Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 706: The embarrassment you want to avoid

There was a big splash, and the whole body was white.

Unprepared to guard, she was attracted by Fairy Chang'e's prompting voice, and she was completely unguarded.

In an instant, the **** of his body and the brows on his face were stained with a layer of pure white that looked like a galaxy.

Even at the corner of the mouth, a thin thread was dripping down. Under the influence of gravity, it slowly followed the corner of the queen mother's slightly curled red lips and slowly slid towards the ground.

Seeing this scene, the Fairy Chang'e next to him saw that the Queen Mother was full of stolen goods, suddenly her heart trembled, and he secretly said that Ye Chen's courage, seduce the fairy next to the Queen Mother. Like sprinkling stolen goods at the queen mother, tarnishing the sacred face of the queen mother.

Really, too presumptuous.

Fairy Chang'e, who had never experienced anything between men and women, naturally didn't know what Ye Chen did to the queen mother unconsciously.

I just felt that the Queen Mother was dirty in public, and the holy face was defiled. I am afraid that these sins would not be so easy to escape.

However, compared to the ignorant Fairy Chang'e, the Queen Mother has never eaten pork in this aspect, but she has also seen Lun Chang.

After being made all over his face at the moment, his whole person was also surging with anger in an instant, and the immortal power in his body surged and boiled, as if the quasi-sage's anger could erupt at any time.

But it was a coincidence that such an angry Queen Mother, her eyes were slightly shocked, and she was facing Chi Guo Yechen who was facing her.

And the person who initiated it, after reaching the top of the sky, is still strong and shocking.

It seemed to be provoking, and it seemed to be the monster Yang Wu, anyway, everything fell into the eyes of the queen mother at this time, I was afraid that no matter what he was doing, it was a crime.

It's just that the shock of Fairy Chang'e paled and the fierce anger of the Queen Mother.

For Ye Chen, who had just finished his battle, he was completely unaware of it.

It's just that the white-dyed transparent figure suddenly appeared in front of him, instantly making him very energetic.

After violently waving his hand to help Fairy Baihe, who had collapsed on top of the rock, put on his clothes, Ye Chen took it into the system space, and then he took out a loose robe and slowly turned and put it on.

"Who are you, why do you want to peep on Ye Mou again?"

I couldn't help but questioned the transparent figure in front of him that was infested with all his essence, and then the whole body of the celestial celestial peak level of Hunyuan celestial power continued to condense.

If he spied invisible beside him, and was afraid to show his true body, he wouldn't be Ye Chen's friend if he wanted to come.

As for whether he will be the master of ‘Wu Gang’, that’s just nonsense.

Although the master doesn't seem to be very reliable, he wouldn't be able to do such a thing. Even if he really found out that he was busy, he would definitely not hide in this way.

So if it's not Master Wu Gang's words, then who is this invisible person who doesn't let himself be aware of?

With his eyes fixed on the transparent figure bathing in the white curtain in front of him, Ye Chen condensed his celestial power while constantly investigating Zhou Fang's environment, looking for the heavenly soldiers.

Now, he is no longer an existence like a fugitive, with the saint Laojun backing his back, he doesn't need to dodge in the huge heaven.

On the contrary, the invisible person in front of him should be somewhat jealous, no matter what the reason.

After thinking about these things, Ye Chen wanted to take the lead in the trouble before he knew it.

Now that his strength has greatly increased, and he has a lot of good fortune, he has no place to display it.

After thinking about it, Ye Chen suddenly emitted a pale golden fairy force all over his body, and immediately, his voice suddenly turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.

Only a fist braving the golden light suddenly appeared in front of the mysterious invisible man who was completely white.

Before the fist arrived, gusts of gusts of wind clashed, and there were more transparent traces of folds in the air, which not only faintly appeared in the place where Ye Chen's fist sprinted.

"Dare to do something with this seat!"

Seeing Ye Chen attacking quickly, the Queen Mother, who was already angry and extremely complex, immediately flashed a light in her palm, trying to beat the guy who infected her in front of her.

Then he arrested him and went back to the Yaochi Palace awaiting trial.

As for killing the opponent again, the Queen Mother didn't have that idea in her heart. Even if the opponent was not the old man, she never thought about killing the person in front of her.

But just as the Queen Mother was about to wave her palms out, a sweet drink was a voice from the side.

"Leave this to me, sir, hurry up, if it's discovered by other gods, it won't be good."

As soon as the words came out, Ye Chen instantly caught a glimpse of another transparent figure not far away. Because of the large movement, a little figure appeared, and it rushed towards him.

Immediately, the surging and powerful immortal power was even more impressive.

It seemed to be far beyond Ye Chen's Earth Immortal level, but as to how much higher it was, he couldn't judge.

Before reaching that realm, Ye Chen could only feel that the opponent's realm was definitely better than his own.

While thinking about it, they collided with one fist and one palm in an instant, and immediately after a bang.

The powerful celestial energy of the four evils suddenly spread from the palms of the fists, causing Ye Chen's coat and robe to clank.

"Huh? Why do you feel so weak?"

"Why, the power is so strong!"

Almost instantly, Ye Chen and the hidden Fairy Chang'e, who had collided with each other, screamed in surprise in their hearts.

One, feels that the opponent's realm is high and strong, but the strength is a little weak. With such an ordinary punch, Ye Chen feels very relaxed and comfortable, and it is not like fighting a strong person who is at least two realms higher than his own.

And the other one was a mortal who felt that she was talented at the fairyland cultivation base, and the power of a punch actually made her, the golden immortal peak cultivation base, feel a little numb in her palms.

Crossing the two realms, the occurrence of such a situation made Fairy Chang'e feel incredible.

But when Chang'e was frightened, the Queen Mother, who was reminded by him, immediately reacted to her embarrassed appearance at the moment.

Never let anyone except Chang'e accident see especially the culprit who caused her such filthyness, let alone.

And once she makes a move in person, perhaps some powerful fairy gods in the heavenly court will come to help spontaneously.

If you want to leave by then, it will be even more troublesome.

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother couldn't help staring at Ye Chen bitterly, then looked at the pure white screen on her body, waved her hand angrily.

"Then leave it to you, after taking it down, bring it into my palace."

After speaking, the Queen Mother stretched out her hand to wipe the things that flowed from the corner of her mouth, but as soon as she started her hands, she found that the things she had only seen before were actually slimy.

So that this rub, the red lips inside and outside, suddenly...

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