Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 670: Fairy helps the Queen Mother Gou

"Of course it's Sister Fairy.

All you need to say is that the previous serving technique in the holy water of the Jade Lake was taught by your friend in the lower realm, Ye Chen.

At that time, the Queen Mother will come out of her own accord, don't worry. "

Hearing Fairy Baihe's question, Ye Chen said without further bewilderment.

Approaching the Queen Mother, the master of heaven and earth, Ye Chen felt, not only would he get the benefits of flat peaches.

Thinking a step further, if Ye Chen made the Queen Mother feel comfortable, with her identity, Ye Chen would have no big problem walking sideways in the Heavenly Court in the future.

In this way, Ye Chen could also take advantage of his second brother, Sun Wukong, to understand the distribution of power in the entire Heavenly Court in advance, and by the way, set the next thing, so that it would be easier to find the entire Heavenly Court road.

Isn't this wonderful thing that has the effect of killing three birds with one stone, why not do it?

"Yes, but there has never been a male guard in the Yaochi Palace, let alone the personal guard of the Queen Mother.

Young Master Ye Chen, haven't you noticed that there is no man in and outside the entire Yaochi Palace for a thousand miles?

This is precisely because the Queen Mother gave an explicit ban, even ordinary patrolling Heavenly Soldiers, can't get half a step closer to Yaochi Palace.

Even the Jade Emperor, who has served in Baihe for so many years in the Yaochi, only with the permission of the Queen Mother, can set foot in the Yaochi with other great gods. "

Fairy Baihe was filled with distrust of that kind of request for success. After all, in the huge Yaochi Palace, there has never been a man spending the night here since ancient times.

Here, Ye Chen wanted to come here to be the personal guard of the Queen Mother. It was simply impossible to do.

When Fairy Baihe thought of Ye Chen's previous request for sound transmission, he couldn't help thinking about the bad.

But this can't be blamed on her, after all, the rules in the heavenly court are strict, and no one dares to trample on the Queen Mother's Palace Jade Lake.

However, facing Fairy Baihe's answer like this, Ye Chen couldn't help but think of the Queen Mother's reaction in the holy water of Yaochi, and then the corner of his mouth smiled and said.

"Success or failure, how can you know if you don't try?

Sister Fairy, you don't need to have any psychological pressure, just mention two sentences.

If it doesn't work, just treat it as if you haven't said it, just forget it immediately. "

"Then...well, I'll try it."

With a nervous pace, Fairy Baihe slowly walked to the upper seat of the main hall of the Yaochi Palace, and then carefully rolled up his dress and paid a respectful salute to the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother just closed her eyes and waved her hand. After signalling the start, she found a pose that she felt comfortable, leaning on a high chair made of magnificent gems, and was ready to enjoy it.

Fairy Baihe did not hesitate after confirming Ye Chen's question in her heart. She gradually came behind the Queen Mother, pretending to follow Ye Chen's dictation, and slowly squeezed it.

But after all, he is a novice, and any acupuncture points are sensitive and strength, Baihe Fairy is very wrong, and has not grasped the essentials at all.

After Ye Chen taught her several times, he was still giving up on her. After all, like his skills, he can't make small achievements in a short period of time.

Sure enough, Ye Chen felt right.

After Fairy Baihe hadn't pressed it for a few minutes, the queen mother who closed her eyes slowly opened her beautiful eyes, and said with a slight movement of her shoulders.

"Fairy Baihe, how can your technique become more and more unfamiliar. It was very good at the beginning, and it means that you are in the Yaochi.

But that kind of beauty, you can't grasp it, feel that you are completely out of the state, not serving seriously. "

As soon as the Queen Mother's words came out, Fairy Baihe immediately retracted her little hand, with an extremely helpless expression on her face.

In the beginning, with Ye Chen's careful guidance, she can grasp a few essences even if she is not familiar with it.

But as soon as Ye Chen's teaching words stopped, Fairy Baihe, who hadn't grasped the true essentials, began to get more and more chaotic, and when he made a small step, he started to get farther and farther away.

However, at this moment, whether it is Ye Chen or Fairy Baihe, they are all in a state where the drunkard is not interested in drinking.

Hearing the slight accusation from the Queen Mother, Fairy Baihe Dang even withdrew her little hand, walked quickly and bowed in front of the Queen Mother, whispering.

"Sorry Queen Mother, Xiaoxian is not good at learning, she really doesn't have the ability to serve you as before."

Fairy Baihe evaded the emphasis and said lightly, and the Queen Mother caught the key word in an instant: ‘I’m not good at learning art’.

Soon, the Queen Mother thought about it, and she came to understand.

It is true that Fairy Baihe has served him for many years, and he hasn't kneaded and kneaded as superbly as before.

Could it be that this little girl went down to Fan, and was'not good at learning' in such a short period of time.

Thinking of the possibility of this, the Queen Mother waved her hand and asked Fairy Baihe to get up, then said with a chuckle at the corner of her mouth.

"It's okay, you can learn more if you are not good at learning, but I am quite comfortable with that technique.

Well, this way!

Fairy Baihe listened to the order, this seat now orders you to go to the lower realm immediately, within three days, when you return from studying art, the flat peach on the table will be yours. "

After giving the order, the queen mother's jade-like arm wanted to raise it again, signaling the white crane to retreat.

However, before she had time to complete this set of actions, Fairy Baihe, who bowed and bowed, bowed a little more and more, and then eloquently said.

"I also ask the Queen Mother to forgive her. That kind of peculiar technique, my friend from the lower realm is only willing to teach it once.

Therefore, Baihe never had the opportunity to learn again.

Moreover, it is impossible to find my friend. Although he is a mortal, he also has a realm of immortality, which is unpredictable.

Unless, he takes the initiative to find me Otherwise, it is impossible to find him again.

Queen Mother, Bai He is guilty, so please punish the Queen Mother! "

Fairy Baihe was also a little bit willing for Ye Chen, and started to repeat Ye Chen's quiet voice transmission with courage.

After hearing the words of Fairy Baihe, the Queen Mother was stunned, and then she looked at Fairy Baihe, whose breath was still somewhat disordered, and asked.

"That friend of yours is a man, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was quite a chill.

When Fairy Baihe heard this, her slender body instantly froze in place, not daring to make a sound.

Regarding matters between men and women, it is even more so that the immortals have different rules in this respect, the solemnity of the queen mother, even the mortals of the lower realms, has a wide spread, not to mention the white crane fairy who has been by her side.

Now that he heard the Queen Mother confessing Ye Chen's identity, Bai He was also panicked for an instant, and there was a large blank in his mind, and he was completely at a loss.

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