Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 688: The foundation building began, the Jade Emperor came suddenly

This is the situation. How could a disciple who has been lying down a corpse be cultivating?

Don't say that "Wu Gang" doesn't believe it anymore, I'm afraid that even if anyone sees Ye Chen lying on the ground who has just self-destructed his cultivation body and turned into a scarred mortal, he will not feel that he has been cultivating.

After he settled in his mind, Wu Gang looked at his face indifferently and his complexion gradually rosy, as if Ye Chen, who had come over, shook his head and said.

"Since the body has just recovered, it shouldn't be done for it.

After all, the degree of difficulty in cultivating Hunyuan Gong, just the first time the immortal power builds the foundation, you will be unable to bear it because of the collapse of the flesh and blood meridians in your body.

Believe in being a teacher, let's cultivate and cultivate our body, and then work hard to achieve it.

Disciple, you have to remember a truth, not to listen to the old man's words to suffer in front of you. "

The bitter Wu Gang was just trying to persuade Ye Chen not to mess around, but at the same time the raised hand was about to sway freely towards the sky.

With his powerful cultivation base, he waved his hand, not to mention the immortal cloud sea condensed in the sky of Jade Forest, it would be dissipated in an instant.

I'm afraid that if the quasi-sage's hand goes down, the entire domain of the huge sixth layer will be unable to gather immortal energy for a long time under that hand, and form a real layer of space.

Ye Chen predicted that if Wu Gang really did that, his life would be defeated by Good Fortune Hunyuan Gong, if he could not condense the immortal energy to absorb, and could not complete the foundation of the immortal power.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen also lifted the corpse lying state, and after a sudden jump, he grabbed Wu Gang's slightly shaking big hand and shouted loudly.

"Master, I'm really cultivating."

However, when he heard this, Wu Gang said with a face full of dissatisfaction: "Who are you lie to, my good disciple. Cultivation does not sit cross-legged and concentrate? Do you think your master's quasi-sage cultivation is right? Did you pick it up on the street for nothing? You are lying down on the ground, with your eyes open, how can you be a little cultivating?"

Wu Gang's words were filled with extreme distrust of Ye Chen.

But after all, all sentient beings in the Three Realms, down to the monster monks of the Mortal Realm, up to the Four Emperors and Sanqing Sages, who are cultivating people, will not concentrate on their own cultivation methods, so that they can keep the best. Cultivation status.

And like Ye Chen, lying on the ground, seeing Brahma? How to practice meditation well.

And he was still cultivating the ancient Xeon Xian Jue "Good Fortune Hunyuan Gong", and if he didn't concentrate on his work, wouldn't it be a joke? What progress can be made.

Moreover, it is impossible to induce such a large-scale gathering of fairy energy.

"Want to lie to the deity?"

Wu Gang, who was ‘clear on the door’ in his heart, suddenly looked at Ye Chen with his eyes closed slightly, and a smile of insight appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen didn't have time to explain, he immediately felt the blood surging in his body, and the few immortal powers surged up sharply.

Xianli builds a foundation and is coming!

Ye Chen, with a glorious look in his eyes, immediately raised his head and looked up towards the sky.

Immediately he turned his head back abruptly, looking at Wu Gang with piercing eyes.

"Master, if you don't want your apprentice to die immediately, don't stop me.

If it's time to explain, it won't be too late to explain to you after I finish building the foundation! "

With that said, Ye Chen drove away Wu Gang, leaping towards the jade tree branch beside him.

Immediately after climbing upward, Ye Chenren had already reached the top of a thick jade tree branch, and looked up to see the celestial force gradually forming a majestic vortex, which was gradually deriving from the tornado trend, the end of it. It stretched straight towards Ye Chen, who seemed to be small.

Looking at the immortal power vortex that seemed to be set in motion, Wu Gang, who had just thought clearly about himself, couldn't close the corners of his mouth at this moment, and his face was even more worried...

Thirty-three Heavens, Dou Li Gong!

Next to the huge three-legged divine cauldron alchemy furnace, the Queen Mother and the Supreme Old Monarch were facing each other, and the corners of their mouths moved slightly to discuss something important.

At the same time, they all stopped talking, and then they turned their eyes towards the outside of the palace gate, frowning and staring.

Immediately, the old gentleman said indifferently: "The old way has sensed that Ye Chen and he is the sixth heaven. And at this moment, for some reason, there is an abnormal situation where immortal spirits converge sharply and magnificently. The strange thing is that the old Tao wanted to further perceive and explore, but was hindered by a force."

"What? In this heavenly court, isn't there only the third quasi-sage? It can stop Laojun, could it be... the other sages have already noticed the existence of that kid and came to fight for it?"

The Queen Mother's beautiful eyes condensed, and a trace of worry suddenly appeared on the pretty face.

I don't know whether it is worrying about Ye Chen's particularity about to be exposed, or worrying about his inability to take Ye Chen as his own and serve himself forever.

"The Queen Mother is worrying too much. It is not a saint who blocks the perception of the old way, but it is also a magic weapon of a saint.

But after all, the foreign objects can't cover up for too long. If the old way is willing, all the fog hidden in the sixth heaven will finally reveal the truth in just tens of seconds. "

The old monarch looked at the queen mother and shook his head and smiled. He believed that he was guarded by the heavenly court, and any powerful monsters and even saints would not be able to do things he didn't want to see under the eyes of the old monarch.

But, the old man of the supreme has no time to pay attention to the many small nights who come to the heaven on weekdays.

Upon hearing the words, the Queen Mother immediately bowed her hand to her: "If this is the case, then there is Lao Jun. After you see it clearly, tell me the result, and I will go to the Sixth Heaven to take a look at it. I have to see, who is the quasi-sage powerhouse who dares to enter my heavenly court like this."

Having said that, the Queen Mother waved her brocade robe sleeves and turned her pretty foot around slightly, she wanted to walk towards the gate of the Palace of Dust, and wanted to go to Sixth Heaven to find out.

However, just as the Queen Mother turned around, and Laojun Majesty's fingers sketched out the calculations, a man in a Chinese robe dressed in nine dragon gold patterns suddenly appeared in front of the gate of the Palace of Dousiz.

Immediately, a powerful voice resounded throughout the palace.

" Queen Mother, you really have fate, I didn't expect you to be here too.

It just so happens that the emperor has something to do. If you want to ask the old man, it's better to serve tea and let the three of us learn about it for a while.

Speaking of it, it's a pity that everyone is in the heavenly court but not able to get together often. "

When the words fell, the Queen Mother, who just wanted to leave, looked at the Jade Emperor in Nine Dragons, and walked into the palace of Touzi, and the professional smirk on the corner of her mouth could not be faked anymore.

One more person came abruptly, and the Queen Mother couldn't help but look sideways at the old gentleman, wanting to continue to leave and go to Sixth Heaven.

It's just that when the Jade Emperor came, she was like this, which would seem very abnormal if it was reasonable.

Just as the Queen Mother was hesitating, the old gentleman beside her withdrew and deduced the gesture. He looked at the Jade Emperor with a light smile and said, "Is the Jade Emperor here, there is no reason for not serving tea."

Having said that, Lao Jun waved his hand and took out a set of tables and chairs and a cup of tea, and placed them in the air between the three.

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