradually became smaller and smaller.

For Ye Chen, she didn't look down on it at first, but as she got along with and knew more and more, even if her red eyes were screaming, she became more and more concerned about this man who seemed to be worthless except for his appearance. More and more other emotions are produced.

In particular, I felt Cuiyu Mingluan all the time, and her love for Ye Chen became more and more intense. She didn't know whether it was imperceptible or self-change in her heart. The more Ye Chen looked at it, the more unusual it became.

Looking at Ye Chen who was sleeping here, she couldn't move her eyes, and even Yu Cuiyu Mingluan reached out and tried to touch the other person. She did not dislike it, and in her heart, there seemed to be strange ripples and expectations. .

There is no basis at all, but Red Eye Mingluan can clearly know that she doesn't hate it.

Soon, when the palm followed Cuiyu Mingluan's thoughts and came under Ye Chen, her consciousness instantly retreated into the body, and Red Eye Mingluan was also logically replaced.

However, she who controlled her body felt more and more obvious, Ye Chen's gradually powerful, extremely magnificent natural reaction.

For a while, she wanted to withdraw her little hand that she couldn't control at all, but before the moment, evil thoughts arose in her heart unexpectedly.

"Anyway, I won't be able to escape the palm of this man in the future, so it's better to just do it and finish the last step directly."

"Yes, yes, Mingluan's mind is all on Ye Chen's body, and the fusion of his body will be a matter of time."

"No, don't hesitate anymore. This man is so passionate, and the woman next to him doesn't know how many. If you want to have a place in his heart and prevent us from being wronged, then let's be more direct and bold."

"Anyway, if it weren't for Liu Er brothers and sisters to come to this scene, I might have completed the evolution of the relationship with Ye Chen, but I don't know how such a powerful Ye Chen and the girls in the clan persisted. , Wouldn't it be broken?"

There are a lot of thoughts in my heart, but his hands are not honest, but they are chaotic randomly, as if measuring, and like playing, left, right, right, up and down BABA...

Ye Chen, who was asleep, was like a gamepad that had become a red-eyed Mingluan.

She even didn't even notice someone coming near the forest.

It’s just the people who came here, and didn’t seem to mean to bother, and after seeing what Red Eye Mingluan was doing, she stood not far away and her face turned red and said: “Really, how can my sister do such a sneaky thing? Come on."

After speaking, the visitor took a deep look at the sleeping Ye Chen, quietly withdrew from the broken forest, and flew towards the ruins of the Shui Ling clan.

Soon, a lot of Shui Ling people gathered beside her, and they all bowed their hands respectfully.

"The patriarch, our home, is completely destroyed."

"Patriarch, what should we do in the future? There are countless injuries within the clan, and none of the strong ones you brought out seem to come back..."

The Shui Ling people surrounded by the Jade Spirit were very ugly, and the innocent disaster came, making their ethnic group's vitality severely injured. At that time, the terrifying Qingtian rod really smashed down. I am afraid that the people are not injured at this moment. It's that simple, and genocide is possible.

"Well, I know, everyone, don't panic." Cui Yuling said with a slightly raised hand, and then took a deep look at the horizon. In her beautiful eyes, there was a glimmer of light that couldn't be ignored.

"Although our tribe has suffered innocent disasters, but fortunately, no one has died, and the suffering is far more than our Shui Ling tribe. So all the demon tribes in the surrounding area are panicked, and I was still talking to them before. Negotiating people, but not giving, but now, it is the best time to rescue the victims of our tribe, and even the best period for the rise of our water spirit tribe in tens of thousands of years!"

As Cuiyuling spoke, the whole person became excited, because of this disaster, she seemed to see an extremely bright blueprint for the future.

And she also knew the truth about time being indifferent. Soon, the Jade Spirit continuously issued instructions to the tribesmen one after another, so that the three-eyed water spirit tribes who had the ability to move were all excited. Flying in all directions.

Soon afterwards, the graceful figures of hundreds of powerful three-eyed girls also floated slowly from the ground of broken and gorgeous fire.

As if responding to the call of the Jade Spirit, they started their race, the greatest demon action ever.

Cui Yuling didn't have any time to spare. After sending out the order and dispatching all the clansmen, she also took a deep look at her sister who was busy and amusing herself, and then flew away from the ruins of Shuiling City!

Time always goes by silently. When Ye Chen woke up from his sleep, a few rays of scorching sun splashed all over his body from the sparse canopy head. The warmth is very suitable and calm~www. It’s just that, for some reason, he has had enough sleep, but when he thinks of getting up, his waist is a little sore inexplicably.

After climbing up from the grass, Ye Chen twisted his aching old waist and raised his eyebrows speechlessly: "It doesn't make sense. According to my strong physique, after resting for so long, how could I still feel inexplicably tired? ?"

The suspicion in his heart and the immortality of his body also caused Ye Chen to have a little doubt about his doubling body for the first time.

"Could it be that it was because of overwork and exhaustion before, but it hasn't been relieved yet?"

Just as Ye Chen fell into self-doubt, a pair of tender white hands immediately hugged his thighs.

When Ye Chen looked sideways, in his eyes, they were all occupied by a beautiful and incomparably white beauty, which was quite familiar.

When seeing the owner of the beautiful scenery clearly, Ye Chen also muttered to himself: "Liu Er!"

While whispering, a timid soft voice suddenly came from the air: "My son, you finally woke up."

Immediately, the beautiful figure of Cuiyu Mingluan's body also slowly flew down from the air, carrying the brocade box in his hand, and falling steadily beside Ye Chen.

"My son, are you hungry? Come and eat something to make up for it."

Cuiyu Mingluan's beautiful eyes watched Ye Chen's beautiful eyes flowed with strange brilliance, and then a little blushing face, opened the brocade box, took out many fragrant delicacies, bright and shiny colors, it looked so beautiful People have a lot of appetite.

But at this moment, Ye Chen's attention was no longer on the food, but scratched his head, and his eyes always subconsciously looked at the slender Cuiyu Mingluan.

Looking at this woman, for some reason, Ye Chen always had the illusion that the other party was not wearing clothes. Even before his eyes, there would always flash back some illusion images of Mingluan's waist and waist dancing in white, which was very strange.

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