Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 534: Legal text: Sin does not lead to death?

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At the moment when the shackles took over, Ye Chen hadn't realized why. Then, dozens of hand-held trapping nets all leaped over the wall of the small courtyard. In turn, a dozen large nets glowed with red light. It also wrapped Ye Chen and Lu Jianwen together.

Immediately, countless weak mana suppressions continued to flood from all over Ye Chen's body surface. Although weak, if there were only real demons in the net, I was afraid that the whole body would not be able to operate on the spot, and the combat power would be lost. .

"Hahaha, head, you are really too resourceful, but a little bit of a bit of indulgence, you will take this flower picker, admire it, brothers admire it."

"Hmph, what nonsense is your kid talking about, you don't know who our boss is, that's the world's best catcher of the Yiqi Dao League. Isn't catching a little thief just right? The boss is mighty!"

The catchers who trapped Ye Chen and Lüwen with nets around them burst into laughter. They have been tracking the flower-picking thieves for several months, and now they have successfully completed their tasks. The hard work these days has changed in an instant. It's gone.

At this time, the law paper that was trapped with Ye Chen also looked around with a slightly raised mouth, Ye Chen said with a surprised look.

"Don't struggle, don't think about running away, because you can't escape this yard at all. With so many trapping nets, even the Demon King can only take it with bare hands."

As Li Wenwen said, he also raised the palms of Yang and Ye Chen, as if to say: Even if you can break through the overlapping trapping net, you will never get rid of her.

But Ye Chen, who had adapted to the sudden change, gradually returned to his calm complexion, and immediately looked at the female arrester in front of him, helplessly returning.

"Is I too naive? You will be fooled by the girl, but if you can be caught by a beautiful female trapper like you, Ye Mou is convinced. But really, the flower-picking thieves in the girl’s mouth Does it matter to me? Yemou remembered that he introduced himself to you, Miss Li, you caught the wrong person."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he didn't resist, anyway, these restraints were nothing but nothing to him.

"Caught the wrong person? Are you not? Will the thief still admit that he is a flower picker? Ye Chen, Yan Ruyu? To you, isn't it just a title? What's wrong with false or true. But you hurt that. The innocence of many girls is an indisputable fact. Don’t argue, there are very few handsome men like you in the world. You said that you are not the flower-picking thief who can conquer a woman’s heart in one night, but he is so long. Is it reasonable to have such a handsome face? Besides, I have never heard that there is a handsome man with no reputation like you in the world."

Ye Chen became even more speechless when he heard the words of the law paper. Is it true that he is so handsome that he is wrong?

The sharp and conclusive remarks in the law's paper were also approved by the arresters who surrounded them. At this moment, the handsome and overly handsome Ye Chen seemed to have been determined by everyone to be the flower-picking thief.

In this regard, Ye Chen was also unable to quibble, and could only show a bitter smile.

These catchers are all monks of the Yiqi Dao League, and heroes who protect ordinary human races. Ye Chen didn't want to use force to harm them.

Right now, he wanted to stir up anger and directly urge the power of the space to leave here, but it was a pity that there were still several large jars of wine, which hadn't been filled.

‘Boom! ’

Suddenly, a loud roar resounded throughout the world from the streets outside the courtyard, and then a huge flame of energy continued to spread out of the entire town along with the strong wind.

For a while, the screams and crying sounds from outside the courtyard also rose in succession, as if the town had been bombarded by some monster.

"No, this guy still has accomplices, let me go quickly, and quickly evacuate all the people in the town."

As soon as the sudden situation occurred, Li Jianwen quickly ordered, and the arresters also acted swiftly. Except for two people to help open the demon trapping net over Li Jianwen’s head, dozens of others were left. After that, they all jumped out of the small courtyard and galloped toward all parts of the town.

It was just that when these catchers first left the tavern, a huge figure that was four or five meters tall suddenly spit out a large jet of turbulent flames at some of the catchers.

When the demon net in the tavern courtyard was untied, the text of the law also grabbed Ye Chen's chest clothes, and her beautiful eyes burst into fierce light and said: "If you don't want to die, you will be honest later. Don’t even think about running away. Thousands of residents in the entire town, if they all die because of you, waiting for you, the flower-picking thief, will not be just a prison disaster."

After that, the text of the law did not take Ye Chen to agree. The jade hand that was handcuffed with him directly held Ye Chen's palm, immediately pulled it, and ran out quickly.

Just after leaving the door of the tavern, four or five bodies burned like charcoal fell in front of the two with a bang.

And judging from the tattered clothing that hasn't burned the body, and the official knife in his hand, these people are undoubtedly the hunters who jumped out of the tavern before.

Seeing this tragic scene, Liwen's pretty face was immediately covered with frost, and then, she pulled out the saber around her waist and rushed towards the huge creature with a small dragon horn on top of her head.

At the same time, Li Jianwen also yelled loudly: "Ugly monsters, the first **** of the Dao League is here, you come to kill me."

It seemed that it was because of the inconvenience to move with Ye Chen that he could not enter the battlefield quickly, and began to yell loudly to attract the huge monsters in front of them who wantonly destroy the Delaying time will protect the people in the town and have enough time to evacuate.

And her self-sacrificing approach also got the attention of a monster with a fat and huge body on the street not far away.

Immediately, two huge eyes, like red lanterns, stared in the direction of Li Jianwen and Ye Chen without hiding the billowing anger, and immediately saw the monster raising his head and roaring, and then strode to shake the ground. With a booming pace, the corners of his mouth exhaled and burst into flames.

The **** monster seemed to have no wisdom in his eyes, only killing. When the impact came, he didn't even estimate the buildings on both sides of the street. He rushed and even bruised his leg and shed bright red blood. He didn't care. Just kept rushing over.

The huge body is like a hill, with flames splashing in his mouth, and that strong and fierce appearance, even if it is the law of writing, the beautiful eyes are also wrinkled.

Moreover, Ye Chen could even clearly sense that when he held his palm, he burst into cold sweat.

Obviously, such a monster can not be dealt with alone by such a **** catcher.

Immediately when Ye Chen wanted to help, the soft man who held his hand suddenly released it for some reason. Immediately, when Ye Chen raised his eyes, he also found that the law paper had taken out a key from his waist. The shackles are being unfastened there.

At the same time, in her little mouth, one after another unwilling words came out: "Ye Chen, although you are a flower picking thief, you are not guilty of death. Let's go, there is only a dead end to stay here."

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but smile. Immediately when the shackles were wide open, he held the small hand of the law paper back and pulled it behind him and smiled lightly: "Lady Li, I told you that, I Not the flower picker."

After saying this, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly burst into a large expanse of golden light wanton!

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