Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 680: The internal and external troubles of Heavenly Court

After saying this, the Queen Mother suddenly felt a little helpless and frustrated.

At the same time, a thought arose from the bottom of my heart, and that was: In the Three Realms, it's so difficult to find someone.

She consciously only pushed the old gentleman who played Ye Chen's clues, she was afraid that there was not much way to find it.

After all, at this moment, the disappearing Ye Chen was like a stone sinking into the sea, and these immortals and quasi-sages were like mortals in that vast sea. It was hard to search in the vast sea.

She had nothing to do. To know that Ye Chen's Qi machine was completely concealed, there was no trace of the source at all, except that he had already left the heaven.

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother couldn't help but shed her powerful spiritual knowledge again, and directly covered the four continents of the lower realm, and she was reluctant to search again.

But the result was still unsatisfactory, the Queen Mother did not sense any trace of Ye Chen's existence in the world.

"Then kid, where is it? Why can't I find any trace after so long?"

Once the queen mother who failed the search, she couldn't help but let out a grumble.

The old gentleman on the side also shook his head slightly, and said with a smile on his face.

"You must tie the bell to untie the bell, Queen Mother, in the Jade Lake Palace before, how did you talk with him when you met, and why did he escape from the heavens?

Judging from the previous deduction, Ye Chen didn't actually have the intention of leaving the heavenly court completely before him.

But for some reason, you don't have to say anything that caused him to fight the four heavenly kings and leave the heavenly palace. "

As he said, the old gentleman also used the tracing supernatural powers, but every time after the induction was used, all the clues would also be broken at the Nantianmen.

After that, there was no way for Ye Chen to escape and hide. There was no such person at all.

Seeing that it was too old to find someone to be fruitless, the old gentleman shook his head slightly. The queen mother shrugged helplessly for a moment, and then told her partner, how did she know Ye Chen and call him to heaven? How to escape the heavenly court.

After listening carefully one by one, Taishang Laojun laughed uncontrollably for a while, stroking his chin and white beard with his big hands. It seemed that he was amused by what happened between the Queen Mother and Ye Chen. He laughed in spite of the face of the saint.

But soon, Taishang Laojun stabilized his mind, then looked at the Queen Mother and said.

"You, I really don't know the man's heart.

That Ye Chen, looking at the inner body of his body, was already no longer a boy.

Presumably in that mortal realm, he already has a relationship with each other, but you let him destroy himself and become a woman in reincarnation?

Haha, the world is so big, can you think everyone can do this and other deeds?

Don't believe Lingshan's words credulously, like the Guanyin, what is said in his mouth is a lot of nonsense, such as the nonsense of turning a man into a woman.

If you don’t believe me, just ask the old man, would you like to be a man and sit in this heavenly palace? "

Lao Jun followed the words of the Supreme Being, and immediately heard the Queen Mother look distressed, and immediately after she heard the last question left for her, the Queen Mother immediately responded.

"Don't be joking, old gentleman, this seat is the king of ten thousand immortals, the head of female fairies, and the queen mother above the heavenly court.

I have such an identity here, how can I be a man?

Besides, what is good about men in the world?

The belly is full of those humble minds, who want to have wives and concubines in groups, but I don’t know what good it is.

This seat is not able to see such ridiculous and invalid actions in the heavenly court, this is set in the heavenly rules, and it is not allowed to form a marriage without authorization.

Moreover, the immortal and mortal fusion, the number of mortals is extremely large, if such things overflow, it will destroy the spirit of those immortals and gods, unintentionally cultivate to become stronger, and take another step forward for their own future. "

After speaking of her own point of view, the contempt for the relationship between men and women in the eyes of the Queen Mother grew deeper.

In her cognition, even the cultivation system of most immortals, the entanglement of men and women will only make people lose their fighting spirit, so that they can't concentrate on pursuing the strongest of heaven.

If you don't contain it and dilute the seven emotions and six desires of the heavenly immortals, they are destined to only become weak.

In addition, the monsters of the common world have gradually become rampant in recent years, and there have been many large monsters.

If the heavenly gods are weakened, then, is it necessary to let her, the Queen Mother, already the Jade Emperor, personally take action to suppress it?

If such deeds were introduced into the Three Realms, wouldn't it have made those monsters Lingshan laugh generous.

What's more, the existence of the heavenly rules does not completely kill emotions, but still leaves room for people to combine.

After all, the bald donkeys on Lingshan have long been cut off from love one by one, and they are rarely loved by men and women in their lives.

No, you can't say that, because in the entire Lingshan Buddhist realm, anyone with the heart of men and women is not allowed to enter it, and there will be no hidden dangers like heaven.

And this is also creating the overall strength of the entire Lingshan, which is rapidly increasing and becoming stronger, and there is no good way to contain the expansion speed.

In this way, it has also led to a plan to move westward in disputes within the two factions in the Three Realms, which is gradually beginning.

Thinking of the weak Buddha world in the past, there is actually enough capital to compete with the heavens for cause and effect, rush to worship, not only spread the belief of the power, but the Queen Mother feels very speechless in her heart.

But the fact is like this. Although Heavenly Court is still much stronger than Lingshan, the immortal heart is unpredictable, and the huge Heavenly Court may soon fall apart.

The Southern Heavenly Court alone controls the three realms, and the Central Heavenly Court is already under the control of the other two great emperors, and it has long been dissatisfied.

After all, everyone is the emperor of the immortal world, possessing the powerful strength of all quasi-sages. Among the various heavenly courts, only the southern heavenly court is in power for a long time.

Anyone with the same strength, I am afraid that they will not always be willing to submit to the Southern Heavenly However, so far, the Southern Heavenly Court is still the most powerful, so even other heavenly courts After all, I can only tolerate some dissatisfaction, and I want to use Buddhism to move around.

Without the support of other heavenly courts, the only Buddhist realm would dare to fight with heavenly court so blatantly?

Everything is just the prelude to a larger conspiracy!

Wei Wei shook her head with emotion. Not only did the Queen Mother look at the Taishang Laojun who was thinking of a solution, she felt deeply in her heart, thanks to Heavenly Court and Laojun Town, otherwise everything would be hard to say.

Just as the Queen Mother was thinking and worrying, Taishang Laojun, who had been thinking about it all the time, suddenly looked back at her and smiled.

"Yes, the old way still thinks of a way to find Ye Chen.

But this requires the Queen Mother's good cooperation before she can successfully deceive...Well, let Ye Chen return to the Heavenly Court, come and wait for me! "

Hearing this, the Queen Mother was not hypocritical, and she just handed over and said: "Please tell me, Lao Jun!"

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