Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 540: Holding the detoxification, how good is this?

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The sudden change was so unpredictable. Before Ye Chen could react, the whole person was under control.

Accident, just know it unexpectedly.

Ye Chen was a little depressed, and with fierce force, he wanted to control the law text in the opposite direction.

However, before he had time to resist, he exhausted his entire body to control Ye Chen's legal text, and started to talk with his identity as a catcher, and the first sentence made Ye Chen very confused and gave up. Revolt.

"Ye Chen, why are you doing this to me?"

"You were smiling secretly just now, and you still want to leave here, don't you, you don't want to save me at all? Want to see me being poisoned by the stink, and then let me look for the wild beasts in your mouth? Obviously, you know that. You can only detoxify by cooperating with a man. But as the only human man in this area, you still want to run away. If you die, let me find a beast..."

"Then what do you think about things that go against the world? Ye Chen, are you hating me, hating me for treating you as a flower picker?"

"Yes, I confessed to the wrong person at the beginning, I admit it, and your kind deeds also saved the hundreds of people in that small town. But why can't you think more about who makes you look so handsome, so handsome that any girl sees? You can't help but like it? I chased you so far. I wanted to say sorry to you and explain the misunderstanding, but now you still want to run away and don't help me detoxify."

The words of the law paper became more strange as they were said, and the misinterpretation made Ye Chen's face bewildered.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I just want to help you pick some herbs, listen to my explanation."

Somehow, Ye Chen, who was so misunderstood by a girl, wanted to give a reverse explanation on the spot. The lines in the law's text were all imagined out of thin air.

But it was a pity that Ye Chen hadn't come to remember to explain, his emotions were a bit out of control, his face was flushed and he felt that the poison was deep, but he turned him over with force.

Immediately, his eyes looked at Ye Chen deeply, and with a wave of his slender jade hand, the clothing on his chest was instantly opened and widened by a knife.

"No, what do you want to do? Li Wenwen, you should be clear-headed. I lied to you before. In fact, you didn't have the poison at all, it was just a joke."

Feeling that things are getting worse, Ye Chen couldn't help but swallowed hard while looking at the trembling law paper.

However, in this situation, in the face of Ye Chen's pale explanation, the legal text seems to have been patched up, and Ye Chen is calculating her drama.

Immediately, before Ye Chen could continue to explain, a pair of cold little hands groped awkwardly in front of him.

After that, she hugged him tightly, leaned her head on Ye Chen Chiguo’s chest, and then murmured: "Sleep with me and help me detoxify? Just treat it as you cheat me. On behalf of the fight."

As he said, Li Jianwen waved his hands and tapped various points on Ye Chen's body several times, as if he wanted to control him and didn't want Ye Chen to resist.

However, the unmanned legal texts seemed to have no idea of ​​the specific implementation process of the men and women. He just held Ye Chen and covered his eyes.

Soon, Ye Chen, whose sight was blocked, heard a squeaky **** sound, and the chest of Chiguo, which was cut open by a knife in front of him, was also wrapped in gentle strands of silk.

Under Ye Chen's divine consciousness investigation, the law paper was also full of red clouds, stripped off his clothes and hugged him, as if sleeping in this way, it was like completing the tasks of men and women, and successfully ‘detoxified’.

Facing such a pure and domineering girl, Ye Chen really didn't know how to explain it.

Push it away forcibly and explain it clearly?

No, if you do this, I am afraid that the law text will not listen to any of his words, and will only think that he is too ruthless, watching his death and poisoning indifferently.

Doing so will inevitably hurt a girl's body and soul.

Although Ye Chen is not a good person, as for a girl who breaks the mind like this, it is too cruel for a person.

"Forget it, it's not really going to be done anyway, just let her hold it like this."

It was very innocent. Originally an innocuous joke, but it caused such a situation, Ye Chen could only silently endure the evil results he planted.

Ye Chen thought it was a real pursuit of the previous law papers. It turned out that it was just an explanation of her being late, and it was completely because of her own thinking.


Ye Chen, who pretended that he couldn't move, just let the text of the law hug him in such a quiet way. There was no resistance or any words, only the quietly approaching night time, slowly approaching the two of them.

It seems that the night is coming, and it seems that it is the exhaustion left by the poisonous wounds of the day.

I hugged Ye Chen's front law paper, and unknowingly fell asleep deeply, but with the jade arms holding him, UU reading became more compact, as if I was afraid of Ye Chen again. Run away secretly.

The sly moonlight splattered the rugged mountain peaks with a silver coat, and noticed that Ye Chen, who was asleep, could not help but agitate slowly to get rid of the night for this over-stubborn girl The chill of the cold wind.

Gradually, Ye Chen also yawned and fell asleep unknowingly, but even if he fell asleep, his vindictive spirit continued to run slowly, uninterruptedly covering Chi Guo's whole body, and the beautiful, white and beautiful exposing Li Wenwen Body.

One night's time just passed away silently.

When the blazing sun rose again from the east, on the grass of the Broken Wall Cave, still clinging to Ye Chen's law paper, it was inevitable that he would habitually wake up from his dream early due to the reason of being a catcher.

It's just that the girl who just woke up, made a surprisingly lazy voice, and slowly stretched her waist.

From birth to now, she has been an orphan since she was a child, and she has been a catcher for many years. There has never been a night in Li Wenwen, sleeping so peacefully and warmly.

The whole body of the man under him is like a small stove, warm and warm, making people feel extremely comfortable and warm.

After waking up, he still hugged Ye Chen in the text of the law, and he subconsciously thought that it would be great if he continued like this for the rest of his life.

However, she felt that the "chun poison" had been removed and her body returned to normal. She took the initiative to get up from Ye Chen. After quickly putting on her clothes, she squatted beside Ye Chen who was still asleep, holding on. The little head looked at him quietly.

For a while, complex emotions were revealed, and for a while, he raised his hand and gently stroked Ye Chen's face, and for a while, he looked at Ye Chen's thin and beautiful lips, and subconsciously touched his small mouth... ...

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