Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 734: 1 Physical evidence innocence

"This lotus seed..."

Ye Chen ignored the swaying of Hun Yuan Jin Lian, and all his eyes were gathered on the Hun Yuan Lian Zi in front of him at this moment.

To be honest, this is the first time Hunyuan Jinlian has given him such a benefit, and she just seems to know that it is very extraordinary.

As a result, Ye Chen was a little reluctant to give this lotus seed to Lao Jun to compensate him.

"Ye Chen, what are you doing stupidly standing there, let's talk, Lao Jun and I are waiting for your sophistry.

Although there is still a lingering fragrance in the flat peach garden in this seat, the losses are not heavy and tragic.

The best best flat peach, you guy, but none of them are left for this queen mother. "

There was a disturbing sound from the outside world, and Ye Chen couldn't help but raised his eyebrows. He then probed his hand and gently touched the Hunyuan Jinlian to appease him for a while and soothed, his divine consciousness returned to the outside of his body.

At the same time, when he came back to his senses, he was also facing the beautiful eyes of the queen mother and the pierced Liuxia.

Immediately, Ye Chen looked at the old gentleman who was also staring at him, and slightly shook his head and waved his hand.

"That's it. Although I am not wrong, I did eat a little bit from you? But what's the matter, don't deceive others too much.

It was explained in advance that the nine thousand-year-old superb flat peaches and the elixir magic medicine were all absorbed by Ye Mou's refining, which is completely true.

Therefore, the old monarch and queen mother are caused by their stomachs, and you can't blame me. "

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he also shrugged his shoulders, completely indifferent, unwilling to explain.

"Haha, haha, Ye Chen ah Ye Chen, do you think this and the old man are three-year-olds? So many top-quality flat peaches and saint elixir are all devoured and refined? And you are only at the peak of the heavens?

If you say this, look at the fairy gods all over the sky, who will believe it. "

The Queen Mother didn’t believe in Ye Chen’s rhetoric at all, because she knew very well that even if her best flat peaches were all eaten and taken by the other party, her natural soaring cultivation base could definitely break through the **** of the golden immortal and achieve Taiyi is unharmed.

Even if Ye Chen's cultivation of the Immortal Art is too strange and ancient, the Queen Mother is confident enough to reach the Golden Immortal Realm at will.

Moreover, among the treasures of Ye Chenhuohuo, there is the magical pill of Pangduo elixir refined by the old monarch. If it is really absorbed by all refining, even if it is hard supported, it can make his cultivation level nine days away. There is more than direct access to Daluo Jinxian.

The words of the queen mother also got the approval of the old gentleman on the side and nodded.

"Ye Xiaolang'er, you should stop arguing too much. The facts are always truth and cause and effect, and you won't be on your side after all."

Facing the aggressiveness of the two big guys, Ye Chen stood there, but his face remained unchanged, his waist straightened.

"The Queen Mother, Lao Jun Sage, if you really don't believe in Ye's words, then I can prove it.

Well, how about a bet between us?

If Ye Mou can come up with strong evidence later to prove that the elixir and flat peaches have been swallowed and absorbed by me, then can the Queen Mother and Lao Jun agree to the next small request.

If not, Ye Chen will leave you at your disposal. Whether it is to reincarnate me or re-behave, I have no regrets or regrets. "

Some Ye Chen, who is reluctant to take out Hunyuan lotus seeds, can only make up for himself in another way, alas.

But Ye Chen said, the self-confidence and arrogance on his face rose more and more, and the eyelids of Taishang Laojun and Queen Mother who were there couldn't help but jump.

They were never expected, the bold Ye Chen, under the circumstances of such conclusive evidence, he still insisted on his own set of rhetoric.

Does he really think that in front of a quasi-sage and a dignified saint, with only a little cleverness and tricks of his own, he can really pass by?

I really don’t know, is this guy really ignorant, or too arrogant and arrogant!

"Lao Jun, what do you think?"

The Queen Mother looked at Ye Chen who was confident, and she felt a subtle emotion in her heart.

Judging from his understanding of Ye Chen these days, even though he was extremely convinced in his heart, what the other party would do next was definitely an act of arrogance.

But for some reason, the Queen Mother was a little worried in the depths of her mind.

After all, Ye Chen, who was as cunning as a fox, would not arbitrarily say anything that he was not sure of.

If this guy used this to trick her and Laojun, it wouldn't be impossible, so it's better to be more cautious.

However, in the face of the queen mother's question, the old gentleman looked strange, but shook his head and smiled lightly.

"What else?

Let Ye Xiaolang'er prove that if he can't be convinced by his treatment, this kid will probably always be free from impermanence and entangle us endlessly.

In addition, the old way is curious, he can show evidence to prove himself.

Repair base? Strange treasure? Or something else?

But nothing more than a passing glance, after all, there is something in the world that can refine and absorb all of you and my elixir and flat peaches in one day.

Could it be that Ye Chen, he could still take out a saint from his pocket and show it to us! "

Taishang Laojun said disapprovingly, in his endless cognition, within the three courts and six realms, it is afraid that only a saint like him can instantly use so many elixir and flat peaches for his own use.

Thinking of this, Lao Jun was also determined, and said directly to Ye Chen.

"Starting your performance, I would like to see how old you are, how can you prove everything you say."

"Oh, old gentleman, did you promise Ye to meet the kid's request?"

"Well, your proof can convince the old way."

As the Grand Master said, he also waved his hand to lift the restrained light on Ye Chen and let him show it.

Seeing this scene, the Queen Mother on the side looked at Ye Chen with some anxiety and did not speak.

"Okay, please wait and see the old gentleman and queen mother.

Next, the thing that Ye Mou wanted to take out was the elusive treasure that is hard to find in the six worlds, the seed of the world coveted by countless saints, and it needs to be isolated from the outside world. "

Ye Chen said, the atmosphere he wanted to prove was also set off by him, and what he wanted to take out of the watch might shake the past and present.

Seeing him like this, the old man in the sky smiled indifferently, and drew a layer of almighty enchantment in the air with his hand. No one could snoop on it at will.

"Hurry up, Ye Chen, you have nowhere to go."

The Queen Mother felt a little uneasy in her heart, but she still said bluntly, wanting to test Ye Chen's falsehood and reality.

But Ye Chen didn't eat this set either, and still looked around pretending to be a ghost, very vigilant.

After waiting for a while, when both the queen mother and the old gentleman had impatient eyes, he then slowly put his hands in his pockets, and then suddenly took out the dimly enveloping lotus seeds. .

As soon as Hunyuan lotus seeds emerged from the pubic area, the stocks of stocks were astonishing black clouds and gray light, suddenly rising from the heavens and the earth, the black clouds were radiant, and the sky was surging with dark clouds.

Suddenly, inside and outside the huge Yaochi Palace, there was a gray-like black and white color enveloped, and there was nothing bright at all.

Immediately, the boundless Thirty-Six Heavenly Shield began to sway and stir for no reason, as if the heavens and the earth were collapsing, and the palace Yuyu would be destroyed!

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