Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 714: Desire and End

"Hey, Xiaodao didn't dare to say that. But if the Queen Mother thinks so, Ye Mou can't help it."

Ye Chen responded with a calm laugh, his waist straight.

Taishang Laojun is a saint, and when he enters the Palace of Dust, how can he not be arrogant?

This queen mother, Ye Chen felt that she had been deliberately targeting him since she appeared in the sky. She was embarrassed, and even killed her twice, she was really ruthless and indifferent.

If there is a chance, he really wants to squeeze him under him so that he can see his face completely, and he has no choice but to ask for favor.

There was a strange brilliance in his eyes, and the corners of Ye Chen's mouth could not help but slowly reveal a few smirks.

However, his slight expression changed, but he could not escape the fairy eyes of the Queen Mother.

When his face gradually turned cold, he also yelled out prestige on the spot.

"Ye Chen, you are bold, how dare you think about this queen mother.

It seems that you feel that you have lived too long and want to be reincarnated right away, right? "

As soon as the Queen Mother got angry, the Sixth Heaven, which had been ruined so horribly, was suddenly covered with black thunder and black clouds, and the thunder and lightning made Ye Chen even speechless.

He knows all the women in the world, and he has never seen a woman with such a fierce temper.

If this hapless guy in the future marries the queen mother, it will not be **** for eight lifetimes, and it will make the rear courtyard chickens and dogs restless. Thinking about it makes people feel that it is not good.

After thinking about it, Ye Chen couldn't help but probed his hand and grabbed the worried Fairy Chang'e's little hand, and quickly withdrew a few steps back and said.

"As the saying goes, heaven is ruthless, and people are affectionate.

Fairy Chang'e, although you are also a fairy nowadays, you were not a mortal before, and you have become a fairy not long ago.

We humans, just can't be too ruthless and cold-blooded, otherwise we live in the world and don't care about anything. What's the difference between being alive and being dead?

What **** gods pay attention to being calm and gentle, wanting and wanting, aren't they nonsense?

The reason why people are valuable to all souls is that they are different from other species because they have thoughts and have sorrows and joys. "

Ye Chen kept talking, and Fairy Chang'e, who was pulled by him, also silently nodded in agreement.

Since living in the deserted Guanghan Palace for so many years, she is truly disappointed with that kind of life that is so indifferent that there is no ** at all, and it is meaningless at all.

It is precisely because of this that she wants to return to the embrace of the mortal world and feel the warmth of the world again. Even if she is injured or even died, she feels that life is better than staying alone in the heavenly palace.

At this time, Ye Chen's words not only have a high degree of overlap with his ideal life in the future, but also clarify the special fundamental source of human beings, that is, with the joys and sorrows of seven emotions and six desires, will they be different and live more colorfully.

For Fairy Chang'e, who is always lonely and indifferent to see the heavenly palace, these various concepts are like a long time when the nectar meets a confidant, and he keeps bowing his head and expressing praise for Ye Chen's thoughts.

"What you said was right to Ye Chen, and I think so too.

Life is alive, how long years are not old and immortal, how can the deserted eternal life, how can compare to the passionate life.

Even if the years are quiet and short, as long as it is more meaningful and exciting, it is no better and more anticipated than immortality without desire and demand. "

Fairy Chang'e, who was poked at the center of her ideal life, couldn't help but speak her heart's words spontaneously.

She didn't want to stay in such a desperate heaven for a lifetime, always clear right and wrong, deserted and unwilling.

If that kind of life continued, it would be no different from going to jail.

Suddenly, Ye Chen and Chang'e, who seemed to be connected with each other, had their eyes facing each other, and in the eyes of both sides, a raging flame of beautiful imagination about the future could not be stopped.

The burning leaps three thousand feet, and the extinguished ones will never die.

However, in the face of Ye Chen and Fairy Chang'e, who are gradually coming together, the queen mother and the empress who are opposite to the two are looking at the two who are firmly holding their hands together, and there is a very disdainful look in the beautiful eyes. One channel.

"Ignorant mortals, sad fantasies.

The mortal dust has only a short life, but it is fleeting, so what's the big truth? What about living a more meaningful and tasteful life?

The insignificance of mortals limits your thinking.

How big the world is and how many things are, it is far more than what Er et al. say can cover only the mere emotions and six desires.

Don't comment on the pursuit of any fairy **** with your own insignificance.

No desire, no demand, it just feels like this in your eyes. Isn't the eternal growth of cultivation base and the right to control the common people at hand, not worthy of your pursuit? "

Facing the spiritual harmony between Ye Chen and Fairy Chang'e, the Queen Mother, who had reached the quasi-sage level, could not help but shocked.

Standing in her position, she sees a lot more than ordinary people, and she also has her own set of philosophy in dealing with things. Only a strong body can control her so-called life.

For the mortal people, don't even want her queen mother to wave her hand, just a simple order to go on, the fate of countless mortals will be completely rewritten, and earth-shaking changes will occur, so what is the desire for it?

After all, it's just too small, and thus too limited.


Just when the Queen Mother felt that her remarks were impeccable, a voice of disapproval came from a long time.

Immediately, when the Queen Mother swept her gaze toward the sound source, Ye Chen looked at herself firmly with all her eyes, and spoke endlessly.

"The limitations in your mouth are insignificant, but it's the Queen Mother you think so What is a mortal should be insignificant and be squeezed at will?

In the mortal world of the Three Realms, you can know how many people who want to change their own destiny are working hard for the dreams in their hearts.

Although most of them can't go far because of their lack of talent, at least they have worked hard and have struggled for the goals they want.

Therefore, even if it is your queen mother, you can't treat them with contempt and disdain, or treat me as a mortal.

I, Ye Chen, in this life, I am willing to continue to work hard for what my heart desires, and step onto the path of the day with the foundation of a mortal, the path without beginning.

**There is no beginning and end for what you want! "

As Ye Chen said, the golden light was shining all over his body, his momentum was like a rainbow, and his infinite self-confidence was constantly rising.

Looking straight at the Queen Mother’s beautiful eyes, she couldn’t help but frown, and her heart was even more secretive: How can a mere mortal imagine the end of the endless road that I can’t even imagine to step on?

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