Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 544: Teach the princess to be polite

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Ye Chen also looked innocently at the slight shaking of his delicate body, as if he was about to lose his footing, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Could it be that Ye Chen looks so much like a flower thief? It's just catching a little girl. How come this Master Li is talking about something that doesn't work, don't want it, what kind of person do you think he is?

Ye Chen, is he the kind of person who acts casually? If he were, wouldn't he have countless opportunities to incarnate as a wolf all night yesterday and wipe out all her laws and writings.

Seeing the somewhat confused text at the moment, Ye Chen couldn't help shook his head, and immediately looked sideways at Huan Du Luo Lan, who was still talking some threatening words.

Then he opened his mouth and asked, "You girl, why kept staring at me secretly just now? Is there a flower on my face?"

"No, I'm not peeking at you, don't talk nonsense, Hugh will slander this princess."

After being arrested by the current Huandu Luolan, she wanted to struggle with sophistry to excuse herself.

At the same time, I thought to myself: Didn’t I just hide? This handsome guy was right because he couldn't see me, um, it must be like this, he must be doing what I said.

As for why I was able to catch me, it should be behind being invisible. I forgot to hide my breath, so I was caught.

Having reasoned out a series of arrests alone, Huandu Luolan couldn't help making up his mind for a while, and even if he killed him, he couldn't admit that he was peeking just now.

"Uh, slander, don't you have any points in your mind? Come on, how did you find this place? What are you going to do?"

Ye Chen's eyes were staring at the playful Huandu Luolan. Did the Southern Kingdom imperial family already know the traces of him and Li Wenwen? What a fast speed.

If it is true, then they will also leave the Southland sooner. After all, the princesses of the Southland have already come in person. I think it won't be long before most of the forces in the Southland will come here to support them when they hear the wind.

At that time, there will be some inevitable battles. Ye Chen doesn't want to hurt some other innocent people in the southern country because of a **** person.

Although the withered wood medicine immortal does a lot of evil, Huandu Luolan and her father, Du Huang, have always maintained a neutral and peaceful way to get along with the human race.

Taking this point as an example, Ye Chen also didn't want to look at so many people from the South, and come to his own hands to give the head away, otherwise he would be unbearable.

When Ye Chen was thinking about it, the Huandu Luolan who was held by him on the fragrant shoulders still didn’t mean to admit it. Instead, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he looked at him proudly, as if to say: I am a princess from the South, and my father is Poison emperor, what can you do to me.

With that arrogant gesture, Ye Chen frowned slightly. He didn't like such a arrogant girl.

At the moment, he didn't bother to continue to ask anything, but just lifted it up with one hand, floating horizontally in the air and said.

"No one teaches you the truth about mistakes, but Ye doesn't mind teaching you before leaving."

After that, Ye Chen raised his hand, and under Huandu Luolan's incredible gaze, he slammed his buttocks towards her well-developed buttocks.

Suddenly, in front of the Broken Wall Mountainside Cave, a popping sound echoed suddenly.

And soon, a series of insulting and coquettish words came from the passive Huandu Luolan's mouth, and the voice kept circling his ears.

It's just that the more fierce she scolded and the more threatening Ye Chen wanted to teach her, someone supporting her also didn't mean that a person could be rude, and he still had to understand the rules.

Ever since, Ye Chen’s rhythm of beating Huandu Luolan became more and more intense with his swearing and threatening voice, and even the constant sounding rhythm of papa papa spreads endlessly, and will just slow down. The overwhelming legal text is unbearable.

After a while, the law paper finally couldn't help but persuaded and said: "Forget it, Ye Chen, after all, she is the daughter of the Poison Emperor of the Southern Kingdom, the only princess in the Southern Kingdom. You treat her this way, now it is cool. Yes, but you will definitely suffer unimaginable retaliation in the future. Don’t forget that the Southern Kingdom is a demon country force that even the Qidao Alliance does not dare to offend easily. Don’t go too far."

Facing the kind words of the law's text, Ye Chen, who was able to fight vigorously, smiled while watching the cute and fierce Huandu in front of him, Luolan.

"Master Li, you look at this girl with a face full of dissatisfaction. This is in the South, and her father is naturally lawless, but if you think about it, if such a rude and rude girl goes out of the South, she goes outside. What an unforgettable lesson she will suffer if she loses her asylum. I’m just teaching her a bit of mundane politeness in advance, so that she also knows that in this world, there is not a poison emperor father who can be so reckless and reckless. ."

Although the words in his mouth are very solemn, but when Ye Chen hit Huandu Luolan he also subconsciously glimpsed a stubborn and wronged tear from the corner of his eyes, although it was quickly covered up by it. It went on, but Ye Chen's big hand waved, also quietly relieved most of the intensity.

Soon after a while, he stopped and no longer taught.

It's just that he stopped his hand, his small face was still full of dissatisfied Huandu Luolan, but when he was free, he pointed to Ye Chen and yelled loudly: "Everything you gave me, wait a minute Soon this princess will give it back to you a hundredfold, and I will also teach you that in this southern country, no one can teach me this way."

As he said, Huandu Luolan raised his hand high, and immediately radiated a dense green poisonous gas from his body, swaying above the sky.

Within a short while, several powerful auras of demon power swept from all sides of the broken wall peak pillar.

Man-made, colorful and colorful poisonous clouds have already risen on the edge of the sky, and the momentum is magnificent, and as the poisonous clouds in all directions approached, in the forests on the ground around the broken wall peak column, countless birds and beasts also began to desperate. Fleeing, as if he would die if he didn't leave.

Seeing this scene, Huandu Luolan, who was clutching her **** and silver teeth, showed a smile again, and the law paper not far away became nervous and said.

"Ye Chen, let's run away. After all, Nanguo is someone's turf and shouldn't stay longer. But when we return to the Dao League, we should be safe."

"Well, this is reasonable." Ye Chen nodded slightly as he looked at the law urging him to leave, but then his gaze turned to Luo Lan, who was starting to be proud of the city, and the corner of his mouth smiled and said: "Go Naturally, it can be done at any time, but before that, I think I still need to teach this little princess, a famous saying that there is a heaven and a man and a man."

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