Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 697: Golden lotus 13 leaves

However, now, when the Supreme Master watched Ye Chen eating and drinking in front of the Immortal Pill Hu, his whole body was also unclear.

The talents from the outside world that he had finally fooled around were the only way to help him break through the saint’s poverty and successfully enter the realm of heaven.

No matter what the purpose is, and the hope for the future, the Supreme Lord here will never allow Ye Chen, who has just entered the Palace of Rates, to die just because of swallowing the elixir.

Soon, almost instantly, the figure of Taishang Laojun stood still eating the elixir, like Ye Chen who had eaten a mouthful of peas, stretched out a slightly wrinkled old hand, and placed it on Shouted over his shoulder.

"Po'er is ignorant, don't hesitate to stop swallowing the elixir, do you know that the elixir magical medicine refined by the old way, one is enough to make you, the little one who builds the foundation, die, and the whole body burst?"

"Ah, I... I... feel good."

In order to relax in his mouth, he had time to answer the reprimands of Mr. Taishang. Ye Chen also reluctantly stopped the movement of grasping the elixir pill in his hand, and then chewed the elixir in his mouth and swallowed vigorously.

Only then did he come over, turned around and looked at the sullen Taishang Laojun with a faint smile, and continued.

"Old gentleman, you have promised the kid that I will take this magic pill in the palace.

Why did you eat your five or six gourds now? "

During the speech, Ye Chen's internal organs were horrified, and all of them were violently rushed and smashed by waves of powerful monsters, so that in the next second, the skin and complexion outside of Ye Chen's body began to glow bright red. , As if the whole body was congested, the whole body was extremely red, and it looked very wrong.

Seeing this scene, Lao Jun, who was already a little anxious, immediately took out a jade fairy mirror with a wave, and handed it to Ye Chen frowning and talking nonsense.

"You don't know the little Langer in front of you, let's take a look, what you are like now, you will burst into death if you take it.

Don't you think that by relying on the immortal power of Good Fortune Cangsheng Jue to build the foundation, you can swallow the old-fashioned elixir magical medicine so unscrupulously?

Do you think that based on the strength of your physical body at this moment, it is stronger and stronger than those Taiyi Golden Immortals who have cultivated for thousands of years?

Whether you are a human being or being an immortal in the sky, don't be too greedy. This is also the first truth of the old Taoism, and you must keep it in mind in the future. "

Seeing that his whole body began to swell and undulate slightly, Ye Chen couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

The big hand that immediately rested on his shoulders also began to slightly mobilize the power of the saint, intending to directly help Ye Chen to forcibly refine the complex elixir in his body, just to help this time.

Just do as he thinks about it, and the power of the saint in the Taishang Laojun's body begins to flow, and then it is transported with an extremely meticulous heart, slowly and slowly towards Ye Chen.

Now Ye Chen's cultivation base is too weak, and he is too powerful for the power of the saint of the old gentleman, and he is not so weak that a child can withstand.

Therefore, the old gentleman also appeared very careful here, for fear that Ye Chen, who was too weak, would be affected by the power of his own sage, and his spirits and souls would be destroyed in the blink of an eye.

It's just that, just when the Taishang Laojun was working slowly, a sound of intermittent hardship was heard in his ears.

"Don't want me, I can refine and absorb it myself, so you can protect the law for the kid one or two."

When the voice fell, Ye Chen sat cross-legged on the stone slab of Dousizong with a puff, and immediately the speed of the automatic training system was released to the strongest speed.

Coupled with the Hunyuan good fortune skill that can swallow the sea like a whale, after both go crazy.

The golden Hualien, the root of ten thousand roots in Ye Chen's dantian, is also constantly swaying in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, an incomparably strong violent gravitational force suddenly passed from the body of the twelve-leaf golden lotus.

Immediately, the surging violent medicinal power that spread all over Ye Chen's body was suddenly attracted and swallowed by the twelve leaf golden lotus.

In less than a few minutes, Ye Chen had swallowed a hundred elixir medicine power, and one tenth was swallowed by the twelve leaf golden lotus.

Soon, Ye Chen's body was in an abnormal condition, swelling and swelling, and it began to calm down and return to normal.

In addition, the large and dry Dantian land in his body gradually had a trace of vitality when the twelve leaf golden lotus crazily swallowed the power of the elixir medicine.

Countless small golden vines directly penetrated the deep barriers in the dantian, continuously releasing layers of vibrant golden light to reveal the surface of the dantian.

Immediately, a faint stream of water also permeated from the depths of the dantian. The layer-by-layer water gradually converged, finally centered on the twelve-leaf golden lotus in the center of the dantian, and gathered a small piece of radiant light. Pale golden lake.

And since Ye Chen, who had cultivated at his own expense, lost his celestial power, he also began to feel a long drought and nectar with the appearance of the pale golden lake.

Immediately, flesh and blood cells everywhere in the body were also rapidly activated, as if full of endless vitality.

Just when Ye Chen felt very good, the twelve-leaf golden lotus that had absorbed all the elixir power in his body suddenly grew the thirteenth leaf Hualien, and it just happened to shake all the flowers and leaves.

Immediately, a wave of unparalleled powerful energy spread rapidly toward the golden lotus in the form of a light golden aperture.

And as the aperture expanded, even if Ye Chendang clearly sensed the inside of his body, all kinds of weird and heavy strange noises were constantly occurring.

But this did not cause him any Even Ye Chen felt that the energy of the aperture seemed to be feeding him back.

Because at this moment, as the strange light gold aperture spreads in his body, a stream of pure and turbulent powerful energy is constantly tempering his body.

With this feeling, Ye Chen could also perceive that his cultivation level was also being tempered and strengthened, and his realm was constantly rising.

It's just that specific sense of promotion, which he doesn't know, but the real and powerful flawless energy appears so beautiful in his body.

The flowers and leaves of the twelve-leaf golden lotus trembled, and after a full ten minutes, did it slowly calm down.

The bizarre light golden halo caused by it also gradually disappeared with the silence of the twelve-leaf golden lotus.

After the last glimmer of light energy was absorbed into the body, Ye Chen opened his eyes suddenly and jumped up from the slate floor.

Soon, a powerful, unfamiliar, but very familiar feeling of power was constantly flooding Ye Chen's heart, making him feel more than shocked...

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