Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 552: Trustworthy, Ye Chen!

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After saying this, Huandu Luolan's vision began to become blurred, and even the consciousness of thinking gradually blurred away.

The body surface breath suddenly dropped to a freezing point, and the vitality within the delicate body was also flickering and darkening, as if death could be possible at any time.

Seeing her princess in such an endangered appearance, the palm of the poisonous lady's hand that was resting on her Hao's wrist suddenly trembled sharply.

Immediately under the head covered by the red silk turban, there was also a faint voice.

"The princess has repeatedly forcibly urged the Body of Ten Thousand Poisons that has not been perfected yet, and her body is completely unable to withstand the excessive strength. Now, for the kid named Ye Chen, she forcibly shut down the Body of Ten Thousand Poisons. Here, the oil is already exhausted and the lamp is dead, and there is no lack of heavenly art."

As she spoke, the palm of Poison Lady's hand trembled violently, and her body eroded by the poisonous mist made her uncontrollably spit out a large mouth of blood and coughed violently.

On the side, Poison Young Master and the others heard these words, immediately knelt beside the angry Huan Du Luo Lan, bowing their heads and hammering their chests.

"Your Majesty, Poison King, make me wait to be sorry for failing to protect the princess, **** it, we all **** it."

"Princess, princess, wake up, you are only 15 years old, at a flowery age, you shouldn't have died like this at all."

"Princess, Princess Luolan..."

The Five Poison Protectors showed desperation on their faces. They were all regretting why they had not been able to protect the princess well and protect the princess from escape from the South.

It's just that the despair at this time sinks, but it seems so weak.

Soon, a group of thousands of soldiers who were still surviving under the eruption of the Body of Ten Thousand Poisons suddenly picked up the swords that had fallen aside, and looked murderously towards the Huandu Luolan and Wudu Taibao and others. Come here together to fulfill their order of the future king of the southern kingdom: cut the grass and root!

With so many killing intents taking off, even the Five Poison Taibaos who are in despair here are aware of it.

At the moment, Poison Lord also ignored her deeply injured body, raising the emerald green jade flute, and blocking Poison Lady and them.

"You take the princess and leave the southern country soon, even if the princess still has a little hope of recovery, everyone must sacrifice their lives to **** the princess away."

Hearing this, Poison Lady climbed up from the ground, supported her trembling body, and hugged Huandu Luolan, then turned her back to Poison Master, and said without looking back, "Princess, take care. , If there is an afterlife, we will be together again to protect Her Royal Highness."

After that, with a sound of the poisonous lady in Ling Luo's red dress, she slowly walked towards the edge of the desert Gobi, wanting to leave.

And the other Five Poison Protectors beside him, most of them wounded, surrounded Huandu Luolan, and they focused on guarding Zhou's side, for fear that their princess would suffer a little more harm.

It was just that when the Five Poison Guardians were planning to go to death and take the princess abroad to escape, a tall and tall figure stood in front of them.

The sharp-eyed poisonous lady instantly saw the person blocking them. It was the man who caused his princess to be humiliated and nearly died on the spot, Ye Chen!

Seeing this person appear in front of everyone, it even blocked their way. For a moment, the poisonous lady said violently: "Since you are not dead, just go away by yourself. The princess became like this because of you. ...."

"Hey, wait!"

When Poison Lady was about to scold her, Ye Chen, with an innocent look, immediately raised her hand to interrupt her speech.

"Ahem, Ye Mou is also deeply sympathetic to Luo Lan's experience, but if I did not come out of the defensive gas mask just now, your princess is afraid that it will be backlashed by the body of ten thousand poisons soon. Die."

"You fart, our princess..."

"Stop, stop, and let me continue."

Ye Chen impatiently interrupted the words that Poison Boy wanted to argue with him, and then turned to look deeply at the Huandu Luolan in Poison Lady’s arms. He didn’t even expect that this pampered girl would actually be able to Do this for him.

At the risk of his life, he forcibly dispersed the Body of Ten Thousand Poisons, just because he didn't want Ye Chen to be harmed.

Looking at the Huandu Luolan who had fallen into a coma, Ye Chen immediately wanted to explore his hands to help him heal the body that was about to collapse, but his actions drew full resistance from the Poison Lady and others, and the Poison Boy was also straightforward. Blocking in front of Huandu Luolan, she stared at him with surging demon power and said: "You are not allowed, one step closer to the princess."

Hearing that, Ye Chen couldn't help but shook his head helplessly, and immediately drove his hands, the turbulent Emperor Flame, like a beam of warm sunlight, immediately rushed into the center of Huandu Luolan's eyebrows at the extreme speed.

After feeling that Emperor Yan's fighting spirit was repairing and treating the princess, and having stabilized her life force, Ye Chen looked at Poison Boy and Poison Lady and others and began to speak slowly.

"Although I prevented Princess Luolan from erupting with the body of myriad poisons, she became what she is about to wither because of me. So you don't need to worry about it in the future. From then on, Princess Luolan and her kingdom In the future, UU reading and Ye Chen, I will do my best."

After saying that, Ye Chen also raised his hand and snapped his fingers and shot out several emperor flames that flowed into the body of the seriously injured Poison Lady and the others, and then continued to move towards the rebel soldiers who had been fighting with Poison Master. Walked slowly.

It's just that the Haikou that Ye Chen boasted about had caused all the Poison Boy and others to disbelieve. Soon, Poison Lady looked at Ye Chen who was passing by her, and spoke out.

"Who do you think you are? Yes, with your strength, you can indeed save the princess from this place, but the crisis encountered by the Southern Kingdom at this moment is beyond my imagination. Ye Chen, if you really want to redeem yourself a little If you are guilty, please, take the princess away from the Southland."

As soon as the poisonous lady said a word, the poisonous boy and the others immediately dreaded to believe her.

"Poison lady, are you crazy? How can you give your Royal Highness to this arrogant man? Have you forgotten how Ye Chen bullied the princess before?"

"Yes, Poison Lady, let's go quickly and take the princess away."

Faced with the doubts of her companions, the Poison Lady showed a face of helplessness for a while, and immediately saw her looking at the Poison Boy and several people, shook her head slightly and said: "In our current state, how far can we take the princess to escape? The prince will not let us go. When we are exhausted, the safety of the princess will not be guaranteed. Are you going to take the princess yourself and dig your own grave?"

The Poison Lady said, turning her gaze to Ye Chen who was slowly walking towards the army of the little prince, and said with deep concern.

"We can't, but that slutty is not impossible. Poison boy, do you only remember that he bullied the princess, but forgot that man, but he has the strength to escape under the eyes of His Majesty the Poison Emperor!"

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