Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 738: Hunyuan lotus seeds inside and outside

After the old gentleman finished speaking, a surging pure white energy also directly emerged from the old gentleman's dantian in a way that can be followed by the naked eye.

Then it turned into branches and vines, and instantly wrapped the lotus seed of the power of the saint that was about to disappear, and no longer leaked the breath of the lotus seed.

After doing all this, Taishang Laojun breathed a long sigh, then turned to look at Ye Chen's gentle words.

"Ye Xiaolang'er, how did you get this common lotus seed? It's so amazing, it's so different than the creation green lotus that the old people have seen earlier.

After this contact, the power of the veteran saint was continuously absorbed and swallowed by this lotus seed, and even the mystery was hard to find.

But in general, that little power of the saint is nothing to me, but it is a bit strange, why this lotus seed shows no signs of growth.

Could it be that it is not enough to feed and drink with the power of the veteran saint as nourishment? "

While talking, Taishang Laojun touched the Baihu, watching the common lotus seed in his palm intently.

The more you look at it, the more he feels that these lotus seeds are too mysterious and difficult to understand, even for saints like him, they are somewhat unpredictable.

"Ahaha, it's nothing more than accidental, old gentleman, don't care too much.

As for other issues, Ye Mou is also a hen, and only knows that the lotus seed is like a huge mouth in the abyss, and there is not enough to eat. "

After speaking, Ye Chen immediately raised his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead, and smiled embarrassedly.

And the reason why he was embarrassed, that is, at this moment, his body is filled with the golden lotus in the sea of ​​dantian, and the whole body is filled with the power of the pure white sage that makes it impossible to guess. , Like a cloud and mist, constantly forming in the air above the sea of ​​his immortal power.

And in this case, the power of that sudden saint is still increasing.

It seems that it is from the connection between the eighteen-leaf mixed-element golden lotus and the condensed lotus seed, which is just like tossing around and taking advantage of it.

The lotus seed absorbs the power of the sage of the old man, and is also supplying most of the power to the main body, the golden lotus, in a wonderful connection direction.

In this scene, Ye Chen's three souls were all exposed, for fear of being contaminated by the power of that powerful saint directly destroying his dantian, and even annihilating himself.

Fortunately, the Hunyuan Golden Lotus is not a vulgar thing. It exists in the Dantian, even if the power of the saint is permeating the sea of ​​Xianli, it does not seem to affect Ye Chen anywhere.

But, the lotus seeds were given to the old gentleman, Ye Chen felt that it was a bit too much, how could it swallow the old gentleman’s sage power and transfer it to him? I really don’t know what to say, Ye Chen I feel really embarrassed.

"Ahem, that's okay, the kid went back.

After all, Fairy Chang'e and Queen Mother are still waiting for me, the matter of the lower realm is urgent. "

After Ye Chen said another sentence, he didn't plan to stay in the palace for a long time.

But the old gentleman on the side suddenly put away the lotus seeds and looked at him with a smile on the corners of his mouth full of white beards.

"That's all right, let's go now. It shouldn't be too late, nor should it delay the affairs of the Queen Mother.

"Ah? Old gentleman, do you want to go to the lower realm with us?"

Having obtained the Hunyuan lotus seed, Ye Chen looked at the Taishang Laojun a little bitterly, and his secret purpose was achieved. Why does the dignified saint still need to be in the lower realm?

It's just that the thoughts of Taishang Laojun are not something Ye Chen can guess.

Lao Jun just patted him on the shoulder and smiled, and then took the lead and flew slowly towards the Nantian Gate.

Seeing this, Ye Chen didn't ask too much, and could only follow behind angrily, worrying alone.

Not long after, at the Nantian Gate!

The team headed by the Queen Mother, Fairy Chang'e, and the three heavenly beauties of Yutu suddenly swept past the Nantian Gate. Without even saying hello, they descended directly toward the lower realm.

And the four heavenly kings who guarded the Southern Heaven Gate, even dared not to let go, watching the Queen Mother lead the team to leave the Heavenly Court.

Seeing everyone walking away, the eldest brother Mo Liqing touched his forehead with sweat and trembled.

"This...this is what a big event happened. The Queen Mother actually went down in person, and she is not the phantom of Xianli. Could it be that something big monster has happened in the lower realm?"

Fang Zengzhang: "This is not necessarily the old man. The kid and the old man who followed are very familiar. Especially the kid, it seems, um... isn't it the queen mother and the old man who were there before? The little mortal wanted by the entire heavenly court.

Uh, speaking like this, the old Taoist seems to be...the old gentleman too! "

"Damn, the old gentleman is going down to earth? No, this matter is too important, we must report to the Jade Emperor as soon as possible."

As Mo Liqing listened to her brother's speech, the sweat on her forehead became more and more serious.

The brothers who immediately guarded the Nantian Gate also rushed towards the 36th Heaven without stopping.

Compared with the panic of the Four Heavenly Kings at the South Heaven Gate, the Ye Chen people who had already passed through the cloud shield sky and descended on the Mortal Realm were hovering leisurely among the mountains and forests that Ye Chen couldn't be more familiar with.

And just now the lower realm has come, and a monstrous black mist is engulfed, and the beautiful eyes of the headed Queen Mother suddenly frowns.

"Where is this realm? Why is the demon spirit so violent? Could it be that the four continents of the lower realm have been eroded by those demons."

Hearing this, Chang'e, who was standing beside the Queen Mother and guarding her left and right, also covered Qiong's nose and said with a frown.

"The Queen Mother, this place is the Huaguo Mountain of Dongsheng A few days beforehand, a stone monkey was born.

At that time, it also disturbed the Jade Emperor and Zhulu Daxian to wait and see, but it seemed that after that, there would be nothing more. If I want to come, the born demon monkey is not a big deal. "

As Chang'e said, she wanted to surrender her hands, as if she was about to ask for a fight.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen, who was also suspicious in his heart, immediately spoke.

"Isn't it just some monsters? How dare you bother the fairies, Ye Mou will go check it out and deal with it by the way."

With that said, Ye Chen took the lead, rushing towards the mountains and forests. In a short while, the others disappeared from the eyes of the Queen Mother.

This time, whether it was Ye Chen, Lao Jun, Chang'e Yutu, or the Queen Mother herself, they were all in a state of full mana, and they came to the world as a mortal.

But having said that, everyone is not mortal at all. Even if the four queen mothers and Chang'e with immortal bone body are sealed off, they are not comparable to mortals at all, and even some ordinary monsters are not enough to see them in front of them. .

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