Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 558: Nosy, come back tonight

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"Ah, this..."

"What did I do, Master Lu, don't you know very well, you obviously did it by holding my hand."

Ye Chen, who had recovered, immediately waved his hand innocently when facing the ruthless torture of the legal text.

What can he do, if he hasn't done anything well, he will be healed normally. What did he do to him.

Ye Chen was a little bit distressed. It was obvious that he was doing good deeds, but how did he feel that in the eyes of Li Jianwen, he was playing a hooligan.

Ye Chen, didn't he always treat the princess conscientiously all night, didn't he? Isn't it? Is not it?

A little boring shrug, Ye Chen slowly stood up and stretched his waist. He was very tired after a night of treatment.

"Ye Chen, is my body already well? Do you want to check it again, it's so hot, Luo Lan's body is so hot."

Suddenly, Huandu Luolan's trembling voice came from the side. After Ye Chen heard it, he moved and walked over, and immediately stretched out his hand towards Huandu Luolan.

"The heat is normal, my body is even hotter, but you don't know the princess."

With that said, Ye Chen would stir up fighting energy and slowly absorbed the excess Emperor Flame fighting energy remaining in Huandu Luolan's body.

Immediately, her face and the look of her whole person returned to a natural and white state, no longer the way they were before, as if they were treated by Ye Chen's husband and wife.

Aside, she reached out and wanted to stop Ye Chen's legal notes. After finding that Huan Du Luolan soon returned to normal, she also retracted her little hand in anguish, just looking at Ye Chen's eyes, still with a suspicious look.

"Thank you, Ye Chen, now I am well, let's hurry up and save my father."

Huandu Luolan, who had just recovered and returned to normal, stood up immediately, but she only recovered. She stood up suddenly, with a limp under her feet, and rushed into Ye Chen's arms.

Ye Chen also caught the opponent, then the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he hugged him with a smile.

"Your body has just gone through arduous treatment. Although it is healed, it should not be moved."

"Well, then Lao Yechen, just take me there like this."

Huandu Luolan lowered her head slightly, gave a soft humble, and then leaned her little head against Ye Chen's chest, her pretty face gradually turning red.

Somehow, after experiencing last night's treatment, Huandu Luolan felt more and more that Ye Chen was the only person in the world who could be trusted at this moment.

The man holding himself next to him, although he looked not much bigger than himself, his cultivation strength was so terrifying.

Since we met again yesterday, she has always given her an inexplicable sense of security and trust, making her want to rely on it unconsciously, and feel at ease.

"Well, if you want to leave, hurry up. Time doesn't treat others. Although the old poison emperor is very strong, he is no match for a thousand calculations."

Seeing this scene, there are some lip-synched texts on the side, and they can't help but talk to themselves while holding the peaks and ridges.

After that, she also looked at the love city Luolan who was actively nestling in Ye Chen's arms, and couldn't help thinking in her heart: "Am I? Nosy."

Thinking like this in his heart, but the text of the law deeply looked at Ye Chen, who looked indifferent, and held his little hand tightly.

Immediately in my mind, I also kept flashing through the pictures of the happy scenes of fighting with Ye Chen in the entire southern country for more than a week and arresting criminals. Thinking about those few days now, it seemed like a dream.

The past is like the wind, it is so unreal, I want to grasp something firmly in my heart, but I can't grasp it.

Not long after, Li Jianwen shook his head in distress, and then walked over to the Five Poison Protectors who were a few hundred meters away, calling the Poison Lady and others to act together.

Soon, the poisonous lady and others who had been meditating all night opened their eyes one after another, and then a few astonishing light flashes from everyone in the Five Poisons Taibao, and they rubbed their eyes as they read the text.

In just one night, the few people who were still exhausted yesterday are as if they have changed at this moment.

Not only was the aura a lot stronger, but even the demon power also gave people a completely new, but even more powerful feeling.

It's like being reborn and reborn.

After a while, Poison Lady and the others got up and walked quickly to Ye Chen. After watching Huandu Luolan who had returned to normal aura, Poison Lady and others also all bowed to Ye Chen on one knee. .

"Young Master Ye has great kindness, my Five Poisons Taibao and others will definitely be unforgettable in this life. If there is a chance, if Young Master gives any instructions, we will do our best to do so."

"Go up to the sword and down to the sea of ​​fire, even if the son wants us to die, all..."

The Wudu Taibao and others became more excited as they spoke, and the smile on their faces could not be hidden at all.

It's just that it makes people uncomfortable. Ye Chen couldn't help but hurriedly raised his hand to interrupt: "Stop, stop, Ye is not weak enough to need your care, let's talk about what I really need, do you understand? "

After shaking his hand again, Ye Chen tried to throw away the Huandu Luolan in his arms. After he hugged it tightly, his body slowly flew into the air and went the same time, strolling around. The body of the law paper that came over followed Ye Chen and the two floating in the air, and slowly and automatically flew to his side.

Immediately, Ye Chen also raised his head and said to the five poisons who did not know why.

"Rescue the old poison emperor and his party, you don't have to follow. At this moment, all the cities and towns in the southern country have all fallen. Your biggest task now is to prepare a loyal army that is still loyal to the poison emperor to rescue the people from all over the country. Now that the poison emperor has not collapsed, the rebel leader, the little prince, is also careful, and he is also guarding the imperial capital with a large army, not leaving every step.

Ye Chen brought out the current crisis situation in the southern country one by one. After hearing this, the Wudu Taibao and others nodded one after another.

Although they are all responsible for saving the old poison emperor, they also know that with their strength, facing the 100,000 army of the little prince, it will not play a big role at all, and everything depends on the powerful and terrifying Ye Chen. .

Thinking of this, the Five Poison Supreme Guardians suddenly looked at the Huandu Luolan who was nodding their heads, and they all bent over and arched their hands to watch Ye Chen and the two women quickly fly away from here and head towards the imperial capital.

It's just that when Ye Chen's three figures disappeared to the edge of the sky, the poisonous son with a frown and thoughtful face couldn't help turning his head to look at the poisonous lady.

"You all understand what Master Ye Chen said."

Hearing this, Poison Boy and the others nodded suddenly, and then a slim Poison Lady wrapped in a red dress stood up and said with a seemingly understanding expression.

"You don't need to say more, Poison Master, what Ye Chen really needs, I'm afraid I can only do what I can do."

Having said that, Poison Lady paused slightly, then raised her eyes and looked ahead for a while, before continuing to say: "You go one step ahead to rescue the people in the country. I'll go, I should go back tonight!"

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