Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 704: Moon Immortal Forbidden

Such a word came out, the Queen Mother did not hide the slightest amount of concealment at the moment. After the left hand was slightly extended, the surging divine light from her palm, just the breath, affected the entire Guanghan Palace complex to squeak and crack.

The most obvious thing is that in the wing room where the two of them are at the moment, the surrounding walls have already shown countless cracks and forks, like spider webs, and countless fine dusts slipped and disappeared, as if they could be turned into ashes at any time. .

The mighty power of the quasi-sage is terrifying, even if it only reveals the slightest power, the graceful body of the fairy Chang'e on the side has already begun to tremble, and it seems that it will turn to ashes with the wind along with the surrounding walls.

But what is strange is that in her eyes, the gaze is so calm that people feel abnormal, there is no fear or palpitations, and even a look of relief is revealed.

In this way, even the queen mother who has decided to kill the killer can not help but feel curiosity here.

After all, it is a blessing for a mortal girl to raise Xia Fei ascended to life in southern Xinjiang.

Moreover, she was born more beautiful and exquisite than her queen mother, and she was alone in the sixth heaven, and even the flat peach feast was eligible to participate.

This great **** honor, which immortal **** who can have this honor, has not gone through tens of thousands of hardships to get into this position and enjoy the incense of the earth.

Anyone, even the fairy heavenly soldier who is on the first floor of the heavenly palace, wouldn't be so easy to find death. Since then, he has died of jade, and everything has never happened.

After the curiosity in the heart gradually rose, the terrifying light in the hands of the Queen Mother gradually weakened a lot.

Immediately, she asked: "Why do you seek death? Life is so precious, how can you give up so easily?"

Hearing this, Chang'e smiled immediately, with a perfect and stunning appearance. She was no less beautiful than the other queen mother. She didn't even sigh in her heart: "It's no wonder that the world is so pitiful to the beauty of the world. The mortal gods can't help but be attracted by it and bow down under the pomegranate skirt of the other party."

Just thinking about it, Chang'e also spoke at the right time.

"Why do you have to ask the Queen Mother? Come on if you want to do it. Anyway, if you are struggling in front of a quasi-sage power like you, why is it not an extra effort? No need to explain."

"No, you are different." The Queen Mother retorted, "Because you can't see any desperate expression in your eyes, and there is even a trace of hope, looking forward to the coming of extinction. Fairy Chang'e, Do you think that with the strength of this seat, if you want to seal a person's mouth so that he can never open his mouth, do you need to kill?

But you are different. It was your previous judgment that aroused the killing intent of this seat, and subconsciously wanted to get rid of you quickly.

Let's talk about it, this queen mother is very curious, what are you thinking about? "

After all, the divine light that had been gradually dimmed in the Queen Mother's hands was also completely dissipated here.

Immediately, she stared at the first beauty of the Three Realms in front of her, wanting to know her heart.

Although it is not necessary to do this, but this is how people are, and they are always exploring curious things.

It was like a scene that was happening inside the stone pavilion outside the walls of Guanghan Palace, and it also made her, the queen mother, who had never experienced it, wanted to see it.

I just don't know at this time, whether the little fairy by her side has been freed from Ye Chen's cannon fire, and what has she missed?

She also tried using her divine sense to observe, but doing so, always felt that there was no clarity and shock from the picture she had seen with her own eyes, and she always felt that there was something missing.

"Yeah, why should I, Chang'e, despair and fear death?

On the contrary, wouldn't it be more reasonable to die and perish instead of living in the bitterly cold Guanghan Palace?

What is so good about this heaven, this Guanghan Palace?

Desolate and unkind, let alone the kind of freedom and unfettered freedom in the mundane world.

Once, I also had the joy of incomparable freedom, but why, why is this heavenly palace always imprisoned me so that I cannot live or die, and I will always live in this cold Guanghan palace?

Queen Mother, if it were you, would you be able to bear it again, suffering in this ruthless heavenly palace forever? "

With constant words in her mouth, when Fairy Chang'e talked about emotion, in her beautiful eyes, there was an uninterrupted yearning for the free world.

Originally, she could live unfettered in the lower realm, even if her life was short, in her heart, it was better than the beauty of being immortal and immortal in the cold and merciless heavenly palace.

But things are impermanent, just when she and Houyi heroes are about to get married and spend the rest of their lives.

Hou Yi's disciples murdered Hou Yi, seized the throne in power at the time, and even killed himself.

At that time, Chang'e had no choice but to eat the elixir to save his life.

But what turned out to be counterproductive was that what made Chang'e regret all her life was that although she was saved and even became a fairy, this endless emptiness and desertedness continued to torment her.

If she had known so long ago, no, it should be said that Chang'e would often fantasize. If she hadn't eaten the elixir and soared, perhaps death would not be a bad result.

Death is better for her than suffering from such an endless cold palace.

But it's a pity that the things that made him feel unhappy still happened after all.

Who would have thought that the Supreme Three Realms above the Heavenly Court, the dignified Jade Emperor, would actually want to make her Chang'e a private plaything of the other party in captivity.

And after he would rather die, he used magical powers that allowed Chang'e to have no right to commit suicide, and he was imprisoned in Guanghan Palace forever, and he was not allowed to step outside the palace gate.

For a long time, Chang'e wanted to die, abandon her identity as a fairy and reincarnate in reincarnation, and return to her mortal dust.

But the Jade Emperor's magical power of immortality, how could she, a fairy of the Golden Wonderland, be able to resist.

The kind of pain that wants to die but can't has been torturing her for thousands of years. If you want to get free, who can help her who can't get out of Guanghan Palace.

Now that the Queen Mother, who is also the co-lord of the Heavenly Court, is here, it is not a chance to get liberation.

Looking at the Queen Mother whose eyes were gradually complicated and changeable, Chang'e couldn't help showing a calm sad smile for a while.

"The queen mother, just be it, and help Xiaoxian, okay?"

With that said, Chang'e is also unfolding a special sleeve fairy pendulum with its own standing quietly in place, closing her eyes and waiting for her release.

It's just that, looking at Fairy Chang'e who is so free and easy, the look in the queen mother's eyes became more and more different and complicated.

After a long silence, the Queen Mother slowly spoke.

"Is it worth it? Chang'e, the world in your mouth is really so beautiful and worthy of your greed?

Heaven's coldness, stability, and even immortality, do you really abandon it?

Death is not terrible, but you have to know that even if I kill you, you may not get eternal relief.

Once you are noticed by the Jade Emperor, you don't even have the chance to reincarnate, and you will return to the heaven that you hate.

For the short-lived mundane beauty, is it really worth it? "

Hearing this, Fairy Chang'e didn't make any excuses, but took a deep look at the queen mother and said: "The world is very good. If possible, you can go down and walk around the queen mother..."

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