Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 569: Destined to be an extraordinary night

With Ye Chen's support and support, Luolan, the Huandu who is arranging the rescued people, also took up a different princess posture from the past, and properly brought tens of thousands of people in the imperial capital. The suburban towns and villages adjacent to the imperial capital are temporarily resting and living.

The imperial capital has been destroyed beyond recognition and it will take time to rebuild it before moving in again.

Just a short while after Huandu Luolan arranged for the people, the sound of rumbling horseshoes shook the ground, also from all sides of the ruins of the imperial capital, rushing from all directions.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of people, including Poison Boy and Poison Boy, who flew first by Ling Kong, suddenly appeared in front of Ye Chen's eyes.

Just looking at the number of those teams, if they rush to the rescue, they are a bit pitiful.

Ye Chen looked up and saw that there were only tens of thousands of people in the team that came from all directions, and besides half of the demon soldiers, the other half were all middle-aged people holding farm tools and iron tools. People are a little dumbfounded.

"Your Royal Highness, here we are."

The poisonous son held the jade flute and quickly flew down to before and after Huandu Luolan's body, and quickly knelt on one knee. Then the thousands of teams he led also bowed to Huandu Luolan one after another.

Then, Poison Master got up, his eyes swept across the ruins of the imperial capital full of scorched earth and deep pits, and a chill suddenly appeared.

"The princess, the little prince and other rebels actually dared to destroy the emperor and escape. I also asked the princess to give me an order to wait for my full pursuit and catch the rebel back."

"Also, we, you and others, are willing to contribute everything for your Royal Highness to the Southern Kingdom, and vowed to wait for the little prince to wait for a shot of the fugitive rebels and bring them all to justice."

Poison Boys and other Five Poison Taibaos, also with the local miscellaneous troops they recruited and gathered, knelt down and roared.

They didn't catch up in the previous battle, but from the perspective of the princess and Lord Ye Chen still staying in the realm of the imperial capital, this battle should be the orthodox victory of their royal family.

Only now, there is no figure of the little prince, the leader of the rebel bandit. Therefore, the poisonous son and the others also think that the scheming little prince must have found that the situation is not good and fled, so they will also request a pursuit mission to remove all the traitors. The army was exhausted.

But in the face of the five poisons Taibao and others, as well as the expectant gazes of nearly ten thousand soldiers, Huandu Luolan shook his head slightly.

"There is no need for that, the little prince, the leader of the rebel bandit, has already been punishable. Moreover, you should consult with my father and emperor for all the political affairs of the Southern Kingdom in the future."

Huandu Luolan's words suddenly caused Poison Master and the others to look at each other.

What is unnecessary? Have all the rebels been cleared out? No, it's impossible.

The Poison Lord and the others looked at each other for a while, and then a suspicion arose in their hearts, because when they were contacting the army that was still willing to support the orthodox royal family, they got an order from the rebel leader and the rebels from all over the country. Death order.

The total number of troops in all cities across the country is three to four hundred thousand troops. How long has this passed? Has it been over by the princess and Lord Ye Chen?

They Wudu Taibao and others also hurriedly rushed to the imperial capital to support after hearing the news.

When they came, everyone was ready to die, but how did you feel that waiting for others to arrive arrogantly, it was a bit redundant.

Even if you want to break your head, Poison Young Master and the others still don't understand that hundreds of thousands of troops will be destroyed in an instant, then the scene, the plane is too shocking.

After thinking about it for a long time, Poison Master and the others still had unbelievable expressions on their faces, but everyone hadn't figured it out yet, and the gloomy faces of joy were all over the sky, so they walked slowly over and snorted. Tao.

"You don't need to worry about getting rid of the rebels. At this moment, the future is also the time when the southern country is waiting to be thriving. Poisonous sons and poisonous boys, and you will take the army to various city-states to announce the news of Huandu's royal victory. , Don’t let some people with unpredictable hearts do harm to the South China."

"Poison, your Majesty, is it really you?"

Seeing the endless, sturdy body of Huandu Qingtian, Poison Master and others, and the thousands of soldiers, they immediately knelt down at the feet of Huandu Qingtian, and the doubts in his heart also disappeared in an instant.

After all, His Majesty the Poison Emperor, who is the number one power in the South, is here, even if the rebels and the little princes still have the remnants of their sins, they can't make any waves.

Huandu Qingtian is like a reassuring pill. For a moment, I saw that the poisonous son and the others showed happy smiles on their faces. After a response, they took the army behind them and reopened to declare Huandu's great victory and stabilize the people's hearts. journey of.

It was just that Poison Master and the others had just left, and the sky slowly darkened. There was no reason why Huan Du Qingtian grabbed Ye Chen's palm and walked to a suburban house and said, "Boy, tonight When you sleep with me, don't even think about going anywhere, let alone thinking about it."

As he said, Huan Du Qingtian wrinkled his solemn gaze, staring at Ye Chen closely.

In these scenes, Ye Chen suddenly slammed away the wrinkled old hand and said speechlessly: "Sorry, I am not interested in any man. Yemou sleeps by himself tonight, and the poison emperor is at ease."

After saying this, Ye Chen's figure swept towards the distant mountains and deep forest. After jumping onto a big tree, he lay down comfortably, closed his eyes and raised his head.

For the powerful and unpredictable Ye Chen, he was able to escape his surveillance at will, Huan Du Qing Tian immediately snorted, and then the muddy old eyes looked at the pretty red-faced Huan Du Luo Lan beside him, and raised his hand. Tao.

"Xiao Luolan, come with me, you will sleep with your third aunt tonight, remember not to run around at night."

As soon as the words came out, an old lady in gorgeous costumes immediately got close to Huandu Luolan and took her into the suburban town.

The text on the side also picked up the unconscious Poison Lady, and found an empty room in the town to rest.

Soon, several hours passed, and the night sky gradually became extremely dark.

And the law paper that was soundly asleep, subconsciously turned over, and the Jiao body suddenly fell empty.

Ever since, as a fast-catching and sensitive respondent, she opened her eyes slowly even though she was sleepy. After touching the side of Kong Luoluo, she also got up and rubbed her eyes and said: "Poisonous lady, go Where is it?"

With that said, she worries that the poisonous lady's body will be impeded, and after hurriedly putting on her clothes, she walked out of the cabin.

Only when she stepped out of the door, a slender shadow flashed past her eyes in the dim light of the night, and flew quickly towards the forest outside the town.


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