Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 732: What's wrong with me, Ye Chen

Above the heavenly court, the two mighty superiors faced Ye Chen and they were constantly criticizing and fighting each other.

Looking at their faces full of anger and anger, as if their hearts were filled with endless blame for Ye Chen.

But the problem is that Ye Chen really didn't know what he did wrong.

Therefore, when facing the angry stare of Taishang Laojun and Queen Mother, Ye Chen's face couldn't help but the corner of his mouth was tilted, and his eyes wrinkled and shrugged.

"Then what, I said that what happened on this day was not made by Ye Mou deliberately, do you believe it?"

With that, Ye Chen Xingyun's eyes also showed bursts of innocent colors that couldn't be ignored, and she was so pure that the Queen Mother and the old gentleman almost felt that they had said too much.

But soon, after the Queen Mother and the Supreme Master looked at each other, the doubt in their minds also disappeared in an instant.

I even felt that the two had already said very lightly, not enough, and had to continue to increase the pace of interrogation, so as to calm down the robbery they encountered.

In an instant, the Queen Mother looked at Ye Chen with majesty and beautiful eyes, and told of his various crimes.

What sapped her Pan Taoyuan, ransacked Dust Palace, even arrogantly quibbleed with the law, and even dared to hide in her own Yaochi Sacred Palace.

Secretly facing Fairy Chang'e, the first beauty of the Three Realms, doing that kind of animal behavior, forcibly hiding in the breast of the female fairy is what she wants to do.

And the night before, did he perform a beastly wolf behavior in front of Fairy Chang'e in his ignorance.

Even the Queen Mother couldn't help but say anything to deceive this seat.

All of this has turned Ye Chendao into a crime referred to by a thousand men, among the three courts and six realms, the son of a big evil who is quick to deal with everyone.

It can be said that all kinds of crimes are treacherous, and if they are to be dealt with, they will all die without life!

However, under this list of criminal prosecutions, Ye Chen did not quibble abnormally.

It wasn't until the Queen Mother said that her mouth was dry, and there was no new vocabulary in her mind to say that the front hall space of Yaochi Palace finally calmed down.

It's just that the scene is quiet, but Fairy Chang'e, lying on the ground, can't stop the stormy waves in her heart.

"Hurry up, hurry up and finish talking, leave the hall all.

Yes, I can’t help it..."

When the horrified waves in her heart rose, Fairy Chang'e, who was lying on the ground, was not so calm and unwavering.

During this time, she was pulling her legs together with all her strength, and her whole body began to tremble slightly, her pretty face blushing.

She really felt that something strange was about to come out, she couldn't help it.

But it seems that the trial of Ye Chen's guilt by the Queen Mother and the Supreme Lord has just begun.

After the Queen Mother narrated Ye Chen's several serious sins, the old man on the side nodded in satisfaction, and then looked sideways at Ye Chen, who was controlled by the divine light, narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Ye Xiaolang'er, what else do you have to say!"

Hearing this, Ye Chen was extremely calm and surprising.

His expression was extremely normal and unchanged, and even a disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if he was mocking the two heavenly sages, Taishang Laojun and Queen Mother.

Seeing this scene, not to mention that the Queen Mother had her beautiful eyes frowning, even if she was too old, she couldn't stop shaking her head and humming.

"Are you really going to be so obsessed? Now admit your mistakes, and perhaps, there is still a chance to be forgiven.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to plead for it later.

Do you think that by relying on the old-fashioned value of you, you can be a little boy who can run wild here?

Ye Chen, are you afraid that you still don't understand the art of reincarnation in the Three Realms! "

The meaning of the words of the old man in the sky couldn't be more obvious.

If Ye Chen behaves like this recklessly, rampant and unobedient, then he, a saint old gentleman, doesn't mind giving him a reincarnation and a new life.

But after hearing these tautologies, Ye Chen still looked disapprovingly.

"Why are you afraid of reincarnation? What's wrong with Ye?

Queen Mother, Lao Jun, have you forgotten your words about winning against me?

I will ask for it at the palace, and Pan Taoyuan will follow me in and out!

In that case, what is your accusation against Ye? I, Ye Chen, what a crime! "

Ye Chen finally suffocated his disapproval and spoke wildly.

At the same time, at the top of the thirty-sixth heaven, countless gods Lei Xiangyun gathered on the top of the sky at Ye Chen's position in an instant.

Immediately there was a loud rumbling and rumbling sound, and an endless gust of wind suddenly blew inside and outside the Yaochi Palace.

As if the nine days were humming together, all spirits were angry, changing the color of the stirring wind and clouds above the entire heaven, and thunder roared.

Following the birth of the bear with the heavenly vision, Ye Chen's body, who was forcibly controlled by the Queen Mother’s divine light, suddenly rose with a red earth’s sacred light. Apart from covering it, the Queen’s mother used the means to control it. In an instant, it collapsed in an instant.

Such a weird scene, even if I saw the Queen Mother horrified, I felt more curious in my heart. What kind of power is this, dare to help Ye Chen under the eyes of the saint Laojun!

However, unlike her thoughts, the Taishang Laojun on the side, within the muddy and vicissitudes of old eyes, revealed a rare solemn color.

Then he murmured in his mouth.

"The Profound Sky has changed color, and all spirits are terrifying. With this phenomenon, it is true that the heavens protect the spirits!"

At this remark, the Queen Mother suddenly raised her eyebrows slightly frowning.

"Old gentleman, you mean, Ye Chen is blessed by heaven at this moment, is he not invaded by all laws?"

The queen mother who had said these words instantly sensed the seriousness of the problem.

She hadn't thought about it like this But now, looking at the situation outside the court, the thunderbolt is rolling, and it is not false to want to come to the old gentleman's words.

But in this way, Ye Chen can be blessed by Heaven, which also shows that the other party is really right, it's only her and Lao Jun who are wrong.

Because after practicing to the realm of the saint old monarch, no matter what you say or do, it will affect the cause and effect of heaven.

Every word and deed and a promise carry important causal relationships. A little careless promise will definitely be affected by the way of heaven, and the cultivation level will be hindered.

However, if you have reached the realm of a saint and want to go further, each step requires tens of thousands of years of hard work and meditation, and the cost of violating cause and effect is too great.

Therefore, no person in the world today will blatantly mess around and make vows about his body at will.

But now, under Lao Jun's promise, Ye Chen was blessed by Heaven's Cause and Effect. With such an obvious right and wrong cause and effect, no one knew who was right and who was wrong.

And thinking of the Queen Mother here, she looked at Ye Chen's eyes for a moment, and she was embarrassed and embarrassed for a moment.

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